Chapter 4

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"How was the tour?" Phil asked, once we were together in his room.

"Great! I got the pictures you asked for!" I handed him a small black book, containing pictures of all the places he had asked me to return to him.

"Amazing!" He grinned as he flipped through them. I fiddled with my hair, and he looked up at me. "W-what... Happened?"

"With what?"

"Your hair..?" His eyebrows knitted together.

"What about my hair?" I questioned, pushing it back again.

"It's... A quiff."

"Uh huh."

"It's... different." Phil looked back to his book.

"Different how?"

"It's not... Dan." He shrugged, avoiding eye contact with me.

"My stylists say it looks good."

"Are your stylists blind?"

My eyebrows furrowed, and he glanced back up to me. "What's that supposed to mean."

"Look at yourself, Dan." Phil nodded towards the mirror. "You're a different person."

"Okay.... What's your point?" I said, staring at him through the mirror reflection.

"My point is that when you left you promised you wouldn't change. But now you've definitely have."

"Whatever, Phil." I said storming out of the room with my arms crossed.

I left his house and sat on the curb outside his yard. The wind was warm for autumn.

I don't know why it was such a big deal to him. So, what if I've changed a bit? My attitude hasn't changed.... Has it? Well if it did it changed for the better, right?

Phil and I barely fought. Whenever we fought it was usually over Phil taking my cereal. But this time, I just wanted to slap him right across the face... but also kiss him at the same time.

"Dan... I'm sorry." I heard Phil's voice creep up behind me. "I- I just didn't want you to start to play their game, you know?"

I turned my body away from him. "Phil, I didn't change because I wanted to, I changed for them."

He joined me on the ground. "Don't you ever change for other people. You are your own person and you don't have to do anything for anyone." He proclaimed, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Okay... and by the way I'm leaving tomorrow. I would've told you earlier but... I didn't feel like saying it out loud." I said, staring his blue eyes. It may have been the last time I saw them for a while.

"Why are you leaving again?" He asked.

"Starting the new album... They don't want a tour for this one, but I'm flying to Los Angeles to get it created." I explained.

Phil sighed. "Don't worry about it... Once you come back we can go on holiday and have the best time. But for right now, have fun being famous." He smiled at me.

He had been right. Everything he said was true. Every word that came out of his mouth was genuine.

My eyes filled with tears, and longing for Phil didn't make anything better. I adjusted the microphone wrapped around my head, shaking my hands quickly to relieve the stress.

One last look at my bag sent me into frustration, I craved for the picture of me and Phil. I needed to get one last look at it before performing for good luck.

But it was far away.... Nowhere to be found.

Just like him.

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