Chapter 26

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The guitar Phil had was extremely out of tune. He plucked a few strings before I had enough.

"Phil, this guitar sucks." I said, putting the guitar down next to where he was sitting.

"I'll have my uncle fix it. I think he's in the kitchen." Phil replied, grabbing the guitar and standing up.

I watched Phil walk to the door, before he turned around and stared at me. "You coming?"

"I-Uhm... I don't really want to socialize again." I admitted, adding a shrug at the end.

Phil chuckled lightly. "You can stay here with PJ and Chris then. There's a straightener in the bathroom if you would like to fix that poodle hair you call a fringe."

"Fight me." I proclaimed, clenching my fists and grinning up at him.

Phil stopped himself before he opened the door. He turned his head slowly and stared deeply at me. "What did you say?" He asked.

"You heard me."

Phil slowly put his finger up and pointed at me. "When I come back, you're dead hobbit hair." He taunted with a slight smile on his lips.

I flipped him off as he left the room, listening to his footprints lead him down the hall.

PJ poked his head in the room, glancing around. "Everything all right?" He asked.

"Yeah." I responded. "Just make sure nobody but Phil comes in." I instructed, and PJ nodded.

Suddenly his eyes went wide. "Hey, Chris, check this out! His hair really does make him look like a hobbit." PJ called.

Chris's head appeared in the doorway as well. "Wow!"

"Yeah, let us all bully Dan. He deserves it anyway." I said sarcastically.

PJ's smile turned upside down at such a fast pace. "I'm sorry, Dan. I didn't mean to upset you."

"I was joking Peej." I brushed him off, letting out a slight chuckle to reassure him.

Pj was always the sensitive type. Never knew if anyone was being sarcastic or being serious. He took a lot of things to heart.

PJ only nodded, and stood back outside the door. Chris stayed a bit longer, though. "Zoella called." He told me. "I told her to leave a message."

"What did she say?"

"She said to tell you that she would like to talk about something very serious."

"Why didn't she call my phone?" I asked, but Chris shrugged. I snatched my cell phone from my back pocket and dialed Zoe's number.


"Hi Zoe! Chris said you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah... And I only didn't call your phone cause I didn't know if you were with your manager or something."

"That's okay.. What's up?"

"I think we should break it off."

"Break what off?"

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