Chapter 2

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Rummaging through my old suitcase, I was on a mission to find something I could wear in public to walk around incognito. But instead, I found something I had kept hidden for a year and a half. I lifted up the painted frame.

It was the picture of my best friend and I at my 19th birthday party. Arms around each other, genuine smiles. I missed it. And my hair! The brown strands covering my forehead to the left side of my head.

Suddenly I brought the frame to my chest and held it tightly. Tears began to roll down my slightly chilled face. Getting stabbed in the heart was an understatement to how I was feeling inside. My heart filled with depression, a longing ache as I slowly put the plastic frame back into my bag. At this point, my eyes were red and I wiped my tears quickly when I heard footsteps.

"What'd ya got there?" Louise asked from behind me. I folded my old shirts above it, closing it away from the world again.

"Nothing, just something I brought from home." I blurted, trying not to shed anymore tears.

"Dan? Tell me what's wrong..?" Louise pleaded, taking a step inside the room and closing the door behind her.

"Nothing. I'm fine, Louise... I promise." I was lying. Just like how I lied to my fans, the interviewer, my best friend. Louise was just another person to add to my list.

"Dan, I've been working for you for five years now. I know you. If you keep holding every emotion in your body at the same time, you will eventually explode. Not literally, obviously, but you will have a complete melt down... and you won't be able to bring yourself back into reality!" She said, raising her voice slightly. "Now, go on! Have your mini melt down now instead of having it in the wrong time or place."

"Louise..." My voice cracked. "I'm just tired of it! I can't even have a normal life without getting followed or having to change all my social media passwords every month. It's not fair!" I poured every single emotion I had felt from the day I had to leave Phil Lester.

"Keep going, Dan!" Louise pressed.

"Phil and I had such a great friendship." I croaked, beginning to pace around the room. "And now I can barley talk to him because I'm so busy. I want everything to go back to the way it was. When the record company didn't change who I am, and when me and Phil were best friends." I proclaimed, stopping my foot against the ground.

"Dan... you love this.. 'Phil', don't you?" Louise's eyebrows lowered in sadness.

I paused, but I nodded. "Yes. I do. I miss him so much, Lou, I really do."

"Look, soon you will be done with your tour, and you will be able to do whatever you want! But for right now, just play the game."

Play the game? I questioned in my head. "Uh... O-okay Lou, you have a goodnight.. A-and we can talk more in the morning." I said, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Goodnight Dan, get some sleep and don't worry about Phil he still in London. He's not going anywhere." She said laughing as she left the room, closing the door behind her. I turned to the door with a confused expression. I wanted to call after her, but decided it was better not to.

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