Chapter 9

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"Does this dress look alright?"

"Uh huh." I agreed for the fourth time, propping my elbow on the restaurant table to rest my chin on my hand.

"Are you sure? I feel like this shade of blue doesn't go with my hair." 

"Zoe." I sighed. "You look beautiful as always."

Zoella smiled greatly. "Thank you. Now what shall we get for lunch?"

I tilted my head down to look at the menu. "The chicken parm sounds good."

"Yeah!" She scoffed. "If you wanna gain 5 pounds."

"You can't gain 5 pounds from one chicken." I tried to explain.

"You can in a place like this." Zoe gazed at the restaurant. "We should've went for a walk in the park."

"We could leave now."

"The paparazzi are waiting outside. I don't think we should."

"We can leave through the back." I shrugged, watching her jaw fall open as if I just told her that her favorite person died. "When was the last time you did something fun?"

"I do fun things all the time!"

"That don't involve your shows, or your fans... Your career in general."

Zoella stared at me, obviously racking her brain for something she had done.


"Oh yeah? When was the last time you did something fun?" She tried to retort. "Heard your manager's playing you like a puppet."

"Last night I got some ice cream with an old best friend of mine." I proclaimed. "We had fun."

"I saw those pictures." She nodded, holding her water glass in her hand. "You were looking at him strange."

My face grew hot again. "Strange how?"

"It's the way-"

"You look at that bodyguard of yours."

Zoe's cheeks flushed, and she choked on her drink. "What?"

"Mine's named Phil... Who's yours?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I cocked an eyebrow, and she sighed. "His name is Alfie."

My mouth formed a smile. "Do you guys talk a lot?"

"Not as often as I'd like, but we do." Zoe pressed her lips together.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" I questioned.

"Are you kidding?" She snapped. "My fans would kill me! They all want me to end up with you... And my manager would destroy me."

"I know how you feel about the last part." I breathed a laugh.

Zoella's eyebrows fell in sorrow. "I could lose my career, or fall in love."

"Personally, I'd go for the latter. But as you said, my manager is playing me like a puppet." She sighed deeply, staring at her menu lost in her own thoughts.

"Well..." I raised my glass. "Here's to the people we can't have." I leaned it towards her. Zoe giggled, bringing her glass to mine. The sound was frail, but I was glad to have shared that moment with her.

A/N thank you guys for 200 reads!! We are in the process of making for fics for you guys thank you so much <3

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