You're My Mate

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I was frozen, like a statue, but it wasn't in fear. I was in awe of him, beautiful was the only way to describe the sight before my eyes. He was pure black, not a spec of any other colour and his eyes...were the colour of a stormy night. He was magnificent.

Against my wishes my feet started to take steps towards him, it was like my mind was split in to, on one hand I knew he wouldn't hurt me and on the other I didn't really know him at all. I reached my hand out shutting my eyes, waiting for the big chomp of my hand, but it never came. Instead I heard whimpering, I looked towards him and found him bowing his head in submission, just like dogs do when they dont want you afraid of them.

Sensing my stare he looked up at me with the most pained look in his eyes. He thought I was afraid of him. I dont think I could be even if I tried. I reached my hand out to touch his fur and ran my fingers through each strand. It was so soft I thought to myself. I'm gonna need some answers.

With that being said I spoke "Can you please change back?" it almost came out a whisper, with a single nod he disappeared. I waited until he returned with a pair of shorts on, no shirt, what a sight to see. We didn't speak for a while afraid of what the other might say, that was until he said "I'm guessing you want answers?" I came out as more of a question than a statement, but he knew I did, with a small smile from myself we ventured back inside.

There was were he told me about werewolves "My family were all werewolves hence the fact I am, I'm and only child that I know of, my parent's left me when I was four. I was raised a killer by my former Alpha, he taugh me to show no remorse or feeling, that way you don't look vulnerable. When I turned thirteen I was sent away to an Alpha training school, to pass a series of tests and build my strength up. As you know I only returned this week, I came back to run my pack, school is just a state requirement. I'm guessing you would like to know the part you play in this?" as if he read my mind, I nodded. "Your my mate, which would mean soul mate in human terms, it means we are destined to love eachother and my job is to protect you, I may be possesive and I will want you to listen to me, but baby, if you let me I will love you forever, I will never let you go". I was stunned, even more so when he whispered three words that made my world stop.

"I love you, Peyton Black"

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