What Happened That Night

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Hey guys, the last chapter was a bit of a look into Drakes past and will help understand future chapters.

Im going to do the same with Peyton, a background story that will explain why she has a temper and won't take any shit from Drake.

That's it from me so enjoy.

Don't forget to vote!!

Peyton's POV:

Dream (Age 13)

I was sitting in my backyard looking at the sky, making shapes with the clouds. I like being outdoors, I love nature. I was daydreaming when I heard the sounds of footsteps coming down the back steps. I turned around and it seemed everything was going in slow motion. I was met with a hand going across my face, I was slapped. Tears brimmed my eyes, I looked to see who did it...my dad. My own father slapped me. Why?

"I thought I told you to clean your room" he seethed, I was terrified. "I'm sorry, I forgot" I whispered, silent tears coming down my face. "Next time you forget, your punishment will be worse, understand?" I nodded, to scared to say a word. "Come here, sweetheart" He said, arms opened, he smiled at me. I slowly stood up and went to him, he wrapped his arms around me, hugged me then left.

I went to clean my room, washed my face clean from the tears and went down stairs to sat down for dinner. My father smiled, my mother smiled, I smiled. It was all an act, if I acted like it didn't affect me, maybe it wouldn't happen again. I looked at my father, you will never touch me like that again, I swore that very day, I would never forgive him.

Everyday from that moment onwards I trained, I built muscle, I was strong. Each year, I kept the act up, but I was prepared for whatever he would do, I wasn't afraid. I would be strong. I would fight back. He never knew about my plan, I just followed every word he said without question and nothing happened.

But I was ready.

Dream over

I woke with a gasp, that same friggen dream or should I say nightmare, I looked over and found my mate, arms wrapped around my waist, face snuggled into my neck, I sighed. Im so lucky.

I went to go back to sleep, but a searing hot pain shot through my body, I screamed, Drake woke up looking at me with worry and confusion. "Baby, what's wrong" I couldn't respond, it felt like my skin was tearing off my skin. "Help, Me!" I screamed through gritted teeth. I heard a bone snap, omg, was that me. Drake's eyes widened "Okay sweatheart I don't want you to fresk out but..." he trailed off. "But what?" I gritted out.

"Your shifting". Well shit...

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