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The cousins hid what happened from Melanie. The tour went on without Azren and Trinity making up but nevertheless, it was a fun one. Azren also decided not to tell Uriah about it. She didn't want him to worry nor feel guilty though she believes that there's nothing to be guilty about in the first place.

Gavin: Az, it's been days.

This was the first text she received today. It's Monday again and out of exhaustion from their Camiguin trip, she woke up late at 10:00 AM.

Azren: Sorry, Gav. I was preoccupied. Good morning! :)

Gavin: Is something wrong? You rarely text now.

Gavin: Are you avoiding me?

She sighed reading that. She didn't realize that she's been ignoring him these past days. But as a result, she also realized that she's over her romantic feelings for him. She realized that as she waited for his confession for so long, her feelings faded, and that was confirmed when Uriah came. And the thought that no conflicts will arise between her and Gavin became one of the reasons why she agreed to be his girlfriend that November night.

Now here in Cagayan de Oro, even if she's focused on strengthening her relationship with the Burgoses, with Uriah being always around, it has become inevitable for him to be part of her life.

Azren: It's not that. Sorry.

Gavin: Good to know. What're your plans today?

They continued chatting although his replies were delayed because of work. Gavin's currently managing their restaurant branch at Makati-a business handed down by his parents. There are just two of them siblings and his sister's already married and staying abroad with her own family, so he had to take over.

"Hey, Ma. What's for lunch today?" She asked as soon as she made it into the kitchen and saw Melanie preparing to cook rice.

"Sinigang. Your siblings are having lunch here."

"Yeah, Sab told me." She fetched herself a glass of water from the dispenser. "Can I make it?"

"You know how?" Melanie was genuinely surprised.

"I learned it from our helper. It may not be my forte," she chuckled. "But you can help me improve it."

"I'm always happy to hear that you're interested in cooking, dear. Of course, I'll help you."

And so she proceeded in preparing the ingredients and an hour later, she sat on the island stool as she waited for the dish to be cooked. It was almost 12:00 noon and she received a call from Uriah.

"Hey, Bee."

"Hello! Have you eaten?"

"About to. You?"

"Almost done cooking."

"Would you cook for me sometime?"

"I'm actually planning to bake you a cake..." She paused. "On your birthday."

"Pfft. That's on August. Too far. I don't wanna wait for that long."

She giggled. "At least you have something to look forward to. And you'll finally get a taste of my cake."

"Eh? Could you cook for me sooner? Any dish."

"Hmm. You'd only make fun of it."

"Criticize is the best word for it. Besides, I've been longing to taste your dishes since I found out that you can actually cook."

I've never tried bringing food to someone before, so it would be nice to try it. Even just for a friend-um, well, someone I like.

"Fine. I'll bring you lunch tomorrow."
"Seriously?" He was genuinely taken aback.

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