Heat Day 1

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Within a second I was in his arms bridal style and being rushed through the woods. We arrived seconds later, back at Drakes house, and barged through the door. People, there were people everywere, just standing there, how did I not see them before. I hid my face in the crook of Drakes neck, trying to somehow become invisible, Drake growled and they scurried away.

He proceeded to take me up a flight of stairs, two at a time, then began a brisk walk down a hallway, stopping at a wooden door at the end. He opened the door and I was in the same room as last time, Drakes bedroom. He walked towards the bed and gently placed me on it, then he stepped away and entered the bathroom, leaving the door ajar.

I heard running water, then he exited through the door and lifted me again, his body was so warm. So strong. Smells so good. God I want him. I didn't know where these thoughts were coming from, but I didn't care. Drake brought me into the bathroom and set me down on the sink, he checked the water and turned off the tap.

He came back over and lifted me of the sink, he removed my clothes. He sat me in the water, it felt so good, I thought he would leave but I was wrong, he removed his own clothes, I couldn't look away, he was magnificent. He got in the bath, pulling me between his legs, against his chest, the tingles were back.

I don't know how long we were in there, but I must have fallen asleep. All i felt was being lifted out of the bath and being placed on the bed, the rest was pretty much a blur. But it was the best sleep I ever had, in the arms of my mate. Even though I wasn't sure, if I was ready for this life.

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