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Waking up to a blinding light in your eyes is never fun, squinting I tried to focus on my surroundings. Where the hell was I?, all I see is white, white everywhere. My room isn't white, nor is my bed this uncomfortable.

I sat up and immediately regretted it, the room is now spinning. Once I could see straight I scanned the room only to land on the eyes, of reason I passed out.

Drake's POV:
She was just staring, looking at me like I was a science project. Okay this is getting creepy, with that I stood up and walked over to her. "What's your name?" I asked, no responce, she just stared, so I stared back. She was absolutely gorgeous, long brown hair, crystal blue eyes and the softest looking lips. She was a small build, I could tell, I might break her, she looked so fragile...but so god damn beautiful.

Peyton's POV:
Holy mother of everything he was...wow... there is no other way to describe him. I felt connected to him somehow but I couldn't put my finger on it, god I hope were not related, that would be all kinds of awkward.

I think he spoke to me, but I was in to much shock to reply, even his voice was perfect. I should say something, but what? hey how's it going, are you made out of marble statue. Yeah. No.

My name! I'll tell him my name, " Hello there, i-i-i'mm P-P-Peyton". Wow way to look like an idiot, well done moron. He didn't say anything just studied me, then within a second he smiled, not some crooked smirk, but an actual smile. I swear I could have fainted again, he was just to dame perfect.

He looked me dead in the eyes and growled one word.


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