Chapter 6

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"I never really understood the famous people, you know?" Phil told me, walking down the sidewalk next to me. I had to take long strides to keep up with his fast pace.

"What d'you mean?"

"They get everything they want handed to them on a silver platter, and they ask for one in gold."

"Are you saying they're greedy?" I asked him.

Phil breathed a laugh. "I'm saying you are."


"I'm kidding.." Phil pushed my shoulder lightly. "It really has been too long, you've forgotten my sarcastic voice."

"Funny, your sarcastic voice always sounded a lot like your regular one." I pushed him back.

There was an awkward pause as we walked, the silence taking over our thoughts.

"Looks like it's going to rain." Phil broke the silence. Of course he did.

I turned my head to Phil, and followed his action by looking at the sky.

"No it doesn't."

"Always arguing with me, weren't you Dan?" Phil scoffed. I rolled my eyes.

"Should we go inside? These are designer clothes and I... Uhm..." Phil stopped in his tracks, making me walk a few steps ahead of him before realizing he wasn't next to me. "I-I don't want them to get wet."

Phil laughed out loud. It was long and powerful, and it made me feel like I was very small. I stood on the pavement, watching his laughter die down. The grin stayed on his face. "Who are you wearing?"

"Shut up." I flipped him off, continuing the walk. Phil caught up to me, and we were side by side again.

"Ice cream! Let's go!" Phil pointed at the sign. Before I had time to reject, he pulled me into the small shop.

"You still like chocolate?" He asked me, his voice low and quick, having changed in the new atmosphere.

I nodded. "You still in love with cookie dough?"

"One day we will be married." Phil exclaimed, putting his hand to his chest. I rolled my eyes again.

"I hear it's legal in the United States."

"Welcome to Kelsey's Kreamery, how may I help you?" The young girl behind the counter smiled at us.

"Hi.." Phil greeted. "Can I have-"

"Oh my God!" She cut him off, turning to me. "You're Dan Howell!"

"Uh.. Ye-"

"Can I have a picture?" She asked, pulling her phone out. I leaned over the counter next to her, smiling in the selfie she took. "I'm a huge fan!"

"Thank you!" I gave her a warm smile.

"Amy, look! It's Dan Howell!"

And soon the whole shop filled with mentions of my name, and asking for tokens of remembrance. I was swarmed by fans, giving me their love and pointing cameras in my face. I signed napkins, phone cases, and somebody's t-shirt.

By the time everything died down, Phil walked back to me from the corner of the room he kept himself in. "That was... something."

I let out a short laugh. "That's why I said we should've taken a bodyguard."

"But the one who looks like Drake scares me." Phil admitted.

"What? He doesn't look like Drake at all." I retorted, turning back to the young girl behind the counter.

"Can we have two small, one cookie dough and one chocolate. Please." I added. She nodded, eyeing Phil carefully before heading to the back to scoop.

"Everyone probably thinks we're dating." Phil muttered to me.

My entire face went red. "G-good thing we're not. Right?" I laughed awkwardly, stopping short when the girl came back to us.

"This one is on the house, Dan Howell." She smiled, sliding the cups to us. I thanked her kindly, and ushered Phil out of the shop.

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