Chapter 13

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Kirstie's POV

It felt great to be home. Having Mitch, Scott, and Jeremy surprise me was amazing, but I missed my mom. Seeing her at the airport brought out all of the emotions I pushed aside with my father.

"So how was it?" She asked as I got in the car


"How's she"



"She was nice, but between her and dad I couldn't really get space. The boys contributed to that too"


"She has two boys, I have brothers I guess"

"You don't sound too excited about that"

"I'm not"


"Well, what's going to happen now? I'm part of their family. They have a room in their house for me ma! They decorated it and it has a sign! Are they going to want custody? Will I be spending a semester there and one here every year? I don't want to do that! I want to live here with you and spend every second of my free time with Mitch, Scott, and Jeremy! I get that they want me there for the wedding, but after that, I don't want to go back! I have everything I need here and I don't want to have to start new somewhere, especially in a different country! I don't know Anne very well so I don't know what she's going to do, but I do know living with her is hard. I just need people who respect my space and they don't and I hate it! The wedding should be the last time I see them!"

"Is that really what you want?"


"Okay, I'll talk to your father and we'll figure it out" we pulled into the driveway "go inside and relax. I'll call your father and let you know how it goes"

I walked up to my room and collapsed on my bed and turned my tv on. It was hard to pay attention to what was going on when I couldn't stop thinking about spending a semester in France every year. France is beautiful and I loved it, but the idea of leaving my friends, knowing that I might not see them for a while, seems like torture. I could barely spend the two or three days until they showed up without needing them. I was worried when they weren't responding even though they were probably just asleep. Spending a semester like that would be to much.

"Knock knock," my mom said as she came into my room

"Do you have news?"

"Your father said they never had intended to do that, and they want you to come visit when you want. They don't want it to feel forced"

"Okay" my mom came over and sat down beside me "don't worry, everything finds its way of working out in the end"

Time To Tell (Jerstie)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon