Chapter 3

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It was a long day, and supricingly (Name) didn't mind being a whole day with Itachi and Kisame. They had to made a stop in a cave so that Itachi could rest, Kisame left the man in the floor and went to look for firewood. (Name) kneeled next to Itachi "is there other wounds that I don't know about" Itachi stare at her eyes for a moment but then took off his cloak, the same wound she healed re-opend "you pushed yourself didn't you?" She grabbed her bag that it was inside her cloak and took some bandages "what was I suppose to do, lean all my weight on you?" Said Itachi calmly, (Name) looked at him "yes! That's exitcly what you were suppose to do! That's why I didn't let you walk on your own!" Itachi's eyes were a bit wide, he seemed a bit surprised at her outburst, her eyes went wide and she looked away with a small blush "sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you" Itachis eye soften "its ok, I appreciate that you worried" she smiled "now, take off your shirt so I can heal it properly" Itachi nod and took off his shirt carefully, when he did (Name)'s eyes turn black and blue and started to use the water that it was in her pouch to clean Itachi's wound "don't you use that water for fighting?" She nods "but its alright, I can always separate the blood from the water" he looks at her curiously "you can?" (Name) finished cleaning his wound and showed him the water mixed with blood "yep, look" Itachi saw what (Name) was doing, separating the water and the blood "you can bend blood?" She nods "anything that is liquid, just don't tell anyone I can bend blood" (Name) finished separating the blood from the water and put the water in her pouch, her eyes turn back to her normal (e/c) "what are they called?" She looked at him confused "your eyes, when they turn black and blue, do they have a name on your clan?" (Name) started to wrap the bandages around his waist where he has his wound "its call the Negan" (Name) finished wrapping the bandages and backed away and looked at the man that was on the floor "is he dead?" Itachi look at the direction (Name) was looking "no, he's just uncouncious" she nods and stood up "now rest ok?, don't move" she took Itachi's cloak and shirt "wait" Itachi grabbed (Name)'s hand, making her lose balance and fall on top of Itachi, (Name) lifted her head and sees Itachis eyes, she blushed a little and so did Itachi, there was a pure silence when Kisame walk in the cave "I got the firewood-" Kisame look at the situation Itachi and (Name) were in, Itachi without a shirt and (Name) on top of him, Kisame gave a toothy grin "well then, I did expected you two to get this close in the cave" (Name)'s face became deep red "i-its not what you think" Kisame chuckled "yeah of course" (Name) jump off of Itachi and she stood up "I'm going to get some water for my pouch" she placed Itachi's things on the floor and ran out of the cave. Itachi lifts himself and lay his back on the wall and sigh "really Kisame?" Kisame placed the firewood on the floor "what?" Kisame looked at Itachi smirking "did I interup your move with her?" Itachi roll his eyes "she just fell" Kisame laughed "yeah, if you hadn't hold her hand to stop her that wouldn't happen" Itachi glare at him "you mean to tell me you saw everything" Kisame sat next to Itachi "every single detail" Itachi pinched the upper part of his nose "then why did you say that?" Kisame shruged his shoulders and grined "being a good friend" Itachi sigh "you're lucky (Name) told me not to move, you'd be in a genjutsu right now" Kisame laugh "doing what your girlfriend says, I see" Itachi roll his eyes "she's not my girlfriend, she's just a teammate" Kisame laied his back on the wall and close his eyes "yeah, right".

(Name) lied about going to get water, she just needed to leave from that awkward moment, so she staied out of the cave, but she couldn't here the conversation Itachi and Kisame had. The sun seted and she just stare at the stars 'did I just did my first Akatsuki mission?' She took a deep breath and stood up, she enter the cave and sees Itachi sleeping but Kisame is awake "why Hello there" Kisame grined at her, (Name) sweat nervously "hey" she looked at Itachi and sees that he's shivering, so she took Itachis cloak and placed it on him, like a blanket "you seem to care about him" (Name) sat in front of the fire "I care about my teammates soon to be friends" Kisame chuckled "glad to hear that we get along" she smiles and yawns a little "why don't you sleep, I'll stay awake, after all, you help Itachi with his wound" (Name) looked at Kisame "you sure you just don't want to teas me and Itachi in the morning?" Kisame shrugs his shoulders and grin "that's my buisnes" she pout but lay on the floor "by the way" said Kisame, (Name) looked at him curiously Kisame smirked "Itachi seems to like you, I've never seen him this way with anyone" (Name)'s cheek turn red, she turn her head and laid it on her arm "j-just let me sleep" Kisame laughed and (Name) fell asleep.

Morning came and (Name) woke up, when she did, she notice that Itachi, Kisame and the man weren't there, she stood up, brush the dirt off her cloak and went outside. She sees Itachi sitting in a rock and Kisame standing in front of him with the man on his shoulder talking about something. (Name) walk towards them "um, morning, am I interrupting something?" Itachi shakes his head softly, "Nah, we were just about to wake you" said Kisame, (Name) nod and Itachi stood up "how's your wound?" Asked (Name), Itachi looked at her "much better actually" she smiled at him "I'm glad" she started to walk, Itachi stood there for a moment "she's smiling more isn't she" said Kisame smirking, Itachi looked down "you're imagening things" and went to walk next to (Name) 'I have a feeling those two are gonna get along real nice' thought Kisame and chuckled.

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