Chapter 60.6

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The diner was a couple of side streets away from a busy highway, opposite a set of traffic lights and nearby a parking lot. It was momentarily inhabited by a group of crumpled suits and balding heads and a late teenaged couple with acne and greasy hair under beanies. Black and white tiles on the floor, stools across the counter length, peeling red-leather booths under sticky table tops and a TV on a music station above the bar. I glanced over the menu by the countertop and told the big-breasted, messy-bun lady behind the bar. "I'll have a vanilla and strawberry milkshake."

Her name-tag read Tori. She had a mustard-stained apron, and her sleeves were folded back at her elbows. She glanced over from where she was organising the napkin and plastic knives and forks dispensary and said. "Sure thing, I'll be right with you."

I leaned forward. "Is it alright if I take a seat? You can keep the change." I set a note down.

She nodded. "I'll bring it over."

"Thanks," I scoured the room for privacy and chose a spot near the fire exit. It was some ways away from the welcome mat and the other diners. Moments after I settled, the bell rang and the door was pushed open. My eyes wandered up to clash with a cold-blooded gaze and a surly mouth. I muttered. "Oh, boy."

Cole exchanged a few quiet words with Tori, glancing over at me as she returned a response. He flashed a quick smile at her and then headed my way, pulling out a chair and sitting down. His expression returned to a cantankerous and unrelenting glower. "Shay."

"Hi, sunshine," I greeted brightly. "Would it hurt you to smile?"

"I'm not in the mood."

"When are you ever? I get it. I do, honestly. You're a depressed, emo kid and no-one understands you. You're full of angst and all you want to do is jerk off to step-mom porn. But you can't go through your days being angry at everyone and god's kingdom. Maybe if you tried smiling a little and speaking gently–"

"Shut your goddamn mouth." He growled irascibly.

"That was not nice."

Tori appeared, setting down a tray with the milkshakes and red straws. "Enjoy."

"Thanks," I looked at Cole, peeling the wrapper from the straw and sticking it in the glass. "I got you a milkshake. Vanilla. It's got cream on it. Say thanks."

"Where were you when I called you?" he ignored the milkshake. Rude ass.

"Right here."


"Yes. I was eating."


"Have you got Alzheimer's? You've already asked me that." 

Angry eyes shot towards me. "What have you been doing all day?"

I laughed softly although there was nothing funny about the situation and glanced away and then back at him. "You have some fucking nerve," infuriated in an instance, I twisted my expression up in rage. "You break up with me with barely an explanation while I'm half-dead in some lunatic doctor's house and completely avoid me for a month and then show up out of the blue and demand to be back in my life – except you don't want to be with me again. No, you want me to leave this godforsaken town because you feel uncomfortable. You don't have the right to demand anything from me – least of all my time. You're a fucking asshole. God-fucking-damnit, you are – you're un-fucking-believable."

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