Chapter 12

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Walking down the streets made me realize how beautiful tall buildings were. The way they towered over me was kind of relaxing, like a big dome was protecting me.

Everywhere I went I got a lot of fans running up to me. Including a young girl no older than 13. Her bluish green eyes, helplessly reminded me of Phil. She was very nice, and told me how much she loved my music and my personality. She wasn't one of those crazed fans who only liked me for my looks, she was true. I signed her shirt and took a picture with her.

When I started walking away, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Can I have a hug?" She asked awkwardly smiling up at me.

"Yeah, of course!" I said reaching my arms out. I held her tight for a moment before being escorted away by the bodyguard Phil said looked like Drake.

I'm not the best hugger but I tried to make people feel comfortable, considering I'm probably the most awkward person on earth.

When I got back to the tour bus, a number of people were surrounding it. I had to wait for  bodyguards to clear the area before I was allowed to enter the premises.

When I finally got in, my manager, assistant, and directors of the tour were having a meeting on the couch. I tried to walk past them as quickly as I could to get into my room.

"Daniel James Howell! Get back here now." I heard my manager snap from behind me.

I turned around, trying not to visibly roll my eyes. "Yes?" I asked when I was turned all the way.

His face was slightly red and his lips were pursed together, eyebrows all the way up. "Why have I been hearing that, that Fredrick boy has been getting into your head and making you stressed?"

"Umm Phil by the way, has not been getting into my head. It has been you getting me all ramped up" I said looking right into his dark brown eyes.

"Well Mr.Howell, things in life won't just come to you whenever you want it. You have to work hard to reached goals and I'm trying to push you to become your very best. I'm the one who got you here in the first place." He said with a smirk on his face.

How can someone be so cruel? He did get me to where I am, and I'm so thankful for that, but I can't even be in love because of him. He won't even let me be myself. I can't wear my hair the way I want, I can't wear my basic black skinny jeans and dark colored shirts, and most importantly I can't love Phil Lester.

I was frozen with a blank face. I couldn't reply to him. I just turned around and headed back into my room.

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