Chapter 8

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Itachi open his eyes and looked at (Name)'s sleeping face, he stroke her cheek and pushed some of her (h/c) locks behind her ear, he couldn't stop smiling, after a long time, he finally has her in his arms, then he frown, suddenly he felt guilty, guilty because of what he has to do in a couple of month. Itachi loves her so dearly that its killing him to tell her the truth, the truth that he's going to let Sasuke kill him, for his little brother to reach his goal. Itachi sit up and pinched the upper part of his nose 'how could I be so selfish' he thought in frustration "Itachi?" Itachi look back, (Name) sit up while covering her chest with the sheets "is something bothering you?" Itachi look at her (e/c) eyes that he so love and look down "(Name), please forgive me for being selfish" her eyes soften "is because of Sasuke's goal isn't it" Itachi kept his gaze down "his goal can't be fulfilled without me dying" she look down and sigh "so that means that you're going to let him kill you" Itachi sigh "yes" he look at her "(Name) I'm so-" before he could finish his sentence, (Name) lunched herself on him, wrapping her arms around his neck "you could've just explain everything to me, I would have understand" Itachi wrap his arms around her waist and bury his face in her neck, (Name) placed her hand on his head, stroking his head lovingly "if that will leave you at peace, I won't stop you, but" she pushed him away slightly and placed a hand on his cheek "let me go along with you" Itachis eyes went wide "what? No, I won't let you throw your life like that" (Name)'s eyes soften "I don't care, I want to go with you, and die at your side" Itachi eyes sadden, took her hand that its on his cheek and stroke the back of her hand "why would you risk your future by wanting to die with me?" (Name) took both his cheeks and kissed his forehead "because I love you" Itachi smiled and look at her "I love you too" (Name) smiled and got off bed and look back at him "come on, let's get ready" she pick her things and went to the bathroom, Itachi smiled, pick his things and follow behind.

(Name) and Itachi walk through the hallway on their way to the kitchen to have breakfast. As they enter, only Kisame, Hidan and Kakusu were there, Itachi started to make breakfast and (Name) sat next to Kisame, Kisame smirked and look at her "so (Name), how are your lungs?" She look at him confused "my lungs?" Hidan wrap an arm around (Name)'s shoulder "don't act so innocent beautiful, we all could hear you screaming Itachis name" (Name)'s eyes went wide and her face became red, she covered her face with her hands "stop making fun of her" said Konan while taking Hidans arm off (Name)'s shoulder and point at Kisame "and you, stop asking questions" Kisame grin "now where's the fun in that" Itachi appears behind Kisame with a glare, Hidan gulped and started to sweat "you shouldn't talk like that when Itachi is around Kisame" said Kakusu while rolling his eyes, Kisame stood up and pointed at the chair smirking "here, the boyfriend should be next to his girlfriend at all cost" Kisame put the dishes away and walk away while lifting an arm "no regrets" and left, Itachi sat next to (Name) and placed the plate in front of her "here, eat" (Name)uncover her face and nod "thank you" Konan stood and look at them both "Pain will be waiting for you two at his office" Itachi nod "tell him will be there as soon we finish eating" Konan nod and left. Itachi and (Name) finished eating and went to Pains office, they enter "you wanted to see us?" Said (Name), Pain look at them both "you two should get ready, Deidara and Sasori went to get the one tail beast, as soon they get to the cave, we'll be removing the one tail of the Jinchuriki" (Name)'s eyes went wide "remove the one tail?, is that even possible?" Pain nod "it is, it'll take the person's life, but will get what we want" she look down 'that means Gaara will die' she thought and look back up "I see, well then, we'll be ready" Pain nod "that is all" Itachi and (Name) bow their heads and left. 

They went to Itachis room and they sat at his bed, Itachi look at the floor, (Name) look at him, she sees that Itachi is forcing himself to see something and she sigh "your losing your sight aren't you" Itachi close his eyes "yes, I am" he open them again revealing his Sharingan "then don't use you Sharingan now" Itachi look at her "don't worry, I'll be fine" she sigh but smiled at him "alright, if you say so" a knock was heard on the room, Itachi stood up and open it revealing Kisame "we have to go" Itachi nod and look at (Name) "I have to go" she stood up "can I go with you guys, I haven't been on a mission and I think Pain won't be sending me anytime soon" Kisame grin "sure, you can come along" she smiled and left Itachis room, Itachi closed the door and the left on a mission.

They finished the mission, when Kisame got a call from Pain "alright then" he finished and look at Itachi and (Name) "they got the Jinchuriki, it time to remove it" Itachi nod and sat "then let's get started" Kisame nod and sat as well, (Name) raised an eyebrow "did I miss something?" Itachi explained everything and what she had to do "I see, ok then" she sat and closed her eyes, then she open them again, she look around, she was in a cave, she look down and she's standing on a rock, form as a finger "she made it, that was quick" she look up and sees a reflection of Kisame 'wow' she thought "alright let's begin" said Pain they all nod and started to remove the One Tail Beast from Gaara.

(Hope you guys like it 😊 please vote and comment 😁)

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