Chapter 1

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"What's your favorite thing about being on tour?" The interviewer asked.

I had wanted to say the sights. The tour buses and airplanes put me in such a mood that I never wanted to leave the beautiful cities.

I wanted to say Louise. The one who had been there by my side since the beginning of the tour. The one I could always tell my secrets to, and never be nervous they'd be splashed on the front pages in newspapers and magazines.

I wanted to say singing my songs. I had written them truly from my heart. I had felt love before and I knew exactly how to put the feeling into lyrics.

"The fans." I lied through my teeth. Yes, they were nice and happy, and yes, they had got me here in the first place... But they were obnoxious. Screaming their heads off while I sang, stalking me on social media (and some in real life), squeezing the life out of me when I met each of them at my meet and greets.

But I plastered a fake smile across my lips. "They've been with me forever and I wouldn't be here without them." I nodded to the interviewer. The camera pointing right at my face made me feel on edge, and the bright lights placed sweat marks on my shirt.

The interviewer turned to the camera. "Make sure to buy tickets to the 1809-"

"Eighteen O 9.." I corrected, keeping the corners of his mouth turned upward.

"Right, 18 09 tour, cause they are selling out fast. How many sold out shows do you have?" She turned back to me.

"Let's just say there are four shows out of thirty five that aren't sold out."

"Yet." She finished, laughing at her own joke. I laughed too, but it was fake. It was all fake. It was all a show.

The manager had told me what to say during the show before. Because I was stuck on the roller coaster of the record company, and it only went down.

What to say, what to wear, how to style my hair... It wasn't up to me anymore. They put me in colorful clothes, blue and purple and red. I wanted to wear black. They had pushed my hair back and away from my forehead, potentially destroying the ozone with the amount of hairspray they used. I wanted it in front of my eyes, swept to the left by running my fingers through it.

The one thing that was real about me were my songs.

They tried to write them, told me they were too straight forward and needed to appeal to young girls. But I didn't listen to them that time.

The interviewer had been talking into the camera about upcoming events, but I had zoned out. I stared at the camera, the smile still upon my face.

And when she signed out, and the camera was off, I barely had time to stand before I was being escorted outside of the building. A number of girls were waiting outside for me, and I had to keep my head low.

As soon as I stepped outside, the cheers erupted the streets. My two bodyguards, PJ and Chris, led the way outside and to the tour bus. I lifted my head and smiled for a little, waving at a few girls. PJ grabbed my back, pulling me in between their bodies. They acted like one of these girls had a knife, and they were looking forward to stabbing me.

Once I was safe on the bus and away from everyone, I took a seat on my bed and pulled out my phone.

"Your first London show is in 5 hours." My assistant, Louise, stated.

I scowled, looking up at her. "I figured." I held up my phone.

Louise sighed, taking a seat next to me."I know you don't like me saying this, but have fun tonight!" She smiled at me, shaking her clipboard with excitement.

"You're the only one who understands how much I hate them, Louise." 

"I know, Dan." She wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Only 15 more shows and you can go back home."

"It'll never be the same." I replied. "People wait outside my house for me to leave. They post pictures of it, and sometimes my family through the windows. It's getting out of hand, Lou."

"15 more shows and then we can go to a deserted island and never talk to anyone again." Louise joked. I smiled, genuinely this time. Louise had that effect on me.

"Sounds like a plan."

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