Chapter 9

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Its been two days, and their still removing the One Tail Beast out of Gaara, suddenly Zetsu tells Pain that Deidara and Sasori were being followed by two teams of the Leaf Village and so he send Kisame, Itachi and (Name) to take care of them, Kisame went to one of the team while Itachi and (Name) went to the other team.

While they were running, Itachi look to his side and sees (Name) with a worry face and lost in thought, he look back at the road "what's the matter? You seem worried" she look at him "huh? Oh, I'm just preparing myself mentally" Itachi hummed "don't push yourself ok, if you want, go back and help the others with the tail beast" she shakes her head "its ok, I'm fine" they stop, when they do (Name)'s eyes went wide 'oh my god, its Kakashi-sensei, Naruto and Sakura' she thought but raised an eyebrow 'and some old lady, who is she?' she shakes it off and took a deep breath then put her serious face on. Itachi and (Name) walk out of the bushes facing them all, Sakura's eyes went wide "(N-Name), you joined the Akatsukis?" (Name) cross her arms and didn't reply, Naruto took a step forward "but why (Name)? Why would you join them?" She look at them with a serious face and still didn't reply, Kakashi placed a hand on Narutos shoulder "its no use Naruto, she won't answer" Kakashi look at (Name) and furrow his eyebrows.


Kakashi enter Tsunades office "you wanted to see me Lady Tsunade" Tsunade look at Kakashi with sad eyes "(Name), joined the Akatsuki" Kakashis eye went wide "what? Why?" Tsunade sigh "she did it to save Nejis life, Neji told me what happen, it seems Itachi didn't want her to die and so he told her to join them" Kakashi sigh "and she accept it so that Itachi and his teammate wouldn't kill Neji" Tsunade cross her arms and look outside the window "you know (Name) would sacrifice her own life for a comrade, she lost her entire team when she was still a genin" she look at Kakashi "that's what inspired her to lear to be Medical Ninja" Kakashi cross his arms "this would be bad, now they have a Medical Ninja at there side, not to mention (Name) can move water without using chakra, she also has the ability to control a persons body with their own blood, she can kill someone so easily" Tsunade humed "that won't be a problem, she promised herself to never use that ability, but" she placed her elbows on her desk resting her head on the back of her hands "you can't tell anyone, not even Naruto, (Name) told Neji to tell me only, but I thought you should've known as well, you were her sensei once" Kakashi nod "I understand" Tsunade nod "alright then, that's all" Kakashi bowed his head and left her office.

*End of Flashback*

Naruto clench his fist "no, she has to tell us, I mean, why would you join them in the first place!?" (Name)'s eyes turn black and blue 'she activated her Negan, is she going to fight us?' Kakashi thought while pulling his headband up, revealing his Sharingan eye "stand back!" Kakashi stood in front of them "remember, don't look at Itachis eyes" then they heard Naruto scream, (Name) look up to Itachi, he seem still but then blinked, she look back at Naruto, he was out of the genjutsu thanks to Sakura "damn it, but I didn't even look at his eyes" Itachi lifted his hand "no, but you did look at my finger" Naruto growl and ran towards Itachi, (Name) quickly use the water in her pouch and made a water tentacle for each arm, grabbed Naruto and trow him at a tree "she seems to be protecting Itachi" (Name) glare at the Old Lady "what do you mean Lady Chiyo?" Lady Chiyo look at Sakura "Itachi could've handle Naruto on his own, but it seems something's not right" Kakashi look at Sakura "Lady Chiyo is right Sakura, that can only mean one thing" he look back at Itachi "Itachi, you're losing your sight, using the mangekyo Sharingan has already affected you" (Name) look at Itachi, he seems so calm "my sight doesn't get in the way of fighting" said Itachi and ran towards Kakashi, they both started to fight.

Naruto was about to step in when (Name) got in the middle, Narutos fist clenched "(Name), get out of the way!" But she didn't move, Sakura stood next to Naruto "(Name), please don't fight us" then Lady Chiyo run towards (Name) and was about to kick her side, but (Name) moved quick and dodged her, Naruto ran towards her with his Rasengan, but (Name) pushed him away with the water tentacle, Sakura ran towards her and punched her face, making (Name) fly to a tree. Itachis eyes went wide, kicked Kakashi back to the others and ran towards (Name), Kakashi hit the floor and look at Itachi running towards (Name), he raised an eyebrow, but then it hit him 'Itachi didn't accept (Name) to be killed because he still cares for her' Kakashi thought while standing up.

Itachi look at (Name) "are you ok?" She nods and spit blood "that was one hell of a punch" she look back at Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and Lady Chiyo "what should we do Itachi" Itachi look at them too "do you have enough water to hold them back?" She nods and went towards them "Kakashi-sensei? What is she going to do?" Ask Sakura a bit of fear "I don't know, but its not good" (Name) took the water and placed it on each of their feet, she quickly turned it into ice, making their feet stuck, not able to move, Naruto took a kunai knife and started to hit the ice on his feet "the hell, it won't break!" Kakashi look at (Name) "you're going to leave us here?" (Name) stood next to Itachi "that's the point" Naruto throw the kunai knife on the floor and point at (Name) "that's not fair! you won't answer my question but you answer Kakashi-sensei!?" She roll her eyes and her eyes turn back to normal "let's go (Name)" she nods and they left, leaving Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and Lady Chiyo with their feet stuck in the ice.

(Woooooo, an update my little Reader (。・ω・。), hope you guys like it😊, please vote and comment 😄)

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