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Azren: We're passing Luxe Hotel. :D
She eagerly texted Uriah as she saw the golden building of Limketkai Luxe Hotel—one of the finest hotels in the City of Golden Friendship.

It's now Saturday and her friends are leaving tomorrow. But instead of a hotel, they decided to stay at Carlos' place for more convenience. As of now, they’re headed to the De Gracia’s for dinner.

"Heaven!" She stretched herself as the van finally parked outside the gate. The others were still asleep except for Carlos who drove for the second half of their travel. "Wake up, sleepy heads! We're here!" She shook her seatmates, Gavin and Sophia and Ramona, Phil, and Farrah who were seated behind them. Then she jumped out and hugged Uriah who's been waiting for their arrival. He twirled her once and pecked her on the lips before announcing how much he missed her.

"Aw!" Said Brian who just got out of the van. He pushed his wayfarers upwards and hi-fived with Uriah.

Inside the house, Melanie was setting up the platter of rice on the table, Sabina finished some things in the kitchen, and Gus excitedly descended from upstairs and lunged himself towards his sister.

Sabina half-ran towards her too. "Missed you! How was the trip?"

"It was great! I missed you guys. Where's uncle?"

"As usual. On duty," Sabina answered.

Azren nodded before walking towards Melanie who immediately asked of her friends’ whereabouts.

"Still in the van, fixing their things."

"Okay. Ice, please call them in."

"Sure, Auntie."

Dinner commenced after the introductions. Melanie prepared her specialties and Sabina made the desserts. While they ate, Azren excused to answer a call from Elvira.

"Hey, Az. Are you back in the city?"

"Yes, Mom. Safe and sound. We're currently eating."

"Ah. That's good to hear. I sense that you enjoyed your vacation."

"It was surreal, Mom! I hope we could visit there next time."

"Aww. I hope so, too. But you know that your Dad doesn't like going there."

"Well that was before all this, right? He might reconsider this time."

“Let’s hope so. I do want to visit Siargao. Anyways, aren't you coming home with your friends?"

"I'll be back on the fourteenth, Mom."

"What's stopping you? Your siblings are busy. Melanie, too. And, Az, you have a business to takeover."

"Yeah. They spend their free time with me, though." She answered, dodging the topic of the business.

"Okay, dear. You should go back to dinner. I love you."

"I love you too, Mom."

She moved away from the door and went back to the seat beside Uriah.
Dinner lasted until seven and they stayed for one more hour before finally hitting the road towards Carlos’ place.

"Gosh, I'm so exhausted!" Sophia blurted as the van rolled outside the gate.

"Me too!" Farrah agreed. "Thea?"

"Yeah. Same. I need a massage!"

“And I need to rinse off all the food and alcohol we had from this trip.” Rebecca added as she stepped out of the vehicle.

"So, I guess we're all directly going to sleep tonight," Autumn yawned. "How about you, Az? Ice? You going home?"

"Yup," she answered. "I'll come back for you tomorrow after church."

They left after making sure that everybody’s settled for the night. But instead of heading home straight, Azren disregarded her tiredness and told Uriah to drive them to the nearest convenience store. She bought chips and wine and then requested him to bring her to the spot where they had their pick-up date.

“What’s with this sudden escapade, my love?”

“I just want to be with my boyfriend alone.” She winked and stepped out of the van. She opened the sliding door and pulled out a tent that she borrowed from Gus. “Help me put this up.”

“Whoa.” Uriah stilled. “We can’t sleep here even if I’d want to.”

She chuckled. “I know. We’ll leave before curfew.”

“Okay then. I’m not really complaining, you know.”

The tent was up in less than ten minutes—complete with comforter and small pillows that she kept hidden under the dashboard earlier.

“Let’s just lie down for a while.” Said Azren, pulling him beside her. Once he was flat on his back, she rolled towards him and laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his torso.

“I don’t mind getting used to this.” He kissed the top of her head while rubbing his hand against her exposed shoulder.

“Me too,” she tightened her embrace.

God, I missed him extremely. How is this possible, really? She sighed. And now I need to tell him about leaving. I know that he’s well-oriented about our situation and he will certainly understand, but I can’t shake off the guilt and longing. Damn, I’m still here and I’m already longing! In love much, Azren? You failed to slow down, didn’t you?

Whatever now. I have to break the news.

“Bee, I’m flying back to Manila on the fourteenth.” His hand stopped. Azren lifted her head to face him. "This sixteenth is dad's birthday, I need to be there."

He tucked some hair behind her ear and offered a wistful smile. "That’s your dad. I can't oppose to that. When will you return?"

As expected. But the bigger problem is the answer to his question. "Undetermined."

He blew from his pursed lips. "That's… wow."

"That's why I couldn't tell you earlier."

She waited for his answer. She waited for him to say how he felt about her leaving. But instead of words, she received a kiss. She closed her eyes. It was just on the forehead but then he gave her another one—on the lips.

"We’ll get through," he ascertained.

Azren nodded and initiated a kiss. An aggressive, hungry, passionate kiss that multiplied more and more. And as they enjoyed the intimacy, all she could think about was how they are going to endure this long distance relationship. She wants to be with him but she also wants to realize her dreams in the place where she grew up. The place that she calls home.

Friday—five days since Azren’s friends left and she’s now on her way back to the north. She was ahead of her original schedule because Elvira needed help in preparing Albert’s grand celebration. She felt bad because she had to cancel her plans with Uriah and her cousins for the coming weekends. But since she’s doing this for her father, she willed herself to quit feeling awful about it.

She was busy five days prior to the event. Since it is his fiftieth, the event wasn’t made exclusive  for his family and close friends because they also invited all of his business partners—usually the managers or owners of the establishments renting in their buildings.

“At this moment,” the emcee announced after Grayson’s speech. “We will hear a message from Sir Albert’s only daughter, Miss Azren Louiza Natividad Fuentes!”

Natividad. The name echoed in her head. Although Elvira repeatedly told her not to bother, she just couldn't help it. What if everyone expected me to change my name now that I know the truth?

Despite her worries, she fixed her golden night gown and went to the podium.

“Good evening. I’m not gonna make this long because the rest of the things that I want to tell father will be, as usual, through a letter that only he and our family can read. I don’t know if you’re aware but whenever I tell someone about my thoughts on their special days, I prefer writing them a letter. And it’s up to them to share it to the public. Anyways,” she chuckled and lingered her eyes on her father who looked so proud of her. “Happy birthday, Daddy! Two things that I wanna tell you. First, thank you. Thank you for loving me and my brothers; for treating me like a princess; for doing everything for us to have the life that we have now; and for giving me…” she breathed before going on. “A wonderful and loving family that I call home. You are my home,” she gave her parents and siblings a reassuring smile. “And whatever happens, I will always come home to our family. Second and the most important of all… I love you, Dad. And I am eternally grateful that it is you that God has given us. I will never trade you for anything.” She raised her glass of red wine as she announced, “Cheers!”

Glasses clanked and applause filled the room. Logan spoke after her and Elvira was last since she was the highlight.

“You’re such a lazy speaker.” Gavin teased when he joined her at the Natividad cousins’ table.

“You know me,” she smirked unapologetically. “Where are your parents, by the way? I haven’t greeted them yet.”

“Sure. I’ll take you to them.”

His parents were grouped with the rest of Albert’s closest friends and Azren greeted them one by one.

"So, are you finally taking over the business, Az?" asked Arturo, Gavin's father.

"Yes, Uncle. It's what my parents and I agreed. I will start next week."

"What's the delay?" He wondered.

"I have been spending time with my family in Cagayan de Oro."

"Ah, yes!"

They talked for a while and were only interrupted when Rhys informed that their grandmother requested her and Gavin to join them. Her aunt, uncles, and some cousins were there too. Having a hunch as to what words will be coming out of their mouths, she would’ve not graced the invitation if it weren’t for her grandfather.

“You sure you want me to come along?” Gavin asked as they made their way to them.

“I’ll do the speaking if they say anything about us.”

“Tss. Don’t doubt me, Az. I’m not gonna say anything against you and your boyfriend. I’ll support you all the way.”

She smiled at him. “Thanks.”

"The couple of the night." Josefa mused. Like everybody else, she’s nicely dressed in the shade of yellow and gold. "How are you two?"

Gavin beamed. "We're good, Gramma."

"Don't be too modest. Give us some details!" Arissa demanded gaily. "Are you officially a couple?"

And what? You’ll be kinder to me when I marry Gavin? Tss.

"Um. We're close friends."

"Oh. I doubt it. When will you make it official?" Her sophisticated aunt insisted.

"I have a boyfriend."

"Well, nothing's certain." She waved off.

"Your boyfriend. Where is he from?" That's Josefa again. "What does he do?"

Azren straightened herself. Despite the nervousness that struck as she was asked, anticipating what their judgment will be, she chose to show courage and pride. "He's from Cagayan de Oro. A bank manager."

“I can’t believe you got back with him,” Hadleigh said. They’re connected online, hence, her knowledge about Uriah. “Which bank is he working at?”

“I can’t believe you’re interested. But I’d rather not mention it.”

"Does it matter which bank? The fact that he's from down south is already unacceptable! Come on, Azren. You can do better than that! Half of you is from there, so don't drag yourself down even more."

"Right." Her jaws clenched as her other cousin, Miles, failed to contain her scoff. "Anyways, I'm pretty sure that he's nothing compared to Tristan or Gavin. And you never know, Az, he might only be after your wealth."

Gavin tensed beside her. He tapped her knee to send some calming messages. But in her head, she was already slapping her aunt and cousin side to side. But despite the boiling anger, she kept a straight face.

“Gavin and I are just friends. That’s clear between the two of us. As for Tristan, I can enumerate all of the ugly qualities that he has but I’d rather not waste my energy on that. Instead, let me tell you about my boyfriend since you’re all so interested,” she added sarcastically. “He's not as poor as you imagine him to be. And yes, he's also not a millionaire. Just right in the middle. But his family is living a decent life. He strives to be independent and doesn't ask for things he knows he doesn't deserve. Whatever it is that he has, he worked hard for it. Just like how grandpa did to reach this point of his life and bringing all of us along with it." She made sure to emphasize the last phrase for the realization to hit them hard. "And I believe that there's nothing wrong with a partner whom I can liken to my grandfather." She dropped a victorious smile and stood. "Excuse me."

She dashed out of the ballroom with the rooftop in mind.

"Az!" Called Gavin. She didn't slow down until they reached the inside of the elevator. "You okay?"

She sighed. "Of course. I'd expected this. Their judgments. Them looking down on others as if our ancestors didn't come from the same state." She crossed her arms and leaned on the elevator's mirror wall. "But the hell I care, Gav, as long as I'd defended the man I love."

He moved closer and offered a comforting hug. "I admire your courage."

She was happy about defending him from her father’s prejudiced relatives but it didn’t end there, of course. A day later, she found herself with her whole family inside Albert and Elvira’s office. Cups of tea were served and several moments later, Albert finally addressed the subject that she thought he'll never bring up.

"I heard how you defended your boyfriend from my family that night."

She sighed. Being with Uriah for almost two months without hearing complaints from her parents and siblings made her believe that the issue was over.

"I admire how you stood up for him. But, Az, didn't we tell you to avoid this?"

The disappointment resonated in his voice and she sensed that at the end of this conversation, they’ll ask her to put an end to their relationship.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" She finally asked.

"Because we trusted in your promises. We were confident that you would never betray our trust."

Silence again. Arms folded, she leaned against the backrest and looked away. "And all the while I thought that the judgments were over," she paused and faced them again. "Mom. Dad. Whether we like it or not, I am a daughter of a woman from Mindanao. And in all honesty, I admit that I was devastated when I found out that half of the blood running in my veins came from someone who hailed from the place you've been teaching us to avoid."

"Your upbringing was different from theirs." Elvira countered. "You were raised here. A nature different from theirs."

"Mom, they are just like us. They are not less than what we are."

"Az, why did you disobey our reminders about relationships?"

"I've asked myself the same and never had an answer until the night that our relatives insulted me and my boyfriend," she replied calmly. "And the answer to that is… I fell in love. Deeper, sincerer, and more genuine than what I felt with Tristan. Or Gavin." A minute of silence passed before she went on. "I am not disrespecting you. That was never my intention. I just want to be happy. And Isaac gives me that. Besides, I'm in a whole new world whenever I'm with him and everyone in Cagayan de Oro. And I love that new world."

"Was Gavin not enough?"

She sucked in a deep breath. "I know that the whole family likes him for me but Gavin is my friend. And he's already accepted that. We're contented with what we have now."

"It's not too late to change your mind, Az."

Answering her mother, she asked, "And if I didn't, will you disown me?"

"Why would you think so?" She felt her mother’s heartache from her insensitive accusation. "I chose to be your mother and until death, I will be your mother. Nothing can change that. We can go through all kinds of misunderstandings but I will always be your mother."

And this is one reason why I can never leave this family behind. This is the reason why I can never see myself staying in Mindanao for good.

“I’m sorry for saying that, Mom. And I’m sorry if I’m being stubborn, but I love Isaac. Please give us a chance. Let me get to know him more, and if there’s some reason valid enough for me to leave him, then I will. But for now I can’t decide just yet.”

“And if you find no valid reason to leave him?”

“Then that’s a good thing, Dad,” Grayson answered on her behalf. “That means Azren is in good hands. Well, as long as this guy proves that he can provide for her.”

“Come on guys,” Logan threw his hands in the air. “Ate is an independent woman. She doesn’t need some guy to provide for her. She can do that for herself. But of course, that doesn’t mean that she can be with someone who doesn’t have a career.”

“Well, he has a career,” Azren pointed. “And it doesn’t end there. He has great plans.”

“There’s no problem then,” said Logan which was seconded by Grayson.

“Dad, let’s give it to her. Life’s been hard on her lately and if this guy is helping her get through it, then shouldn’t we be grateful?”

An awful silence stretched as the three of them waited for their parents’ response.

God, I know that my parents are good people. Please make them understand. Please open their minds and hearts. I don’t need other people’s validation but I need my parents’ blessing. I love them and I also love Uriah. Please don’t make me choose. Please, God, I beg you. Just one chance. Please let them give him one chance.

“So be it.” Albert finally said. “But you can’t neglect your responsibilities in the company, Azren. Are we clear about that?”

God, thank you! Thank you so much! “I won’t let you down, Dad.” She turned to Elvira. “Mom?”

“Fine,” she sighed. “You’re old enough to decide. But you can’t leave Manila for good.”

“I’m not even planning on it.”

The night ended with that peaceful compromise. Azren knew that they were still skeptical about it but it was enough for now. For her, it’s already a stepping stone towards a brighter future for her and Uriah.

Edificio de Fuentes. She stared at the signage and suck in a deep breath. This is the business that she'll takeover—one among the many commercial buildings that she’s expected to manage. It was supposed to be Grayson’s but he didn't want it. He decided to start a different business a year ago. Logan, however, did not show interest despite Albert’s encouragement to expose him in the industry.

What she told Uriah about her father being a government employee was just a cover up. When they first met, she didn't want him to know that she came from a well-off family. And she only did that because he was a stranger then. Mysteriously, though, until now, the subject hasn’t been brought up again.

The days passed agonizingly slow. There was never a single one that she didn’t miss him or the people in Cagayan de Oro. The first week was bearable but as the days passed, even the nightly video calls did not suffice. Although most of her hours are spent at work, she can’t help the melancholy of knowing that she won’t be seeing them once work is done.

"Hey, Ate." Logan poked her after noticing that she was no longer focused on the movie that they were watching. "Are you okay?"


"Missing someone?" He teased. "You should introduce him to us."

"I definitely will. Someday I’ll bring him here."

“You must, because I wanna know what made you love him.”

This is crap. Tomorrow is our monthsary and unfortunately, for the second time, we wouldn't be spending it together. Damn this distance! I miss him so bad. His warmth, his sweetness, his kindness, his kisses—ugh! I hope he moves here one day.

"Here." Logan handed her a huge paper bag on Sunday morning. "Ramona said that's from your boyfriend. It's your monthsary, right?"

“Really?” She eagerly grabbed the parcel, thanked him, and ran upstairs.

“You’re welcome, Ate!”

Her laugh echoed. “Thanks, Logan!”

The gift was simple. It was a pillow with a collage of their photos and the middle of it all was a photograph of the infinity anklet he gave her. Azren, on the other hand, sent him a personalized cellphone case since he didn’t seem to plan on buying one.

"Thank you for the pillow!" She exclaimed cheerfully via video call that night.

"Did you like it?"

"Of course! It's so cute. How about my gift? Did you get it?"

"And I love it," he winked.

"Use it. I don't want your phone to be broken."

"I'm a careful man," he laughed.

"Even then. Prevention's still better than cure."

"Yes, my love."

"Really, thank you. But why a pillow?"

"My proxy. Something else to hug," he chuckled wistfully. "If I could only just be there."

"Long distance sucks."

"But I'm still happy because we survived. At least now we know that our love can beat distance."

"Of course. As long as the communication remains."

Yeah. I should just be thankful that we reached this far. We survived our first two months of LDR. But how long can we do this? Because after my next visit, I'll be staying here for good.

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