Chapter 1

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Kirstin's POV

I sat on the school bus staring out the window. I couldn't believe I was about to start high school. We stopped at the last stop and someone I've never seen before got on. He was the last to get on and my seat was the only one with room left for someone.

"Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" he asked

"Not at all, go right ahead" I responded

"I'm Jeremy"

"I'm Kirstie, nice to meet you"

"Same to you"

"Is it your first year?"

"Yeah, I just moved over summer"

"From where?"


"That's so cool"


We arrived at the school. Even though I was in a new school, I knew my way around from orientation and and my friends Kevin and Avi, who are a few years older than me.

"Do you need help? I can show you around if you need"

"Um, yeah, that would be great, but aren't you a freshman?"

"Yeah, but I might have some friends who have been here for a year or so"

"That's so cool"

"Yeah, who do you have for home room?"

"Mr. Avel"

"Me too!! I know where his classroom is. Follow me!!"

We walked through the long hallways of our high school. The building, new to us, was beautiful.

After a couple minutes we arrived Mr. Avel's classroom.

"Good morning," he greeted us "hope you were able to find the classroom okay"

"It wasn't to hard. I had some help" Jeremy said as he pointed to me.

"Ah, Kirstin, you are very special, I hope you know that"

"Well thank you, tell Mimi and the girls I say hi"

"I will"

"How are they by the way, is Daniella off crutches yet?"

"No, one more week"

"Aw that sucks,"

"Yeah, I may need you in a few days. I'll give you a call okay?"

"Sounds great"

"Why don't you two take a seat, right over there"

He pointed to two desks, right next to each other.

"Hey Kirst, please mentor him. I know you will do him some good"

"Alright I will"

Jeremy's POV

We walked over to the desks and sat down.

"How do you know him?"

"I may have baby sat for his children. Multiple times"


"I'm a babysitter. It's how I make money outside of school. I kinda need it"


"Attention students" Mr. Avle interrupted us. "I am Mr. Avle if you didn't already know. I will be your home room teacher for the rest of your 9th grade career and would like to make it the best it could possibly be. If you need any help with anything you can come to me, wether it is social or school related, I will be here for you. You can go back to talking the bell will ring shortly"

I eagerly turned to Kirstie.

"What class do you have first?"

"English with Diton"

"Oh, I have Math with Carison"

"What about third?"

"You forgot about second"

"I have math second"

"Oh, history with Benson"


I looked over her schedule. 

"We only have history together"

"Aww. Well I'll see you then"

The bell rang and we were off to first period.

Kirstie's POV

I met up with my best friends Scott and Mitch when I got to first period. We were the three best students in our grade so we were all put in the same classes.

"Who's ready for a year of straights A's and easy classes" Scott said as Mitch and him approached me.

"Me, I guess"

"Come on, it's gonna be great" Mitch said

"Yeah, it is!"

"There she is, I thought we might have lost her" Scott said. "So how was home room?"

"I met a new guy and am friends with him,"

"I he cute?" Mitch asked


"She likes him!!"

"Ooh tell us more"

"You'll meet him in third period history"

"Ugh, I don't wanna wait"

"Well you have to"


Class was easy, just as we had expected. Second period math wasn't to bad either. Finally third period came and I couldn't have been more excited.

"Jeremy!! Come sit with me!!" I exclaimed when he entered the classroom.

"Hey!" He said as he sat next to us.

"Jeremy, this is Mitch and Scott, they are maybe the coolest people I know"

"Maybe?" Mitch asked

"Okay, you are. Guys this Jeremy"

"So you're the newbie?"

"Uh, yeah"

"So what are your plans with her? You gonna ask her out or what?"

"Mitchell!! Sorry about him Jeremy, they are kind of over protective of me"

"No problem"

"No, really Mitch, it's not okay to scare him away on his first day, he will be our friend. Okay"

"Ugh fine"

Class started and I was enjoying it until the secretary in the school office came into the classroom came in.

"Kirstin Maldonado, your mother is here to pick you up"

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