Chapter 18

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Kirstie's POV

I sat backstage and started full on sobbing. When I realized I probably failed my assignment I started to sob even hard. After about 10 minutes of sitting backstage sobbing I felt someone else sit down on the bench beside me. 

"Kirstie, what's going on?" Mitch asked as I buried my head into his chest

"I don't know" I responded "I just got nervous and was looking for Jeremy and couldn't find him and lost lost all confidence" 

"Shh, Kirstie, I texted him before the presentation. He's really sick, he wanted to be here more than anything but his mom wouldn't let him leave the house. He's been throwing up all day. He feels awful"

"Can I talk to him?"

"I can call him"

"Please?" Mitch grabbed his phone and dialed Jeremy's number and after a few seconds he answered. Mitch got up and walked away, but I could still hear what he was saying.

"Hey, how are you feeling......I'm backstage with Kirstie.......she had a little breakdown on stage.....I don't think I'm the right person to tell you you want to talk to her?......okay" He handed me the phone.

"Hi" I whispered into the phone

"Kirstie! I am so sorry I should've answered your texts we could've worked something out, like face time. I feel so stupid"

"Don't. Babe, it was my fault. I thought it was a good idea to do this presentation"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I have really bad stage fright. Normally things go well and I always have my dad right up front so when I do get nervous I can just look at him and that normally helps. He hasn't been to my last 5 or 6 performance or presentations and they just haven't gone well. Ever since I met you I became extremely confident in myself and thought maybe that could make things better on stage so I decided this was a fun way to do this project. I didn't even think of the things that could go wrong" 

"If I had known I would've texted you immediately and worked something out. I'm so sorry"

"Stop apologizing for being sick you couldn't control it. I just hope I don't fail"

"You won't fail. You are to amazing to fail. A do-over might be a better idea"

"We'll see. I should probably go talk to my teacher though"

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later?"

"Of course"

I got up and walked over to my teacher. 

"Kirstin" she greeted me

"Hi Mrs. V"

"What happened up there?"

"I have really bad stage fright and I thought I'd be fine with the support of my friends and boyfriend, but it just didn't go as I thought" 

"Where are your friends?"

"Scott and Mitch are over there and Jeremy, my boyfriend, is sick" 

"I don't want to give you a failing grade so maybe next week you could do it again, but just in front of me and your friends"

"That would be great! And a lot less stressful" 

"Okay, we'll have to work out a time, but I think you will do much better"

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