Decisions, decisions

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I was sitting in the garden at the back of the pack house pondering the meaning of life. How did I get stuck with adoptive parent's who failed to tell me I was a bloody werewolf? How did my real parent's just leave me? Why wouldn't they tell me I have a brother?

But that's not all, I'm a mate to an Alpha, im supposed to be a Luna, I have been marked, I have yet to mate with Drake. To top it all off my best friends haven't even spoken to me, like wtf do I mean nothing to them. Some friend's they were, done with them, I have to have a fresh start, without them.

"Hey baby" I screamed, jumped to my feet, turning around I saw Drake. "You scared the shit out of me!" his eyes turned black as he began to stalk towards me, "Watch your mouth, sweetheart" he stared at me intently, stopping an inch away from me. "Excuse me, watch my language, do you know who your talking to, im your mate, you can't tell me what to do, I have rights, I can speek when I want and say what I want, free country motherfu- AHhh!". I was over his shoulder in a second, I dont think he liked my rant.

He started walking towards the pack house, I was beating on his back, telling him to put me down. The only thing I received was a smack on my butt, repeatedly. He took me inside and was taking the stairs two at a time, opening the door to his room he through me on the bed, with alot more force than I thought was necessary. "Hey, that wasn't nice" I glared at him.

He smirked.

The fucker smirked.

"What is sooooo funny to you, huh?" I asked, becoming quite curious, "You" was his reply. "Me what?", "You thinking you can command me, its funny, cause baby, im in control. I will dominate you in ways you can't even imagine.

For some reason I become insanely brave. "Show me" I stated "Dominate me", the look on his face would have scared anyone else, but not me. I had made up my mind.

I wanted him.

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