Chapter 26

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Kirstie's POV

Not going to school was a great idea. I honestly just needed a break from the world. The guys were going to come over after school and we'd do homework together. They'd help me so I wouldn't fall behind. I really like that they came up with this because I need to take a break from school. School has been easy, but I just got news of a new student in our grade and I can only hope she's not who I think she is.

At 3:00 the boys all walked into my room carrying what looked like all my work. They put all the books and papers on my desk.

"So how was your day?" I asked. Mitch and Scott looked at each other as if they were debating if they should tell me something.

"Do you remember Stella?" Scott asked

"Yes" I was starting to get nervous Stella bullied me in elementary school. After 5th grade, she moved away because her dad got a great job offer in London. I don't think I've been happier since she left.

"She's back from London" I started to panic. I still have the scars from my 11th birthday when she shoved me into the broken part fence during recess. I never told anyone about her because I was scared of what she'd do to me if she got in trouble for it. Scott and Mitch are the only people who know how bad it got because they witnessed it. They helped me hide it even though they wanted me to tell someone. They would've fought her if I let them, but I didn't want them to experience half of what she was doing to me.

"It's just a visiting thing, right? She's not the new girl, right? Right!?" Scott and Mitch shared worried looks.

"We're so sorry. We promise we won't let her hurt you"

"Do you know how impossible that is? Don't you remember the last time that happened, when we first became friends, you tried to protect me, and she hurt you too"

"Kit, I don't mean to interrupt, but did she physically hurt you?"

"At recess she would, with her little posse. If teachers were around she would just bully me verbally. Then she moved to London and things got better, but now she's back. I don't think I've been more scared to go to school since 5th grade" I felt myself start crying. It's high school, she can't do anything that bad, Right?

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