Chapter 33

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Kirstie's POV

We arrived at school and headed straight for the lockers. When I got there my locker was completely decorated with wrapping paper, colorful stickers, tons of pictures, and of course in big letters "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRSTIE". Mitch and Scott were standing next to it with presents in their arms so big it looked like they could barely hold them. They encouraged be to open them. From Mitch, I got hair glitter, new headphones, and a polaroid camera. From Scott I got film for my new polaroid and the most gorgeous purse I had ever seen.

All of my morning classes went by very fast and were all relatively easy. At lunch, Scott, Mitch, and Jeremy came over to the table with a small cake that the four of us split. They sang to me and we all talked and laughed and had a great time.

After school, Jeremy drove me home. Luckily, my mother was waiting for me when I got home. She had baked a huge cake and had a white husky puppy in her arms. I named him Olaf.

This year was probably one of my best birthdays ever! Soon it will be summer and I'll be able to relax.

Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone for so long I've been really busy with school. Unfortunately this book is coming to an end and the next time I update this book it will be the last chapter ☹️

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