Chapter 24

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After showering, fixing my hair, and getting dressed, Phil and I went down stairs to go meet the rest of the family.

My hands suddenly became sweaty at the thought of seeing Phils mum being sick.

Does she already look not well? Will she act different?

Questions raced through my head rapidly. I couldn't focus on anything but the thought of her. She was always the sweetest to me and I loved spending time with her and Phil.

"Hi. This is my best friend, Dan." Phil said introducing me to everyone at the party.

I kind of just stood awkwardly when he greeted me to everyone. Phil knew the awkwardness in my face so he just stepped in whenever people asked me questions.

After a billion hi's and shaking hands we finally get to the most important. 

His mum.

There she was, smiling away like she had never smiled before. She was dressed in a blue dress, her hair was down, and she wore her favorite necklace of all time.

The necklace was a locket. Inside the locket was a picture of her and her husband at their wedding. The locket was made of gold and had beautiful designs all over the front of it.

As we made our way down to where she was she suddenly looked up at Phil. The way she looked at him was so heart warming. He just smiled away at her, opening up his big blue eyes.

Getting closer to her made me feel less nervous. Also keeping in mind that she was happy made me feel exquisite.

Wrinkles and bags under her eyes and on her face. The way she took in what she is given. That's the only thing that changed about her. Old age symptoms and how much more happier she was.

Despite fighting cancer, her smile grew bigger and bigger. She is a fighter.

"Hi Dan." She said with a deep but soft tone. I sat down next to her putting my phone in my back pocket.

My mother always thought it was rude for people to have their phones out at a party.

"Hi Mrs. Lester." I said smiling back at her.

She always told me to call her, her regular name but I thought it was more respectful to call her Mrs.

"Dan, I want to tell you something that my mum always told me." She said slightly turning to face me in her chair.

Phil turned his head looking away so his mum wouldn't see his tears. But I could hear him sniffing away when she spoke to me.

"What is it?" I asked relaxing my tense shoulders and sitting up straight.

"When my mom was getting sick she would tell me this every night." She said looking away into the sky. "When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure." Said looking back over to me as she put her right hand on my cheek.

I tried so hard to keep my tears back, but it didn't work.

Tears of happiness rolled down my soft cheeks. It overwhelmed me.

"So true." I murmured to myself as she wiped the tears off my face.

I felt her warm hand slip into mine. I turned to look down as she said "Dan promise me that you won't ever give up on anything, and don't let anyone change anything about you. Okay?"

"Okay. I promise."

A/N OMG GUYS lk reads ahhhhh!!!!! Thank you all so much. Hope you are enjoying the book as much as we are. A big thank you once again xD

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