A Different Approach

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I'm officially confused, here I am after finding out these people are my family and now their something called a rogue? As soon as that thought crossed my mind the wolves charged at them, knocking them to the ground, I screamed bloody blue murder.

Drake turned his focus onto me and started towards me, I flinched back, I was terrified. "Why are you afraid of me"? he growled, I couldn't blink, his eyes pure black, his teeth now canines, his hands...claws that could rip my throat out. He was a monster.

As if sensing my distress he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, returning to his former self, he opened his eyes and looked into mine he spoke "I'm not gonna hurt you".

I snapped out of my trance and turned towards the chaos, at some point my mother, father and brother changed into wolves and were fighting back with everything they had. "Stop this" I whispered, "Stop hurting them!!" I cried, Drake tried to calm me down but I wouldn't let him touch me, he did this.

I dropped to my knees, sobs racked my body, why wont they stop. "Enough!, take them to the cells", drake commanded, the wolves changed back to human form and started to drag my family through the woods. Drake grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him, I struggled but it was no use, he didn't care about what just happened. He didn't care about me, why not just let me go. "I dont want to go anywhere with you" I tried, feeble attempts at trying to get free, it was no use.

"Your mine, you go where I say" he stated, "I am not yours" I stated back. In a matter of seconds I was shoved against a nearby tree with Drakes body pressed against mine, "Listen here and listen good, you are mine, nobody and I mean nobody will touch you like I can, make you feel the way you will while your under me, kiss you in a way that will make you weak in the knees, hold you when your sad and comfort you. Understand that I am never letting you go, whether you like it or not"

"No, no I dont believe you, like I said im not and will never be yours", my words seemed to encourage him. With a seductive look in his eyes, he said...

"Let me show you how much your mine" with that his lips smashed to mine, after my initial shock I kissedal him back, I gripped his hair and he held my waist in a possessive grip. Coming to my senses I pulled away, breathing heavly, but with one lingering look at my lips, I new this night was only just beginning.

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