Chapter 20

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The next day (Name) and Neji were at (Name)'s house. (Name) was sitting on her couch playing with Neji's hair while he was on the floor with his back between her legs reading a book "Neji?" He hummed not taking his eyes off from the book "can I take your headband off" that caught his attention "why?" He asks, (Name) play with the end of Neji's hair "because I want to do something, but with your head band on, I can't do it" Neji was thinking, he honestly didn't want to, he doesn't like to reveal his forehead, because of his curse mark "I don't know" he said while trying to read the book, (Name) pout at his response "please, I know you don't like it, but you're with me, no one will see you" Neji sigh in defeat "fine" she smiles victoriously "yay!" (Name) took off Neji's headband and place it next to her, Neji sigh but smiles without (Name) noticing and keeps reading the book.

After a few minutes Neji kept hearing (Name) giggle "(Name) what are you doing?" she stop giggling "I'm done" Neji turn his head towards (Name) and raise an eyebrow "what did you do?" She giggle again "find out for yourself" she smirk at him "Neji-chan" Neji's eyes went wide, he stood up and rush to her bedroom, (Name) kept giggling as she hears an irritation growl, Neji came out of her bedroom with a serious face, (Name) burst out of laughter as Neji stood in front of her with two ponytails in braids "really (Name)?" She kept laughing "you look cute Neji-chan" Neji blushed and look aside "I can't believe you" (Name) stood up from her couch and went towards him "awww don't be upset Neji" she close eyes while giggling, suddenly (Name) lifted her hand and poke Neji's forehead with her index and middle finger, after realizing what she did, she open her eyes wide, Neji had his head tilt with a confuse look on his face, (Name) look on the floor with a blush on her checks 'ehhh! W-Why did I do that!?' She thought freaking out, Neji on the other hand was undoing his braids, he was now undoing the second braid "I'm sorry" (Name) mumble softly, he look at her and sigh "don't worry, you were tempt by my hair" he finish undoing his braid and let his hair loose "no, about poking your forehead" said (Name) still looking at the floor, he chuckle "its ok, where's my headband?" She pointed at the couch without looking at him, Neji look at the couch and took his headband, before putting his head band on, he look at (Name), she still was facing the floor, he sigh "hey (Name)" she lifted her head and look at him "do I look better with or without my headband?" She place her index finger on her lips "hmm, well, I prefer without, but you look good with both" she said and smile, Neji smile and put his headband on "thank you" he mumble and she giggle, then a knock was heard on the door, Neji and (Name) went towards the door and open it "Tsunade-sama? Kakashi-sensei? What brings you guys here" Tsunade cross her arms "well, we need Neji to go on a mission" Neji was taken aback "wait Lady Hokage, but what about (Name), she can't go anywhere alone" Tsunade points at Kakashi "that's why Kakashi is here, he'll be taking your place until you return from your mission" Kakashi gave (Name) a close eye smile and wave his hand, Neji sigh but bow his head "alright Lady Hokage" he stand straight "when do I leave?"

"Today, pack your things and meet Gai and the others at the gate" Neji nod and put his shoes on, then he look at (Name) and pat her head "don't do anything reckless ok" she giggles "alright 'Dad'" Neji roll his eyes and left the house. (Name) look at Tsunade and Kakashi, Tsunade was smirking and so was Kakashi, even though it was behind his mask, but it was noticible "eh? Why you two staring at me like that?" Tsunade shake her head "alright Kakashi, she's at your care" Kakashi nod and Tsunade left, (Name) look at Kakashi and smile "well, aren't you going to come in?" Kakashi enter and took off his shoes, (Name) close the door and Kakashi look around "hm, clean" (Name) went and sat at her couch "what does that suppose to mean" she pout, Kakashi anime sweat and laugh nervously "no, don't take it the wrong way, I meant in a good way" her expression went back to normal "oh, oops" Kakashi sat next to her "so, how have you been in the past 5 month?" (Name) look at her stomach and strokes it "I've been good, and so has been this little fella" Kakashi smiles under his mask "do you know if its a boy or a girl?" She shakes her head "nope, I want it to be a surprise" Kakashi lay his back on the couch "well, have you thought about names yet?" (Name) look up at him "hmm, no not yet, but soon" Kakashi nod.

Kakashi was reading his book and (Name) was at the kitchen cooking something, when the floor starts shake "huh? An earthquake?" Said Kakashi confused, (Name) run to the livingroom "Kakashi-sensei I sence enemy chakra" Kakashi's eye went wide, he close his book and grab (Name)'s hand "we have to get you out of here now" (Name) nod and they both got out of the house.

Once they do, they see all the villagers running and panicking "is the Village under attack again?" Ask (Name), Kakashi furrow his eyebrow "I believe so, come on, you can't be caught up at this" they both run, trying to find a safe place "wait Kakashi-sensei" as they stop running, they hear a beep voice "where is Naruto Uzumaki?" (Name)'s eyes went wide "its Pain, he's looking for Naruto" Kakashi look towards where the voice is coming from then look at (Name) "we have to go, if he finds out that you're pregnant-" (Name) cut him off "he won't, you go and I'll look for a safe place, don't worry Kakashi-sensei, I'll be fine" then she ran away, Kakashi sigh "Lady Tsunade is going to kill me for not keeping an eye on her" then he left.

(Name) saw Sakura healing someone "Sakura!" She ran towards Sakura, Sakura look up and her eyes went wide "what are you doing here (Name)-chan, you should be in the safety grounds" (Name) anime sweats "I-I know but-" she was cut off when the floor shake furiously, as a strong wind was about to blow her and Sakura away, (Name) focus her chakra on her hand, she grabs the floor and takes Sakuras hand "hold on!" After a long while, (Name) look up while coughing dirt, then her eyes went wide "the Village" (Name) breath out, Sakura look up as well "Oh My God" she whisper in disbelieve, then a slug appear on Sakura's shoulder "Sakura" Sakura look to her side "Katsuyu? What are you doing here?" (Name) look at Katsuyu as well "Lady Tsunade summoned me to help with injuries" then Katsuyu look at (Name) "(Name), you shouldn't be here, it dangerous" (Name) scratches the back of her head "I know, but I got lost and saw Sakura, I was about to leave but this happen" she pointed in the middle of now, the broken Village.

(Heyooooo, its been a while hasn't it (。・ω・。)  well, I hope you guys like this chapter! Please vote and comment! ❤❤❤)

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