Chapter 15

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Kirstie's POV

I got home and flopped on my bed. I couldn't have been more exhausted from the long day. Jeremy was spending the night and was changing into his pajamas in the bathroom downstairs and I was changing into mine in my room. Tomorrow's Jeremy's birthday and he doesn't know that I know and that I'm planning a big surprise for him.

He's sleeping over tonight and then tomorrow we are going to go out and do something while Mitch and Scott are at my house setting up. Mitch will text me once everything is set up and we will head back, but the biggest surprise is that we got his older sister who's a freshman in college to come. He doesn't talk about her much, but I do know he misses her a lot and will be so happy to see her.

We watched a movie on the couch with about a million pillows and blankets until we both fell asleep. The next morning I woke up early to make Jeremy the perfect birthday breakfast. I made eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, and hash browns.

"What smells so good?" He asked groggily as he woke up

"You're going to have to come here and see for yourself" I said acting as if I had no idea it was his birthday.

"You made all this? Aww babe you didn't have to"

"Well you were asleep and I was bored so I made breakfast"

We both filled our plates and ate al of the food I had made.

"Jeremy, get dressed, I want to go out"


"I don't know. Where do you want to go?"

"That doesn't make sense you just said you want to go out"

"Fine. I want to go to the mall"


"Do you want to go to the mall or is there any where else"

"Malls good I guess"

"Okay come on!"

I drove and texted Mitch to let him know. It was almost lunch time when I got a text from Mitch. We got back and went in through the front door instead of the garage.

"Surprise" everyone yelled surrounding his sister.

"Happy birthday baby. I got you something special" I could see he was already ready eyed

"I thought you forgot my birthday"

"I would never forget your birthday. Now for your present"

Everyone moved away revealing his older sister standing in the middle.


"Happy birthday little bro"

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