Chapter 12

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Kirstie's POV

I woke up the next morning to three texts from Mitch and two texts and a missed call from Jeremy. I instantly answered Mitch and contemplated calling Jeremy back when the smell of pancakes flew into, and filled my room. I instantly became hungry and walked into the kitchen to a nice plate of pancakes waiting for me. I texted Jeremy back as we ate as a family. The breakfast table, unlike the dinner table, was silent. I kept checking my phone to see if Jeremy would text back, but he didn't and I started to worry. 

After breakfast I called Jeremy and got his voice mail. I worried a little considering the fact that I had just talked to him the day before and he didn't tell me about any thing he was doing today. 

After lunch, Jeremy still hadn't answered me but I had to go and get fitted for my dress for the wedding. The dress was a very light blue and strapless. When I tried it on it fit perfectly. 

When we got back in the car there was still no text or call from Jeremy, I starting to worry. I texted Mitch, and just like Jeremy, he didn't answer. 

"Are you okay?" Anne asked when she looked over at me

"Yeah, my friends just aren't answering me and it's worrying me a little"

"Don't worry so much sweetie, I have a surprise for you when we get home"


The rest of the ride was silent. When we pulled up to the house I saw three people standing at the door that looked kind of like Mitch, Scott, and Jeremy. 

"Are they the surprise?" I asked. Anne nodded. 

I ran out of the car and straight into Jeremy's arm before pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"I missed you so much" I said not wanting to let go

"Me too" We were standing there staring into each other's eyes. We could've stood like that for hours. I never wanted it to end.

"Hey love birds, there are two other people who came here to see Kirstie too" Mitch said snapping Jeremy and I out of the trance we were in. 

"Oh right sorry" I went over to Mitch and Scott and gave them both big hugs "Let's go inside"I pulled Jeremy's arm. The four of us walked inside and were treated by my dad.

"Look who came to see me!" I exclaimed with the biggest smile on my face

"Hey guys" He said 

"How did you? When did you? I don't understand how?" I couldn't figure out how to phrase my question

"I saw how upset you were and how you were constantly waiting for a text or call the last day or so. I sent them the tickets. I just want to see you happy" My dad said before we ran into the living room and sat. We spent hours talking and it was so much fun. I couldn't have asked for anything better. 


It was the day before we had to leave and Jeremy and I went on a little trip to the Eiffel Tower. We got the most adorable pictures of us by the Eiffel Tower and it was probably my favorite day of the entire trip.

Time To Tell (Jerstie)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora