Chapter 28

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"For the record, I like this Dan better." Phil said, glancing over at me while my cheek stayed glued to the bus window.

"How is this one different?"

"What did you do last time you were in this state?" He asked.

"I sang, and I moved on. What are you on about?" I questioned.

"The Dan that admires life, and doesn't use hairspray. I like this Dan better."

My head tilted slightly trying not to bang my head on the glass. "When you put it that way I think I do too."

"See! You even know what I'm talking about. That is the Dan I've grown to know." Phil turned to face me. "Can I ask you something?"


"What's your favorite color?"

I thought for a moment. "Purple."

Phil shook his head. "I'm not an interviewer, Dan. Tell me the truth."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Black..."

He nodded. "There we go. I'm starting to bring you back." He smiled.

"I wish I could stay here with you and your mom." I looked down at my lap.

Phil put his hand on my shoulder. "Just think of all the great things you've achieved, Dan! You are the most popular singer in the industry, and everybody loves you. Enjoy it while it lasts, it won't be like this forever." Phil gave me a reassuring pat.

I shook my head, turning away. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I turned to Phil for acceptance, and he nodded.


"Daniel James Howell where the hell are you?!" Louise screamed in my ear.


"Chris just called and told me you took off without them. What were you thinking?" She cried.

"That I want to have fun with my best friend."

"I'm surprised you haven't thought about it, being in this business for so long. Dan. There are paparazzi out there, and fans that would kill to have a piece of you. What happens if you get bombarded by people?! You can't just run away! It'll make you look bad."

Holding the phone away from my ear I mocked Lou a couple of times as a joke. Phil started to giggle trying not to be loud. I put my mouth back to the phone. "Lou.. I'll be fine, please let me do this once." I begged.

"Dan, please just call them and have them meet you there. You know how your fans act and I don't want you getting hurt." She said sternly.

Again I mocked her. But this time, Phil hit my leg, telling me to stop. "I know, I know." I rolled my eyes.

"Call them. Tell them you're okay, alright? I'm serious."

"I understand."

"Be careful." She pleaded with a nervous tone.

"Bye." I hung up on her,

"She's right, Dan." Phil said, as soon as I put my phone down. "We shouldn't've left without PJ and Chris."

I sighed. "I'll just text them where we're going, and they can meet us there. Okay worry wort?" I taunted.

"Don't start that again." Phil put his hand up. "Don't bring that back."

"Fine." Phil grabbed my phone and texted PJ for me, deleting the message after so I still didn't know where we were going.

The bus came to a stop five minutes later, and as soon as the driver's voice filled the bus, Phil interrupted him.

"Shhhh..." Phil yelled to the front. "I don't want him to know where we are." He put his hands over my ears so I couldn't hear our location.

"Phil! Don't be a twat, just tell me where we are." I sighed, grabbing his wrists and pulling them off my ears.

Phil sharply turned his head to face me. "Dan I want it to be a surprise, you know how much you don't like spoilers right?"


"Exactly!" He cut me off before I could answer.

"Disney? Did you take me to Disneyland?" I asked, half hoping it was true. Phil shook his head, and I pressed my lips together.

"Close your eyes."

"Absolutely not." I protested, standing up as the bus stopped. My eyes wandered through the windows, looking for a hint as to where I was.

Phil lead the way off the bus, and I followed.

"A... Lighthouse?"


Love Song~PhanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora