Chapter 5

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Itachi knocked on Konans door, Konan opens the door "can I help you?" Asked Konan "I need to talk yo you" Konan nod and let Itachi in, Konan sat on her bed "what is that you wish to talk about?" Itachi stood in front of her "is about (Name), she's acting a bit strange" Konan look up to Itachi "you mean that she's avoiding you" Itachi furrow his eyebrows "so you do know" Konan nod "of course I know, but I cannot tell you" Itachi raised an eyebrow "why not?" Konan stood up "because I promised her not to tell" she opened the door "if you want to know, ask her yourself" Itachi sigh and left Konans room.

Itachi walked to (Name)'s room and knocked, she opens the door and looked at Itachi "um, can I help you?"

"We need to talk" (Name) furrow her eyebrows "there's nothing to talk about" she was about to close the door but Itachi stopped her, forced himself in the room and closed the door "yes there is" (Name)'s eyes were wide and looked away "why have you been avoiding me for the past week?" She didn't answer and Itachi tried again "(Name), why are you avoiding me?" She just look at the floor trying to avoid eye contact, Itachi sigh and pinned her on the wall placing his thumb and index finger on her chin to make her look at him, her eyes went wide for a moment but then closed her eyes "let me go!"

"Not until you answer my question" Itachi let go of her chin and kept staring at her, (Name) look at floor and the room went silence.

*Meanwhile in the Prisoners cell*

In the cell there was Pain punishing him and asking some questions "who are you and who do you work for?" The man smirked "I won't say anything" Pain used his Almighty Pull and the mans neck was on Pains hand, he squeeze it and then used his Almighty Push making the man fly to the wall, the man lift himself and spit blood, Pain stood in front of him "now, I'll ask one more time" Pain bend, grabbed his hair and pull him up "who are you and who do you work for?" Instead of the man answering, he was planing on how to escape.

*Back to the room with Itachi and (Name)*

Even though there was a silence, Itachi didn't let (Name) go, and then she spoke "before I answer your question, answer me this" she looked at him in the eyes "do you remember who I am?" Itachi sigh "if I didn't, do you think that I would have stopped you for asking to be killed" her eyes went wide "y-you mean, that you remember who I am?" His eyes soften "of course I do, how wouldn't I remember?" (Name) was speechless and placed her head on his shoulder, Itachi place one of his hand on her upper back and the other one on her waist "you still haven't answer my question" (Name) pushed herself back and looked at him "the reason I was avoiding you" there faces were inches close "was-" when (Name)'s door open wide by Hidan "ITACHI, (NAME) GET YOUR ASSES OUT, THE PRISONER IS TRYING TO ESCAPE!" Itachi growled with anger and left (Name)'s room with Hidan, (Name) lowered her head, relief and disappointed, relief because she didn't know if she was ready to tell him the truth, but at the same time disappointed because he does remember and she wanted to tell him at the same time. (Name) shacked her head, pushed the feelings away and went to help the others.

(Name) ran out to the main room, and saw that the man was running towards her, Her eyes turn black and blue, she used the water in her pouch about capture him with her water shape tentacles but he used a Fire Jutsu vaporizing the water, kicked her in the face and ran pass her as she fell on the ground. (Name) lifted her upper body and extend her hand up, suddenly the man stopped moving "what's going on? Why can't I move?" (Name) was shocked herself, in her years of knowing her clans power, she promised herself to never control a person with her abilities and here she is, controlling this man's body with every inch of blood that's running trough his vains. She stood up and forced the man to walk towards her, the man was screaming in pain, this was more torture than what Pain did to him in the cell for not answering.

As the man stood in front of her, she was about to stop controlling him, when all of the sudden Pain showed up behind the man and stabed him, she closed her eyes and faced to her side. (Name) stood back looking at the floor, everyone approach to them, Konan approached (Name) "are you ok?" She nods "yeah, I'm ok" she looked at her hands and crossed her arms "aw man, I wanted to kill him" whinde Hidan "if your so upset" Pain throw him the body and Hidan cought it "then you bury it" Hidan sigh and Pain look at Kakusu "Kakusu, go with him in case he does something idiotic" Kakusu growl and started to walk "come on Hidan, let's get this over with" Hidan roll his eyes "yeah yeah" and walked next to him dragging the dead body on the floor "who was he hn?" Asked Deidara "he may be a shinobi from the Sand Village" Pain looked at everyone "make sure there's no spy in the hideout" everyone nod and started to check everywhere, except (Name) and Itachi "you told Konan that you were alright, but I know that your not" (Name) glared at him "you know very well what happened, I controlled that man's body and he was killed because of me" Itachi sigh and placed a hand on her shoulder "I know, but if you hadn't, who knows what would've happen to us" she sigh "I guess you're right" she look at him and he smiled at her, she blushed and look away "w-we better go and check as well " she started to walk "wait (Name)" she shut her eyes and ran, Itachi wanted to stop her, but couldn't, so he let her run "we'll finish our conversation tomorrow" he whispered and walk, checking if there's anything unusual.

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