Chapter 23

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"Chris and Peej are outside the door, you know." I told Phil, and he nodded.

"I assumed they would be. I mean, they followed us up the stairs." He coughed awkwardly, taking a seat on the guest room bed.

"So..." I sat next to him. "How's the party so far?"

"Boring. I'm just sitting there while my family converses." Phil said, coughing into his hand.

"Never were the chatty type, were you?"

Phil laughed again. "I guess not. How was the flight?"

"Could've been better." I admitted.

"Never were the flying type." Phil mocked. "Were you?"

"You have no idea." I shrugged.

"I do too! Member the vacation we had?"

"The one where I almost puked four times on the plane?" I replied. "I try to forget."

"It wasn't all that bad... We played cards." He reminded, coughing softly.

"But you won." I elbowed him lightly.

"True. I also remember you wouldn't talk to me on the plane ride home."

"Because... Because I was writing."

Phil cleared his throat. "Is that when you wrote that song?"

"Uh huh... Do you need some water, or something?" I asked him.

"Okay, I don't want to be rude, but you have way too much cologne on." Phil said, blocking his nose.

"It's this bloody stylist they just hired." I explained. "She enjoys the scent a little too much."

"A little." Phil repeated, rolling his eyes. "You could take a shower if you wanted."


"I don't know... Wash the gunk out of your hair, get rid of the smell. Then we can burn that purple jacket."

"Hey!" I pushed him off the bed. "I'm just kidding, it's extremely hideous." I took the jacket off and threw it on the carpet.

Phil sat up from the floor. "Guest room has its own bathroom." He pointed.

I looked at the door. "I'll only be five minutes."

"Take your time."

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