Chapter 9

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Scott's POV

Kirstie has seemed so distant lately and it's so obvious there is something wrong. It's even more obvious that she just doesn't want to tell me or feels uncomfortable telling me, which is what hurts the most. She is one of my best friends and it truly hurts to see her hurting and I so badly want to help. Whenever she has something going to she tends to push me away and find most comfort in Mitch. Maybe one day she'll let me in the way she lets him. I sometimes wonder if there was something I did when we were little but I can't come up with anything I could've done to hurt her or make her feel like she can't rely on me for help when she needs it.

Kirstie's POV

I can tell Scott is hurt by the fact that I'm not telling him what's going on, I really should tell him. I do this to him all the time for no reason. He's been such an amazing friend and I treat him like dirt. He really deserves to know, but there is just some part of me that can't do it. I can always invite him over and talk about it. It would be super awkward, but the timing would have to be perfect. I just don't know when I'll get a letter from my dad next.

I picked up my phone and decided to invite Scott over after school.

Kirst💕💕: hey r u free after school?

Scott😝: yeah why?

Kirst💕💕: can you come over?

Scott😝: sure

I ran home and saw there was no mail. Oh well, it's kind of early anyway. 10 minutes later Scott came knocking on my door.

"Hey" I answered


"Come on in! I'll grab some snacks. Do you want to do homework?"

"Sure. Should I go up to your room?"

"Yeah. I'll be up in a few with food"


I grabbed an assortment of snacks and headed upstairs to my room. About and hour or so into our work the door bell rang.

"I'll get it mom!" I yelled running downstairs to see the mail man with a package addressed to me. Perfect.

"Kirstin Maldonado?"

"That's me"

"Just sign right here" I quickly signed off on the package before grabbing it and running up to my room.

"Who was it?" Scott asked when I walked in the room.

"The mail man. He had a package for me"

"Did you order something?"


"Does it say who it's from?"


"Are you going to open it?"



I grabbed a pair of scissors and carefully opened the box. In the box were a ton of pictures of my dad and a woman who I guessed was Anne. She was gorgeous but the fact that he left us and might actually settle down with her. I kept on looking through pictures and found one of a ring with a note on the bottom.

I proposed to Anne and she said yes. I sent you all these pictures so you would be able to see what your step mom will look like and step siblings. She has 2 boys. I love you, love dad. P.S. Anne wanted you to have the necklace in the jewelry box. It was Anne's mothers. I also enclosed plane tickets for both your winter and spring break. I would love for you to come.

I sat on my bed and broke down in tears. I feel like there's always another woman involved whenever he runs off, but it's never this serious. Although he was never married to my mother, it always felt like they were married. They weren't expecting to have me and when my mom found out she was pregnant with me their main focus became that and then they never got married. Their planned wedding date was the day I was born but then my mother went into labor and it never happened.

Scott came over and sat next to me wrapping me in his arms as I sobbed.

"Kirst, please tell me what's going on. I hate seeing you like this" he asked once I calmed down.

"Well, first of all my parents were never actually married. They were planning on it when I my mom was pregnant but it didn't happen because I was born. Ever since I was little he'd just pick up and leave for weeks or sometimes even months, I would get so upset I's just shut everyone out, until now. This time he left he went to France and the worst part is he's getting married to another woman and he sent me pictures of her and the ring and her children. Yes children. 2 boys. She sent me a necklace and there is a round trip plane ticket for me for winter break"

"Kirst, you should go! After all he is your father"

"I don't know. I've been keeping this a secret from my mom"

"You're gonna have to tell her eventually"

"You're right"

"I wanna stay but I've gotta be home in 10. Good luck"

I walked Scott out before sitting on the couch staring into space.

"Hi honey" my mom said sitting next to me

"Hi mom. I have something to tell you"

"What's up?"

"It involves dad"

"Honey you can tell me anything"

"He's engaged to a gorgeous woman in France and sent me tickets to go to France and meet her"


"Winter and spring break"

"Spring is probably the wedding. You should go. After all he is your father"

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