Chapter 10

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The third day past and they finished removing the Tail Beast from Gaara and when they did, (Name) was the fist one to go. She open her eyes and look at the sky 'its raining, so Gaara really is dead' she felt a hand on her shoulder and look to her side "(Name), you are worrying me, what's the matter?" Said Itachi, she look at him "I'm fine, just a bit tired" Itachi hum and sat behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and placed his forehead on her shoulder "after this we have to go and look for the 4 tails" (Name) giggle "and by we, you mean, you and Kisame" he lift his head and lay his chin on her shoulder "no, I mean Kisame, you and me" she raised an eyebrow "you want me to come along?" Itachi snuggle in her neck "yes, I haven't been able to spend time with you" she giggle and stroke the back of his head "alright, when are we leaving?" He hum "maybe tomorrow" she nod.

As the next day came, Itachi, Kisame and (Name) went to find the 4 tails Jinchuriki. A week has past and they still haven't found the 4 tails, (Name) has been feeling a little bit dizzy in that week, but she shake it off and kept moving without Itachi noticing. Finally they found the 4 tails, as they were going to fight him, (Name) all of the sudden fell and passed out, Itachi ran towards her and told Kisame to capture the 4 tails.

Itachi pick (Name) up and ran to a safe place, as he find a small cave and put (Name) down, place his hand in her forehead and check her temperature "she doesn't have a fever" he placed his hand in his hair "so why did she pass out?" He just sat there, pushed his knees close to his chest and placed his head on his knees, feeling hopeless because he doesn't know what's wrong with his lover, suddenly he hears a groan, he shoot his head up and look at her, she open her eyes slowly and place her hand on her head "ow, my head hurts" Itachi got close to her, kiss her forehead and stroke her cheek "shhh, rest, you haven't sleep for days, maybe that's the reason you pass out" (Name) shake her head and sit up "no, its something else, but, I don't know what that is" she throw her head back and took deep breaths to calm herself, while Itachi had his eyes wide as he has his Sharingan activate 'it can't be, she couldn't be, is she-' "I got the 4 tails" Itachis thought were interrupted by Kisame, who enter the cave withe Jinchuriki on his bandaged sword, (Name) look at him, nod and stood up "let's go then" she started to walk "wait (Name)" she turn, look at Itachi and gave him a sweet smile "yes?" Itachi sweat a little 'should I tell her?' She tilt her head and place a hand on his cheek "Itachi is something the matter?" Itachis eyes soften and shake his head slowly "no, its ok" he took her hand and interlock their fingers, (Name) smile squeeze his hand lovingly and walk with him out of the cave.

The three of them went to the cave where they were going to remove the 4 tails and they see that the cave is destroy "some fight happen here" said Kisame, (Name) walk in the cave "yeah, who could have done this?" As they look around (Name) found something "oh my God" Kisame and Itachi went towards her "what did you find (Name)?" Ask Itachi, went he look at the direction she was looking his eyes wide a little "its Sasori" said Kisame, and there he was, Sasori stabed by two other puppets, (Name) walk towards his puppet body, kneels and touches the floor "Sakura" she whispers "what?" Asked Itachi "huh? Oh, nothing" she stood up 'Sakura was here, that means that the others were here too' she look at Itachi and Kisame "we have to go and look for the others, and see where the base is" the two of them nod "there's no need" the three of them look back and see Zetsu "the new base is not far from here" said white Zetsu "I see you got the 4 tails Jinchuriki" said black Zetsu "it was a hassle, but I manege to keep him half alive" said Kisame with a grin "now follow me, and we'll be in the new base in no time" said white Zetsu while walking with Sasori on his shoulder and they follow behind.

They went to the cave and before they remove the 4 tails, they first have to remove the 2 tails that Hidan and Kakusu capture not to long ago. So in the past month they all been removing the tail beasts, but they were missing the 8 and the 9 tails.

But instead of Itachi looking for the remaining Jinchurikies, he had other business to take care of. Itachi had told Sasuke to meet him in an old Uchiha Hideout, as Itachi and (Name) went to the old Uchiha Hideout, he told Kisame to keep watch so that Sasuke would enter alone. Itachi sigh and look at (Name) "hide there ok" he said while pointing at a pillar, he hold both of her cheeks and kiss her forehead, she hold back her tears but nod and hide where Itachi told her to hide. Sasuke came, he and Itachi had a small conversation before they started to fight, when they start to fight, (Name) was there watching everything, and she knows that Itachi is letting himself get hit by Sasuke, but Itachi made it seem like if Sasuke was actually beating Itachi, then they took the fight on the roof, (Name) went to the roof and saw that Itachi was using his Susanoo and the power of the Sharingan was affecting him too much that Itachi was spiting blood from his mouth. (Name) was with tears in her eyes, then the fight ended, Itachi pocked Sasukes forehead and fell, Sasuke seemed shocked and fell as well, (Name) ran towards Itachi "Itachi!" Itachi look to his side and smiled "(Name), I-" he coughed blood, (Name) sniffles and stroke his cheek "shhh, don't speak, it'll be ok, you'll see me soon" she took a kunai knife out, but Itachi stopped her "you can't" he said weakly, her eyes went wide "w-what? Why?" Itachi placed his hand on her stomach "because, the baby has to live" (Name)'s tears fall "y-you mean to tell me, th-that I'm p-pregnant" Itachi gave a small nod "yes" he took her hands "promise me that" he coughed blood again "Itachi!" She sobbed, Itachi took a deep breath and continue "promise me that you will leave the Akatsuki and take care of our child without them knowing" she nod "yes, Itachi I promise, please you can't leave me!" Itachi gave a smile "I'm sorry (Name), I love you" she close her eyes as tears keep falling and she cry even more "no! Please Itachi!" Then he stopped talking, she open her eyes "Itachi?" She stroke his face and bury her face at his chest and kept crying "I love you too Itachi" she look at him and kiss his lips, she didn't care that it was cover in blood, but she kiss them softly and push away, she gave him one last look while standing up, took off her cloak, place it over Itachis body and with a heavy heart she left. When (Name) left Tobi showed up "so she's pregnant with Itachis baby" he smirk behind his mask "That means that it will be born with the Sharingan or with the Negan" he took Sasuke and look at the direction (Name) went "she should be prepare for a visit from the Akatsuki when that baby is born" and he disappear with Sasuke on his shoulder.

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