Chapter 11

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Kirstie's POV

I went up to my room. It looked as if it had been decorated for me. There were signs on everyone's doors and the sign on this door said "Kirstin's Room". So they made their one guest bedroom into my bed room. I honestly don't know what my dad wants from me. Is he not coming back?

I looked at the time, it's about midnight at home. Ugh. I really need to talk to Mitch.

Kirstie: hey u up? It's important

Mitch: text ft or call

Kirstie: ft or call please

Within seconds I got a FaceTime call from Mitch.

"Hey Kirst" Mitch said in almost a whisper

"Hi! Why are you whispering?" He moved his phone to show me Scott who was fast asleep next to him

"Kirst, what's so important?"

"Right, sorry. So I'm in Paris"

"No shit"

"They have a bedroom for me" I showed him the door along with the room that had pictures of me that I don't know how he got. "Mitchie, what does this mean?"

"Say goodbye to school breaks of girls nights and sleep"


"Every winter, spring, and maybe summer break you will be in Paris with your father"

"Why? Mitchie I love our girls nights and slumber parties"

"Kirstie, who are you talking to?" My dad asked sticking his head in

"Mitch" I responded

"Okay dinner's in 20 minutes"

"Ok. And next time, please knock. I could've been naked" I waited until he left. "What do I do?"

"You can come this time, go back in the spring for the wedding, but you don't have to go back"

"Oh thank god. You are amazing! Say hi to Scott for me, I gotta go and eat. I'll talk to you soon, I promise"

"Okay, bye!"


I walked into the kitchen for dinner and sat down. About halfway through the meal I realized I forgot to tell Mitch about my brothers. I was pretty quiet during dinner, and I guess my dad and Anne noticed.

"Kirstin, sweetie, is everything okay?" Anne asked

"Yeah" I said trying to cover up the fact that I wanted to be at Mitch's with Mitch and Scott.

"She's probably just tired Anne, she's had a long day. Kirstie, honey, do you want to take a walk with me?"


We walked around the neighborhood in silence until I decided to start asking all my questions.

"Dad, why didn't you and mom get married after I was born? Why do you keep leaving? You're treating Nathan and Leo more like your children than me and I'm your biological daughter! Why are you engaged? And why am I even here? I'd rather be at Mitch's, he's having a girls night with Scott and I'm not there! Scott's asleep and he's bored out of his mind because I'm not there!" I started sobbing "why?"

My dad just stood there staring at me. He pulled me into a hug.

"I don't know why, baby girl, I don't. There was something that told me not to marry your mother after you were born, part of it was taking care of you. I keep leaving because I'm running away from my problems. And Anne, she's pregnant and die well after they wedding, that's why I'm engaged and planning it this way. This time, I'm not running from my problems, I'm facing them. Kirstie do me one thing in life and don't run from your problems like I have. It doesn't get you far in life"

I just stood there like and idiot balling my eyes out.

"You ready to go home?"


We walked back to the house and I went straight to my room showered and went to bed. I just wanted to be with my friends and my boyfriend, but tomorrow I have a dress fitting and then I'm just going to relax for the rest of the trip.

There was one thing I learned that day, I can be as mad at my father as I want, but no matter what he will always love me.

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