Chapter 1

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(Name) was walking with Neji in the forest, they were looking for information of the Akatsukis when suddenly two Akatsuki members show up and they got in position to fight. One of the Akatsuki looked at (Name), her eyes went wide and look down "Neji, don't look at the guy with the sharingan in the eyes, look at his feet" she hears a chuckle "wow Itachi, you seem to be known" Itachi closed his eyes "it doesn't matter Kisame" he looked at (Name) again "now tell me, where is Naruto Uzumaki?" (Name) took out some shuriken and throw them at Itachi "we will never say" Itachi dodge them "well she has some fire" said Kisame grining, Itachi gave a look to Kisame and he nods "water stile, water prison Jutsu" Kisame put Neji in the prison Jutsu "Neji!" (Name) looked at Itachi "let him go" Itachi with his calm expression looked at her "tell me where is Naruto Uzumaki"

"he is not here, I don't know where he is" Itachi started to walk "finish him Kisame" (name) eyes went wide "no wait!" Itachi looked at her "let him go, and kill me instead" Kisame looked at Itach as Itachi walk towards her and grabbed her arm "no" he looked at Kisame and nod, Kisame release Neji from the Jutsu and he cough some water "I have something better in mind, you're coming with us to the Akatsuki and along the way, help us look for the Jinchuriky" her eyes went wide and look at Neji and sigh "alright" Neji stood up "(Name) no" "I have to Neji, to keep you safe, now go back to the village-" Itachi grabbed her and placed her on his shoulder so she won't escape "don't tell anyone, just Lady Hokage alright!" Nejis fist clenched and left to tell the Hokage.

While Itachi and Kisame were walking (Name) sigh "you know I can walk right?"

"I can't risk the chance of you running away" (Name) sigh again "by the way Itachi, why does she has to come along? Why do you think Pain would let her join?" Asked Kisame "because before we left, he asked me to find a new member, she's from the (Last Name) clan, and that clan poseses a Kekkei Genkai" Kisame raises an eye brow "and this Kekkei Genkai is?" (Name) started to kick her legs "stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Itachi roll her eyes and Kisame went behind him and looked at (Name) "what's the matter little girl, upset that someone knows your attacks" she glared at him "don't pisse me off, or you'll regret it" Kisame laughed "Kisame stop bothering her, we're almost at the hideout" Kisame went next to Itachi and enter the hideout. Itachi still has (Name) on his shoulder when a guy with white hair looks at her "holy Jachin! who is this hot stuff!?" Itachi looked at Hidan "its none of your concern, where's Pain" Hidan pout "you're no fun, what's she? Your girlfriend" and then he laught (Name) cleched her fist "would you shut up, say something again and I'll cut that tongue of yours out" Itachi sigh and Hidan went behind Itachi facing her "oh really? You won't say that after you have some fun with it" (Name) somehow managed to get away from Itachis grip and jump on Hidans shoulders and throw him to the wall, Hidan got up "you want this bitch, alright then" he started to run after her, (Name)'s eyes turn blue and black, the pouch she had on her back opened and she started to controls the water that it was in and froze it making it pointy, she was about to stab Hidan when two people got in the middle, the woman with light purple hair faces her and used some papaer to tight her up and a man with orange hair faced Hidan "Almighty Push" and Hidan flew to the wall once again "what is the meaning of this?" (Name) looked at Pain and glare "you must be the new member I told Itachi to bring" she tch and looked away "Konan release her" Konan did as Pain said (Name) faced Pain "so I'm just in the akatsuki?" Pain just stare at her "I know who you are (Name), your clan has a special Kekkei Genkai, I don't need to see what you can do, I already did, when you were about to fight with Hidan"

She sigh and looked down "Itachi, take her to her room and give her the cloak" Itachi nod and started to walk "follow me" (Name) followed him behind staring at the floor. Itachi stopped and (Name) bump into him "sorry" she said, Itachi turn and pointed her the door "that is your room, I'll be right back with your cloack" she nodded and enter to the room while Itachi left. She looked around and sigh 'people might think I'm a rough ninja' suddenly someone knock her door 'his back so soon?' When she opened the door she didn't saw Itachi, instead she saw Konan, Konan made a paper flower, bowed her head a little and gave it to her "welcome" (Name) widen her eyes but took the flower and bowed her head as well "thank you" Konan looked at her "please, feel welcome to talk to me if the boys bother you" (Name) smiled "don't worry, I'll be fine, but thank you, I'll keep it in mind" Konan nod and walk away, (Name) was about to close the door when a foot stopped her from doing so, she looked from the small crack and saw Itachi, she opened the door and furrowed her eyebrows "what is it?" Itachi throw her the cloak and landed on her head "here, perhaps a thank you would be considered" (Name) took her cloak and glared at him "as if I'll thank YOU, you threaten my friend and are looking for my other friend, so no" Itachi roll his eyes "sleep well" he turn and started to walk away, (Name) closed the door and laied on her new bed, she sigh and went to sleep.

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