Chapter 16

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(Woooooooooo an update, hahahaha hope you guys enjoy (。・ω・。))

Neji groan as the rays of sun hit his eyes. Neji sit up and rub his eyes while yawing softly, as he open his eyes he stood up and went to the bathroom. After taking a quick shower and brushing his teeth, Neji put his ninja gear on and left to (Name)'s room.

Neji was in front of (Name)'s room and knock, no one answer, he knock again and still no answer "(Name)? Are you in your room?" But no answer, Neji slide open the door, expecting to see the (h/c) hair girl sleeping on the bed, but didn't, the bed was made and empty, Neji's eyes went wide as he checked the bathroom, she wasn't there, Neji close his eyes and inhale some air 'ok Neji, don't panic, keep calm' he exhale the air and open his eyes, Neji ran out of the room looking for (Name), he check in every room, but no luck, he heard some noises coming from the kitchen and thought it was Hinata "Lady Hinata, have you seen-" he stood still, a (h/c) haired girl turn around holding a frypan with scramble eggs in it, still wearing Ntejis baggy shirt "good morning Neji" she said smiling, Neji bend over and held his knees while sighing in relive "My Goodness" (Name) raise an eyebrow "are you ok Neji?" Neji nod and stood straight "what are you doing?" (Name) took three plates "what does it look like" she put the scramble eggs on each plate "I made breakfast for Lord Hiashi, Hinata and You" she gave Neji a plate, it had scramble eggs, bacon and toast "what about you?" Ask Neji while taking the plate "I already had breakfast" Neji sat and (Name) place the two plates on the table, then Hinata and Hiashi came to the kitchen "what's the meaning if this?" Ask Hiashi, (Name) bow her head "Good morning Lord Hiashi" she stood straight "I made breakfast for you and Hinata, a thank you for letting me stay until I find a place to stay" Hiashi nod and Hinata smile "thank you (Name)-chan" (Name) nod "would you all like tea or juice?" Hiashi sat and close his eyes calmly "I would like tea" Hinata sat as well and smile at (Name) "me too" (Name) look at Neji "and you Neji?" (Name) ask with a warm smile, Neji look at (Name) and got a bit struck by her smile, he look down at his plate with a small dust of pink on his cheeks "I would like some tea too" he mumble, (Name) giggle softly and went to make the tea, she return with a tray and three cups, she place each cup in front of each Hyuga "please enjoy" she walk away, then she return popping her head of the door frame "Neji, I'll be taking a quick shower ok? Then we'll go to Lady Hokage" Neji nod "alright then" (Name) left to take a shower.

(Name) finished taking her shower and put her ninja gear on. She left her room and went towards Neji "you ready?" she ask, Neji nod and open the door, signaling her to go outside first, (Name) step outside and so did Neji, he close the door and they both went to the Hokages office.

Neji knock on the door when he hears a faint "come in" Neji open the door, reviling Tsunade doing some paper work, he and (Name) enter and Neji close the door.

Tsunade look up from her paperwork "Neji, (Name) what brings you both here?" Neji stood next to (Name), not saying a word "well Tsunade-sama, I need a place to live, a small home or an apartment" Tsunade raise an eyebrow "you're moving out from your parents household?" (Name) scratches the of her head "well, I wouldn't if it wasn't for the clan rules" Tsunade rub her temples "right, I forgot about that rule" she look at (Name) "I'll see what I can do, I'll send Shizune to look for a place for you, but where are you staying in the mean time?" There's when Neji decides to talk "she's staying in the Hyuga household with me, Lady Hinata and Lord Hiashi, but he gave her a time limit to stay" Tsunade look at Neji "how long can she stay there?" Neji cross his arms "two week, maybe three if she needs it" Tsunade place her elbows on her desk and lay her chin on her hand "hmmmmm" Tsunade bit her lip while thinking she took a deep breath and lay back on her chair "SHIZUNE!" suddenly Shizune barged in "Y-Yes Lady Tsunade!" Neji and (Name) stood aside so that Tsunade was facing Shizune "get all the information for houses and apartment that are available" Shizune nod but stood there for a moment, Tsunade stood up and slam her hand on the desk "NOW!" Shizune jumped slightly "y-yes ma'am!" Shizune run out the office doing what Tsunade ask her to do.

(Name) giggle slightly and look at Tsunade "alright (Name) I'll be in contact with you when Shizune tells what's available" (Name) nod "thank you Tsunade-sama" Tsunade nod and kept working while (Name) and Neji left the office.

As the walk through the Village (Name) look at Neji "hey Neji?" Neji hummed in respond "let's visit me parents place" Neji shrug his shoulders once "if that's what you want, then ok, let's go" (Name) smile and they keep walking. As they enter to the (Last Name) gate they went straight to (Name)'s parents house. They stand in front of her parents house, (Name) knock and the door open, reviling Mary, (Name) smile "good morning mom!" Mary smiled and hug (Name) "good morning to you too sweety" they pull away and Mary look at Neji "good morning Neji" Neji nod "morning as well" Mary stood aside "go on, get in" (Name) and Neji went inside and sat on the couch "(Name) why are you wearing your ninja gear? Is not like you're going on a mission" said Mary while placing hand on her hip "well, I know that, but I have to wear something" Mary chuckle and went to her room, then she came back with a sky blue sundress "I wore this when I was pregnant with your big brother and yourself" (Name)'s eyes went wide "mom, its beautiful" Mary smile warm smile "try it on" (Name) took the dress "really?" Mary nod, (Name) smile brightly and went to the bathroom to try it on, while (Name) was gone, Mary look at Neji "I see that you're spending a lot of time with (Name)" Neji cross his arms "its a mission, Lady Tsunade told me to escort her everywhere she goes until the baby is born" Mary smile "would you have spend time with her even if the Hokage wouldn't have sent you to" Neji look to the side with a small blush on his cheeks and nod "I know how much you care for her and I thank you for that" Neji look at her a bit surprised and Mary smiles "how do I look?" As they both look at (Name), Neji's eyes went wide and Mary run towards her "you look absolutely beautiful, don't you think so Neji" (Name) look at Neji, he stood up "it looks good on you" (Name) smile "thank you Neji" he smile slightly "keep it" said Mary, (Name) look at her with wide eyes "eh! A-Are you sure mom?" Mary nod and (Name) smiled "thank you mom" she said while hugging Mary. They pull away "by the way mom, where's dad and Big brother?" Mary chuckle softly "they're in a mission" (Name) sigh and smile "I see, well, I'll see them whenever I visit" they stood there talking for a while, (Name) and Neji told Mary where (Name) will be staying until she finds a place to live, Mary thank Neji for the kind gesture, after talking Mary made dinner and so (Name) and Neji ate before they left, night fall and Neji and (Name) said goodnight to Mary and left to the Hyuga household, for them to sleep until the next day.

(I hope you guys like it, please vote and comment on what you think 😄)

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