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Uriah: Happy First Monthsary to us my Azren Louiza Fuentes! ♡♡♡ It's exactly one month since the day I first texted you. Long live our friendship! Cheers! I love you. :*

That touching message sent her to school in high spirit. Actually, she and Uriah haven't communicated for a week again but it was okay because this time, he told her ahead. So, last night, she immediately went to bed after she reviewed some lessons. Then when she woke and checked her phone, a smile painted into her face while her heart thumped.

He made an effort to text me at 12:00 midnight!

She acknowledged that those three words made her giddy. He's the only guy to tell her that since Tristan and she actually missed the feeling of being told. But despite what she felt with his effort, her subconscious kept whispering that maybe he was just overwhelmed and this phase will pass sooner or later.

Azren: You made my day! :* Happy First Monthsary too! Long live our friendship! :D

She didn't say that it back because she clearly doesn’t love him. Yes, she cares for him. She misses him. She longs for his texts and calls but she certainly doesn’t love him.

She got his reply during lunch. She didn’t mind thinking that if he didn't wake up late, then he must’ve been busy with his chores.

Uriah: I'm glad I did. :D But no I love you back?

Hmp! As if you truly love me, Mister.
Azren: Haha. Only when I truly love you.

Uriah: You still don't?

Azren: Haha. Why? Do you REALLY love me?

Uriah: Of course. :') Is it so hard to believe?

Azren: Baby, what's important is that I care for you. :*

Uriah: Fine. I'll settle for that now. :)

Azren: Gotta go. Happy first, Bee! :*

She rose from my seat and walked with Gavin to their next class.

Uriah: Okay, Bee. I'll call tonight.


Azren: I have a question.

Azren texted as she settled on her bed after changing into her nighties.

Uriah: Sounds serious. Throw it.

Azren: What's your monthsary date with your last gf? If you don't mind.

Uriah: June 6. :) I don't mind. I've moved on.

Azren: Oh? So you broke up just after your anniversary? Because you said you broke up 3 months ago.

Uriah: Yeah. We had the split about two weeks after the anniv.

Now that wasn't true. How would he explain their monthsary posts until August? When will you stop lying Uriah? Her thoughts were interrupted when a call from him came in.

"Hi." She answered.

"Baby, happy monthsary again."

I could melt but I’m not letting that sweet voice sway me off my pretty feet. "Happy monthsary, too. I didn't know that we have a monthsary. Too bad we can't celebrate."

"Who says? FYI, I bought a cake for us and cooked your favorite Kare-kare."

She rose from the bed. "Are you serious?"

She could hear his amused laughter on the other line. "Of course! Do you have internet access? I'll send you some pictures and a video."

"Huh? Uh… yeah. Will you be sending them now?"

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