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Mindanao. The third main island of the Philippine archipelago located in the south. Often portrayed as dangerous, chaotic, always at war, uncivilized, undeveloped, poor, and full of terrorists.

But are these the only reasons why Azren’s parents forbade them from visiting the island? That they’d rather spend thousands for a vacation abroad? Do they really believe those prejudices?

Well, unlike her parents, Azren did some research and she discovered that majority of it wasn’t true. She discovered—through the internet—that Mindanao is a peaceful island with a booming economy. They have schools, universities, malls, banks, restaurants, pawnshops, airports, seaports, a variety of vehicles, rich lands and bodies of water, and similar to Luzon and Visayas, Mindanao have wealthy residents and businessmen too!

Yes, it’s true that there are anti-government groups and places prone to wars but those were remote and away from civilization, and only occupies a minute portion of the vast island. She was happy to know these things and vowed that she’ll visit there one day—when she’s older, earning, and free. So, for now, she respected her parents’ words and stopped nagging them about her interest with the island.

But her quiet and wealthy life was shaken with the truth that concretely answered why her parents despised the island so much.

Between North and SouthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon