Chapter 27

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Kirstie's POV

Before I knew it I had to go back to school. Normally I would be excited, but today I'm nervous. I'm nervous because of Stella. I'm nervous because I don't know what she can and will do. I'm nervous because even if the entire school is fighting against her, she'll make her way to me and hurt everyone in her path. There's so much that I used to do that is horrible, that I regret, that made me an awful person. People pitied me, but didn't say anything because they were scared of her. She only had one target. Me.

Jeremy and his mother picked me up for school. We started this after they found me walking because I missed my bus.

"Good morning Kirstin" His mother greeted me "How are you today"

"A little nervous, but good. How are you?" I replied

"I'm doing well"

"Kirst, you have no reason to be nervous. You have Mitch, Scott, and I"

"I know, but I could have the entire school and she would still come for me, hurting everyone in her path"

"I doubt that"

"Ask Scott and Mitch. I'm not the only one with scars, I'm just the only one she targets. I still don't know why"

The rest of the car ride was silent. No one knew what to say and anything said about the possibility of what Stella could do would just make things more uncomfortable.

We got to school and Jeremy and I walked to the lockers where we normally meet Scott and Mitch. We were walking at a normal pace when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. Luckily, that person was Mitch. He looked terrified.

"Mitch, what's wrong? You look absolutely terrified" I asked

"It's nothing Kit" He replied

"You haven't done that since..." I trailed off. She's after me. Scott and Mitch would pull me into little hideouts we had found in the school to keep me safe when they could.

"She said she never finished what she started before she left. She said there was still more she had to do. She said she needs to make up for lost time. She said there was no way we could save you, no matter how hard we tried, no matter who we reported her to." Mitch looked like he was about to cry and I was just as terrified.

It was time to go to homeroom. Mitch and I crept out of our hideout and I was met with Jeremy, who wouldn't leave my side. We sat down in our usual seats just like we did every other day, and we acted as if nothing had changed. Well, we did until Stella walked in dressed in her designer clothed with her long black hair and the same evil grin plastered on her face.

"Oh Kirstin, you're here. And you're sitting with the new kid" she gestured to Jeremy "You were always friends with the new kids. Well, until they became popular and ditched you, except for those two faggots, they just never leave your side. I thought I would've scared them off after a few months, but they just kept pushing. Isn't that nice, you had someone who was willing to protect you. Are they still?"

"What do you want from me Stella?"

"Oh you know what I want, you always knew what I wanted"

"You have everything you could ever ask for, I don't get why you still insist on tormenting me, especially after the last few months I've had. With my grandmother's death and my father leaving, I don't understand what you possible would do to me"

"Cut the act. We all know you're just using that for pity"

I didn't answer. I didn't know how to. She was going to use my weakness to her advantage. I don't know what she could possibly want. She has everything she could ever ask for and me, my family's a mess, people still give me weird looks even though she left, and I only have three friends. I don't get what she needs from me, but what ever it is, all the bullying in elementary school just wasn't enough.

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