The Shift

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Holy fuck!! Shifting, are you kidding me right now, last thing I need. I screamed, the pain was excruciating, the sounds of my bones breaking, sweat dripping from my face. I'm gonna pass out. I looked at Drake with pleading eyes, he looked at me with pity, worry and pain etched onto his face. He couldn't help me and we both new it, all he could do was wait and apparently it wouldn't be long.

It stopped, the pain subsided, I looked up, everyting was clearer, btighter, more vibrant. Drake looked at me in awe, I went to aske him whats wrong but it came out a bark, well that was strange. He laughed at me, I glared, well at least I think I did, cause he looked confused. "Your wolf is absolutely beautiful Peyton", my what, I looked down and realized I wasn't kneeling, I was on all four's with friggen paws. I have fur. Im a wolf. I'm a god damn werewolf.

Okay, how the hell do I change back, I'm kinda struggling with the whole standing thing. I looked at Drake for help, gesturing with my head towards the rest of my body. He seemed to understand "Think of standing on your own two feet, of what your body feels like" I did and with slight pain I was back to my normal self, still in the room, naked. I repeat NAKED. "Can I have some clothes please" realizing I had ripped mine to shreds, Drake nodded and not even two seconds later emerged with a pair of boxers and his shirt. I thanked him and put the clothes on, it wasn't like I was embarrassed, he had seen me naked before, but it was bloody freezing.

I looked at him "That hurt" I told him, he snickered to himself, shaking his head slightly. "I think we've had enough excitement for one night, how about we go to bed" he held out his hand and waited for me to grasp it. I took his hand and the sparks were more intense then before, I shivered, he smirked and tugged me towards the bed, how the hell did I manage to end up in the middle of the room on the floor, did I seriously roll that far.

I layed down with him and he wrapped me in his arms, snuggling in my neck again, kissing my mark, I closed my eyes in pleasure feeling a wave of calm flow through me. I closed my eyes, barwly registering his next words.

"Goodnight my little wolf, I love you"

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