Chapter 8

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Kirstie's POV

"So what do you want for breakfast?" I asked Jeremy from the kitchen "I can make anything"

"I have no idea"

"Pancakes, waffles, or crepes" 

"Hm, crepes"


I walked over to the pantry and fridge and took out all of the ingredients to make the crepes. I mixed the ingredients together until it was completely smooth and then let the batter sit for 15 minutes. Then I poured some batter in the pan and after I flipped it put in the filling that Jeremy wanted, ham and cheese, and then finished it before making my own. 

"Kirst, this is really good"

"Thanks. Are you doing anything today?"


"Do you wanna hang out?"

"Yeah, of course"

We finished breakfast and not to long after I got a phone call from Mitch.

"Who's that?"

"It's Mitch, I should probably answer it" I walked into the other room "Hey, Mitch. What's up?"

"How was it last night?"

"Great, actually. The movie that we went to see was awful and then when we came home I found a letter from my dad. We ended up sitting on the couch and  I cried until we both fell asleep"

"Oh, is he still there?"

"Yeah, I made crepes for breakfast"

"Ah, Kirstie's famous homemade crepes"

"Those are the only one's I know how to make"

"How'd he want his?"

"Classic ham and cheese"

"Nice, what did you have?"

"Chocolate, duh!!"

"I should've known, you always have chocolate"

"Anyway, Jeremy's hanging around for the day and I have no idea what to do"

"The carnival is open today, I could meet you guys there"

"Just you?"

"I could also invite Scott"

"Okay, time?"


"Okay, see you then"

"K see ya"

I walked back into the kitchen. 

"Hey, sorry about that. Mitch is my best friend and I'd just feel so bad not answering him"

"Kirst, that's fine. What  do you want to do today?"

"Mitch invited us to go to the carnival with him and Scott if you want to"

"Sounds fun, I'll run home quickly and change. I'll be back in like 20 minutes"

"Okay, see you in a few" 

I quickly got dressed and ready for the carnival. 

Jeremy's POV

I quickly went home and took a shower. After I quickly got dressed and ready to get Kirstie to go to the carnival. I went to Kirstie's and picked her up and headed to the carnival. 

When we arrived at the carnival and found Mitch and Scott at the entrance waiting for us. 

"What took you guys so long?" Mitch asked when we arrived

"We are 15 minutes early, how long have you been here?" Kirstie asked

"Um about a half an hour"

"Why so early?"

"We were just excited, and ready early. We didn't want to just sit around"

"We actually had to shower and get ready and were still early"

"Okay, let's go in. I'm hungry"


We all bought our tickets and headed into the carnival. We all bought pretzels and other carnival food and ate as we walked around. 

"We are going to look around, we'll me you back here at 3:00"

"Okay, see you then"

Kirstie and I walked past the ring toss game.

"Ooh! Look Jer, that bear is so cute! Will you win it for me?"

"I'll try" I bought 20 rings trying to win this for her

"You have 20 rings Jer, you only have to get one to win the bear"

I had three rings left and hadn't gotten one on the bottle yet.

"Come on Jer, you got this!" Her cheering on really helps and I keep on getting closer. I threw my last ring and it went over the bottle

"Yay, you did it!" She cheered as she ran over and hugged me "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Hey you wanna go on that ride?" I asked pointing to this one ride that went around like a ferris wheel but as it did that it also went upside-down. It's called The Zipper and it looked really scary.

"I don't know, it looks pretty scary"

"I'll be with you the entire time, I promise"

"Okay, I'll try it"

We got on it and it started and before we knew it, the ride was upside-down. Kirstie was screaming and crying the moment it went upside down.

"I hate this, I really, really hate this"

"It's okay, I promise I won't let anything happen to you"

The ride ended and Kirstie was a complete mess. She had been crying the entire ride she was so scared.

"That was completely awful. Promise me you'll never make me go on that ever again"

"Was it really that bad? I liked, it was fun"

"Yes it was that bad. Promise me you'll never make me go on it ever again"

"Okay, I promise I'll never make you go on that ever again"

"Thank you, now come on, lets go meet Mitch and Scott. We promised them we'd meet them in 5 minutes"

"Okay let's go"

We headed back to the tables and Mitch and Scott were waiting for us there. 

"Hey guys" Scott said as we walked over

"Hey!" Kirstie exclaimed

"Where'd you get the bear?" Mitch asked

"Jeremy won it for me"


Kirstie's POV

We started walking to the exit since the carnival was closing soon when Scott pulled me aside.

"Uh, Kirst, I know this is kinda awkward, but I just wanted to make sure everything's okay. You've just seemed kinda distant lately"

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine, things have just been a little tough lately"

I know I've been acting off, but it just feels weird telling Scott. I'm much closer with Mitch and have him much longer, but they are both my best friend. I just don't know when or if I should tell Scott.

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