Chapter 19

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Kirstie's POV

I call Jeremy's mom earlier to see if I could come over. She said I could and she'd be out of the house. She told Jeremy it was his old babysitter Berta who was coming, when it was really going to be me.

I arrived at the house. I went inside, since she left the door unlocked for me, and went up to Jeremy's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in Berta" he called from his bed. I slowly opened the door and saw my boyfriend lying in his bed almost helplessly. "Kirstie?"

"Hi baby"

"No way"

"Yes way. It's my turn to take care of you"


"I have all the work you missed including homework and if you're feeling up to it I'd love to teach you the lessons"

"Let's do it!"

We spent three or four hours doing school work and it was a lot of fun. By the end both of us were exhausted and laughing.

"Why can't you just stay the night" he asked for the fifth time

"It's a school night babe. I'm going to school tomorrow, I have to. I'll come over after school again"

"But I want you to stay"

"Trust me I want to stay too"

"Then stay. My mom will even drive you to school tomorrow so you won't be late"

"I don't know"



Jeremy's mom set up an air mattress for me in his room and by 10:00 we had both fallen asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter I've been really busy lately. I promise next week's will be longer.

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