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“Nobody said it was easy
It’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start…”

It’s Saturday and inside the comfort of her bedroom, Azren was interrupted from singing and playing the keyboards when she received a message from an unregistered number that said ‘hi’. Instantly, she knew that it wasn’t from any of her friends as they always inform everyone when they change digits.

Another message came in.

Unknown: Are you Ramona Espero’s friend? I got your number from her. I hope you don’t mind. :)

Her jaw fell. How could she give my contact number away? And who’s cousin of hers is this stranger referring to?

Me: What’s your name?

Unknown: Uriah :)

She wasn’t acquainted to anyone with that name, hence, she called her best friend. “Who’s Uriah?”

“Is that his name?” Ramona answered. “Sorry, Az! Remember my cousin Carlos from Cagayan de Oro? One of his teammate asked for a textmate and Carlos thought of me as the perfect source. Just go with it. I trust my cousin, so I trust his friend too.”

“You should’ve at least asked for my approval.”

“Sorryyy. He kept annoying me until I gave one. Plus, he’s my cousin. I couldn’t say no. I swear, I scanned every single contact on my phone and no one’s available except you. Besides, I trust that you can handle this. Just go with it.”


“Ugh. That’s harmless. Bye, Az! Scold me tomorrow because I have a date.” She laughed and hung up.

Azren lied on her bed and pondered on what her friend said. To herself she said, “Well, I have no one else to entertain and my phone’s only useful when I open the web or call my parents, so I guess this is fine.”

Azren: Why did you ask for my number? Do you know me?

Unknown: Not really. I was just looking for some random people to hopefully make friends with.

Azren: You should’ve looked online. You know Omegle? A friend told me that you can talk to millions of strangers there.

Unknown: Nah. I prefer befriending someone that I have a mutual friend with. :)

Huh? But I’m not friends with Carlos. He’s also not friends with Ramona. How do we have mutual friends? Oh, well. Whatever.

Azren: You’re right.

Unknown: So will you grant me the privilege of becoming your friend? :)

Okay. He seems polite. She saved his contact number and replied.

Azren: Sure. :)

Uriah: May I know your name? Carlos only gave your number since it’s what Ramona only gave him too.

To herself she muttered, “Good thinking, Mona. Since I don’t intend to give him my full name. Not yet, anyway.”

Azren: Louiza. But Izzy will do.

Uriah: Cool. Friends, then?

Azren: Sure. Do u know Ramona personally?

Uriah: Nope. Just by name. But I saw her on some of Carlos’ photos with their other cousins.

Azren: Why didn’t you text her instead?

Uriah: I didn’t have the interest.

Really? My friend is attractive and smart. How could he not have the interest? Or maybe he knows that she has a boyfriend.

Azren: Oh. She didn’t ask my permission in giving my number, btw.

Uriah: I’m sorry. I thought she did.

She didn’t blame him. Knowing Ramona, she must’ve opted to not decline because she wants Azren to expand her circle of friends or acquaintances, at least. Because, although Azren isn’t shy, she’s also not really friendly.

Azren: It’s okay. Just be a good textfriend.

Uriah: I will be. ;)

Azren: How old are you? Are you still studying? Which school?

Uriah: Just turned 21 a wk ago. Yes, I’m studying. 4th yr Business Ad at Liceo. :)

Uriah: How about you?

Azren: Twenty. Same course and year as you. La Salle. :)

Uriah: Cool! :D

Azren: Why so? Haha.

Uriah: Coz it’s La Salle. One of the most prestigious university in PH. Are you a volleyball varsity?

She chuckled.

Azren: Nope. But I watch their games live. You like vball?

Uriah: Not really. But I follow the Bball series.

Azren: I see. Ramona mentioned that u and her cousin are teammates. Are u part of your school’s varsity?

Uriah: Yes. :)

Someone knocked and Azren’s younger brother called her for dinner. Before going down, she messaged Uriah that she’ll text later because phones are banned during meal time. Uriah understood that and wished her a good meal.

She caught her mom washing hands in the kitchen sink while her Dad’s outside talking on the phone. She kissed her mother on the cheek and they talked about the highlights of their day as she helped set the table.

“Where is Kuya?” Azren asked, referring to their eldest.

“He’s out with his friends. Someone’s having a birthday.”

After dinner, she helped their housemaid, Maita, in clearing the table. Unlike other rich families, their parents trained them to help with the chores because they didn’t want their children to grow into spoiled and dependent individuals. So while she did the table, Logan took care of the garbage, and Maita did the dishes. After everything, she hurried back to her room and grabbed her phone. She continued texting with Uriah. Nothing serious but she enjoyed talking to him.

She honestly doesn’t like having textmates but the fact that she and Uriah are living in the opposite ends of the Philippines, she decided that there’s no harm in being friends with him. Even if she’s certain that her father will disapprove.

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