Chapter 21

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(Huge warning, the fighting scene may be shitty I know, I'm not so good at fighting scenes, worst weaknes I have, please bare with it, also I'm sorry for taking so long, hope you like it)

(Name) was staring at Naruto fight Pain, it was amazing, he was beated all five Pains, only one remaining. Hinata came to where Sakura and (Name) were "(Name)-chan? W-What are you doing here?" (Name) look up to Hinata "sorry Hinata-chan, I got caught up in everything" she said while scratching the back of her head "how is the baby?" Hinata ask "the baby is ok, it hasn't got caught up in any danger" Hinata nod and the three girls watch Naruto fight, Naruto kept fighting, not giving up, until Pain begin to stab him, pinning him on the floor with his special sticks, aka his Black Receivers, avoiding vital spots "Naruto" said (Name), Hinata began to run towards them "Hinata-chan! What are you doing!?" Said (Name) "Lady Hinata!" Said Hinatas bodyguard, as (Name) sees that Hinata was fighting Pain, (Name) knew why, Hinata love Naruto with all her heart, she would sacrifice her life for him.

But it didn't last long, Hinata was getting beat up "no" (Name) stood up "I won't allow it" she activate her Negan and began to run towards Hinata "(NAME) NO!" yell Sakura, trying to stop (Name) from running towards the danger, but (Name) was fast to get into the gigantic hole that was in the middle of the Village.

Hinata was on the floor, in front of Pain, Pain took out a Black Receiver and was about to stab Hinata. Sakura who was at a distance gasped at the scene "No" tears fell down from her cheeks and scream "(NAME)!" Naruto watch with wide eyes, Pain look at the familiar (h/c) hair girl "(Name), 6 month of pregnant and still sacrifices your life and your baby's, for a mear comrade" (Name) cough blood "you shouldn't underestimate me, Pain" she smirk weakly "I am, from the (Last Name) clan after all" then she fell on the floor, right before Pain could have stab Hinata, (Name) got in the middle causing her to get stab on her chest.

Naruto saw this, and got furious "YOU BASTARD!" Narutos eyes turn red and activated the six tails cloak, he got up and began to attack Pain, leaving Hinata and (Name) on the floor. Sakura look at Hinatas bodyguard, Kō Hyuga "Kō, help me get Hinata and (Name)" he nod and the two of them went towards (Name) and Hinatas body.

Hinatas eyes begin to open slowly "w-what happen?" She sees Katsuyu next to her, since Katsuyu was healing Hinata "th-thank you K-Katsuyu" Katsuyu nod her little head "you're welcome Hinata" Hinata sit up and looks at Sakura healing a (h/c) hair girl, Hinatas eyes went wide "(N-Name)-chan?" Hinata crawl next to (Name) "S-Sakura-chan, w-what happen to h-her?" Sakuras eye sadden "Pain was about to stab you, but (Name) got in the way, and got stab herself" Hinata eyes were wide in fear "i-is she o-ok?" Sakura was about to answer, when another voice came "Lady Hinata! are you alright?" Hinata look up at Neji with tearful eyes "N-Neji-niisan" Neji's eyebrow furrow, then look at Sakura healing (Name), his eyes went wide "(Name)? What is she doing here? Where Kakashi-sensei?" Nejis fist clench, Sakura look at (Name)'s face "Kakashi-sensei is, dead" everyone's eyes went wide, not believing what Sakura just said "what? Kakashi?" Asked Gai in disbelief, not wanting to believe that his friend is actually dead, Neji look at Sakura "tell me she's ok, why is she in this state in the first place?" Sakuta sigh sadly and kept on healing (Name) "Naruto was in danger, so Hinata went towards him and tried to protect him, but, Pain was about to stab her with that" said Sakura while looking at the Black Receiver she had to take out from (Name)'s chest "but before anything could happen to Hinata, (Name) got in the way, making Pain to stab her in the chest" she look at Neji "I tried to stop her, but she was to fast" she look back at (Name) still healing her "Naruto activated the six tails cloak and is still fighting Pain, ever since that, Katsuyu healed Hinata while I've been healing (Name) with all I've got, she hasn't woken up nor she has made any sign" Sakura move her hands to (Name) pregnant stomach "the baby is alright, it seems that it wasn't touch by any harm" Neji face the floor, Rock Lee place a hand on Nejis shoulder 'she has to be alive, she can't die' Neji though "but she's not dead right" ask Tenten with a concern tone and sad eyes, Sakura shake her head "no, she's still alive, he didn't stab her in a vital spot" after that said (Name) all of the sudden gasped for air, everyone's attention was on her, especially Neji's, she groan in pain and place her hand on her chest "my chest hurts" she mumble as open her eyes, her gaze lands on Sakura who has her eyes wide open, but (Name) smile kindly at Sakura "Sakura, thank you for healing me" she sit up carefully while holding her pregnant stomach and look at Hinata, Hinata also had her eyes wide open, but (Name) still had a kind smile on her face "Hinata-chan, I'm glad you're alright" then (Name) sees team 9 and raise an eyebrow "eh? I thought you guys were in a mission" Neji walk in front of her and he falls on his knees as his eyes were slightly wide "N-Neji?" Neji suddenly hug her quickly without a second thought "you reckless child!" (Name)'s eyes went wide and she blush at Neji's sudden action "putting your life in danger! In fact, you didn't put just your life in danger! You put the baby's life in danger too!" (Name) place a hand on Neji's back and look at Hinata with a dumbfound gaze "but....aren't you glad that I safe Hinata-chans life?" He huged her a little tight as he bury his eyes on (Name)'s shoulder "I am, b-but, you still scared me" Neji said strictly but fail to sound strick when he accidentally stutter 'Neji stutter? He...he never stuttes' (Name) thought sadly "don't ever scare me like that" Neji mumble for only (Name) to hear, she wrap her arms around Neji's torso and hug him back "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to scare you or anyone, but the baby wasn't in danger in the first place" Neji never let go of her, (Name) didn't mind, she secretly like it, Hinata look at her "w-what do y-you mean (Name)-chan?"

"Well, my baby is protected by a special barrier" Sakura raise an eyebrow "a special barrier?" (Name) nod "you know my clans Kekkei Genkai right?" They all nod "well, my Negan helps me control water without using chakra, but it comes with a price, the chakra I don't use for controlling the water, activates a special barrier that only my clan posses, protecting something within ourselves, like vidal spot, and my organs or someone that is near you, in this case, I used it on my baby, so my baby wasn't in danger" Neji sigh softly in relief and pulls away from the hug "just don't do that ever again, alright?" (Name) look at Neji's face, a tear unconsciously escaped his eye and fall down his cheek, she place her hand on his cheek and dry away his tear with her thumb "Neji-" Neji stood up cutting (Name)'s words off "Katsuyu, where is Naruto?" said Neji while looking at the slug as if the (h/c) haired girl didn't just saw his tear "he's going after Pain" Neji nod and look at Tenten and Rock Lee "we're going after him" Tenten and Rock Lee nod and stood next to Neji, Neji look at (Name) with a serious and strict look "you're staying here with Sakura, Lady Hinata and Ko, understand?" (Name) just nod, not daring herself to argue, Katsuyu got on Neji's shoulder and Neji, Tenten and Rock Lee ran to look for Naruto, (Name) eyes sadden once again as she saw Neji leave 'Neji' she thought, as he was the only thing that was in her mind.

(Alrighty!!!!!! Here ya go!!! Hope you like this chapter, please vote and comment!!! ❤❤❤)

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