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Joining a mass—which was their first together—to celebrate their third monthsary gave Azren the feeling of assurance that they will get through with whatever comes into their way. She felt that they’d been blessed.

After the holy celebration, Azren and Uriah dined at Mango Mania at the nearby mall and he finally told her about his plan of visiting Manila to celebrate his birthday with her.

"August 28’s a Wednesday. Have you filed a leave?" She asked after checking the date on her phone’s calendar.

“No. I’ll leave on Friday night, so it’s actually going to be a late celebration.”

“You’ll celebrate with your family, right?”

“Yep. We’ll have an intimate family dinner. That’s how we usually celebrate our birthdays, so no worries. I want to be with you and hopefully meet your family if that’s okay.”

She smirked. “You better buckle up.”

“I did long ago.” He replied with a playful smug. “And you should, too, because I’m introducing you to my family tomorrow night.”

“What?” She almost choked. It was an exaggerated reaction but, yeah, she did.

Uriah pulled out a ply of tissue to clean the sides of her mouth. “It’s my mom’s birthday. Why so shocked, Bee?” He chuckled. “You knew it’s gonna happen one day.”

“Yes, but isn’t it too soon?”

He pouted. “We love each other and that’s enough reason for me to do this. Besides, they really are eager to meet you—the woman that kept me single for almost three years.”

She reddened. “Did they know that I hurt you?”

“No. I don’t tell them the details about my love life, Bee.” He chuckled. “But they knew that we broke up.”

Her lips protruded. “Fine. I’ll meet them. Besides, you’re also meeting my family soon, so it’s just fair.”

“Perfect.” His perfect set of teeth gleamed.

“Help me find her a gift.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to. You should’ve told me about this earlier. Does she like perfumes? Should I get her some Victoria’s Secret or Chloe?”

“Huh? That’s too much, Bee. Those are expensive brands, right?”

She bit her lip. “Okay. What about a shoulder bag?”

“Your options are too pricy. Just give her something nice but affordable.”

Oh, man. I can certainly afford a four-thousand peso item. Fine then. I’ll buy a bag within the price range of one thousand to two thousand pesos.

“Okay. Let’s just look later. But I prefer giving her a bag.”

He couldn’t do anything. Azren led him inside a renowned brand and picked the newest model of their black tote bag. He tried to check the price but Azren quickly covered it with her hand and told him to just sit and wait while she paid.

“Aren’t you gonna go check somewhere else?”

“Nope. This is fine. I already checked this online. It’s affordable, really. It’s within my budget.”

So, he had no choice but to do as she said. But as he waited, he searched for the brand online and checked the prices of their products. His eyes bulged and to confirm it, he asked one of the personnel about the price of the specific bag that Azren was buying.

“That’s almost three thousand pesos, Bee.” He muttered as soon as they left the store.

“Yeah. That’s a usual price for a bag. Stop complaining.”

“Have you gifted your Mama with something like this too?”

She nodded. “Yeah. I always bring them gifts whenever I come here. Or ship when I’m in Manila.”

“So this is normal for you? Buying expensive stuff?”

She pursed her lips. “I guess. But I don’t do this often, of course. Only when necessary and if I can afford it. I only buy authentic items because I want my things to last long.”


“Come on, Bee. It’s no big deal. If you’re worried about my money, quit it now because I do have savings.”

He pouted. “Fine then. I’ll take your word for it.”

She giggled and dragged him to the giftwrapping section.

Getting home that night, Azren decided to bake Uriah’s mother a cake and some cookies that she’ll put inside a mason jar. Hence, since she was free the next day, she went to the mall for the ingredients and the mason jar. Afterwards, she dedicated the rest of the day in baking and preparing her presents for her boyfriend’s mother.

“Antonia will definitely love your gift, dear.” Melanie said encouragingly as her daughter tied the glittery golden ribbon around the neck of the mason jar.

“I hope she does.”

“She will. For sure. They’re simple people. It won’t be hard to please them.”

“Hmm. Do you think she’ll like me?”

“I hope so. But she does find you beautiful. She whispered that to me when I told her about you on Bella’s birthday.”

She bobbed her head twice. “I’m nervous for later.”

“Don’t be. They’re really warm and friendly.”

“But it’s different when you’re going there as their son’s girlfriend.”

Melanie laughed and tapped her daughter’s hand. “Relax, Az. Honestly? I’m more worried about Isaac meeting your father and Elvira.”

Azren pouted and expressed her agreement.

“Have you talked to them about Isaac?” After being answered with a nod, she further asked, “How was it?”

“They were initially wary about it but not anymore. Thankfully, my brothers were there to back me up.”

“Why were they wary?”

She shrugged. “They’re just scared that I might stay here for good.”

“Do you?”

Azren stilled for a moment. Oh my. What answer does she want to hear? Will she be dismayed if I said no? “Um… I haven’t thought of it, Ma.”

“I’m sure you won’t, though.”

Azren straightened up and turned to her worriedly. “Ma…”

“You’re expected to manage your family business, right? That alone clearly tells the answer.”

She studied her mother. She tried to search for any trace of disappointments. She found none. All that she saw was sincere understanding of her unspoken but crystal clear decision. But despite that, she went on with her apology.

“Huh? What are you sorry for, dear?”

She lowered her eyes. “That even after meeting you, I’m still choosing Manila.”

“Oh.” Melanie left the stool she was sitting on to stand across her daughter and hold her hands. “Azren, I don’t expect you to choose. When I met you, I was prepared. I knew that it would be hard for you to leave your life behind. Honestly? I’m beyond contented seeing how you exerted effort to come here and build a wonderful relationship with your relatives. This is more than what I’ve prayed for, dear.” Her eyes glistened but she held her tears in place. It’s not yet the time to choke up. She has to tell her daughter about her feelings because she can feel that it’s making her feel torn. “Trust me, I’ll support you with anything that makes you happy. It’s already enough for me that you acknowledged me as your mother. You don’t have to live here to prove that, Az, because even if we’re miles away, you never fail to make us feel your love.”

“Oh, Mama.”

If Melanie managed to stop herself from crying, Azren failed on that.

“Thank you, Ma. I love you.” She sniffed as she cried into her mother’s tiny shoulders. “That means a lot to me. To hear that straight from you means a lot to me.”

“I love you too, dear. You don’t have to feel torn. You can always find the balance and I will back you up.”

Thank you, God, for such an understanding parent. Thank you for finally addressing one of my biggest concerns. This is another burden lifted.

Uriah picked her up at six o’clock. She sported her usual look—hoop earrings, wavy hair, high-waist skinny jeans, white crop-top, and black T-flats that went well with her complexion. Uriah’s get-up also complimented hers. He was wearing a white polo shirt, jeans, and his favorite white sneakers. His clean cut hair was also combed and gelled neatly.

Azren smirked at him when he finally turned to her after greeting her family. “What a handsome chauffer.”

“Lucky you, Madame.” He smirked back. “You ready?”

“I need help with some stuff.”

She led him to the kitchen and his mouth opened as he saw the box of cake and the large mason jar that housed two and a half dozens of chocolate chip cookies.

“You baked these?”


“Bee, you didn’t have to.”

“I want to.” She replied and handed him the mason jar. “Take care of that, please. Go ahead. I’ll follow with the cake and the bag.”

They bid her family goodbye and as they rolled into the highway, Azren talked about her nervousness about meeting his parents and he teased her about overdoing things out of nervousness.

“I don’t overdo things!” She defended adorably. “I just really wanted to bring her something.”

“Do you usually do that on someone’s birthday?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

He chuckled. “Okay then. The bag was enough, Bee. Mom will say the same. But I’m also sure that she’ll appreciate the cake and cookies.”

She sighed in relief. “Okay. I hope so.”

It didn’t take them long to reach their house. She expected a lot of visitors but the place seemed to quiet for a birthday. She quickly scanned the house and appreciated its simple design and structure. It’s a modern two-storey concrete building of brown and black with two-car parking space and a narrow open space blanketed by a neatly maintained Bermuda grass. The windows are made of tinted glass.

“Wow. One look at your house and you’ll know that it’s dominated by men.” She said after unbuckling her seatbelt.

“True. Mom loves that combination, though.”

“It looks pretty modern. Was it recently renovated?”

“Hmm. About six years ago.”

They stepped out of the vehicle and grabbed the items to brings. Azren carried the mason jar while Uriah carried the cake and the gift bag.

“It’s quiet. Do you usually celebrate your family events exclusively?” She queried as they made their way through the smaller gate.

“The birthdays. But Ate Sarah had a debut party and when us guys turned twenty-one, we had guests too. But it wasn’t a grand party. Just with some relatives and close friends. We’re not really the party hosting type.”

She nodded right when they reached the widely opened double door. It was Sarah who saw them first and made their presence known to everyone.

“I’m so glad you’re here!” She exclaimed happily. Just like Azren, she’s also wearing jeans paired with a ruffled blouse.

“Me too, Ate. But I’m nervous.”

Uriah excused himself to put the items they brought on the coffee table before heading to the kitchen where his mother was preparing the last of her dishes.

“Oh, don’t be. My parents are really looking forward to meet you.”

“Hello, future sis-in-law.” Hector teased before kissing his cousin on the cheek.

“Shut up.”

The couple laughed and let Mason and Miah greet them right before Uriah returned and led Azren to his parents. His mother was setting the last dish on their ten-seater wooden table while his father descended from upstairs.

Azren swallowed. This is an exclusive event. Should I be here?

“Mom. Dad.” Uriah started as the couple stood across them. “This is Azren. My girlfriend. Bee, these are my parents. Antonia and Elijah Martinez.”

My sister was right. When God made them, he took all of his time to perfect them and their children. She muttered inwardly.

Antonia, wearing a baby pink dress, is beautiful. Small faced with tall and narrow nose, naturally thick brows, thin lips, deep set of almond eyes, fair-skin, towering height, slender physique, and simple but regal aura. In short, her beauty is out of this world. And Elijah, in a blue polo shirt and jeans, complimented her beauty perfectly. He’s physically fit and he looks more like his children’s older brother than father.

“Good evening, Sir.” Azren extended her hand and Elijah shook it firmly.

“Welcome to our house, Azren.”

She thanked him before turning to his spouse with an extended hand. “Happy birthday, Ma’am.”

“Thank you, dear. Please, call us Tita and Tito. It feels awkward being called Ma’am and Sir.”

“Oh. Thank you, Tita.” That’s a relief. I’m just really used to addressing people I just met as Ma’am and Sir. “I brought something for you.”

Before she could ask, Uriah excused to retrieve the gift bag and cake. He handed the former to Azren and put the cake on the table.

“Happy birthday again, Tita.” She said, handing her present.

Antonia reddened as she accepted it and her mouth opened and was momentarily speechless when she finally saw what’s inside. “Wow. You didn’t have to, dear. The cake would’ve been enough.” She turned to Azren again and smiled shyly. “But thank you. I appreciate it so much.”

“She also brought this, Mom.” Uriah showed the cookie jar. “She baked it along with the cake.”

“Really?” Antonia cradled the jar. “Oh my. This is… wow! Thank you, dear. This is very thoughtful!” She uttered as she read what’s written on it. Your presence is a present.

“You’re gonna make my wife cry, dear.” Elijah chuckled and wrapped an arm around Antonia.

“I’ll try not to.”

“Don’t be shy, Mom.” Uriah teased.

“Oh, shut it, you two.” She swallowed and took a step towards Azren and gave her a warm hug. “Thank you, hija.”

Azren finally relaxed. “Y-you’re welcome, Tita. I’m glad you liked it.”

Dinner went well. Azren enjoyed every moment of it and as the night progressed, she realized that despite their sophisticated and serious looks, the Fernandez-Martinez family is truly made of warmhearted people. They joked a lot. Their parents treated everyone like friends or siblings. They’re not only young looking but also very young at heart.

They asked her some questions but for some reason, none of it was about her parents’ job or her finding out about being an illegitimate child. It was a relief, though, because she wanted to tell Uriah about her status on a more private setting. As for the latter, she wouldn’t have minded but it was nice that they’re being considerate of her feelings.

“So, you’re also a Business Ad graduate, hija?” Antonia asked at one point.

“Yes, Tita.”

She nodded. “Are you also working in a bank?”

She bit her lip. “I used to. And now I’m just waiting for a call from the company that I applied to.”

“In Manila?”

“Yes, Tita.”

“I see. So it’s gonna be a long distance relationship for you, huh?”

She chuckled. “Yes. It’s a bit of a challenge.”

“But we’re up for it. We’ll surely survive it.” Uriah backed confidently and that gained a nod of approval from his parents.

“Isaac will surely make it work, Mom,” Sarah said. “He waited for her. He’s not gonna give this up.”

“You’re so chatty.” Uriah gave her a side-eye.

“But that’s true.” Mason turned to Azren. “He’s head over heels for you, Az.”

“I’m right here, people!”

Azren chuckled and ignored her boyfriend’s complaint. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Whoa! You wanna complain more, Kuya?” Jeremiah teased.

“Stop it. His silence means he’s too kilig to answer.”


Everyone laughed as they watched him turn tomato red.

When Azren returned to Manila and told her family about Uriah's plan to visit and intention to meet them, Elvira stunned her and her siblings with the offer to let him stay in their house.

“Wow, Mom, that’s some huge offer.” Said Logan after filling his plate with a portion of the grilled milkfish and pieces of pork and chicken adobo.

"Are you sure? It's not really necessary. He'll be staying in a nearby hotel. And don't worry, I'm not staying with him."

"That's not the concern. We want to meet him and see if we'll all get along."

She stifled a laugh. "Oh, Mom! This makes me really happy but it’s not like we're getting married soon."

“I’m not rushing you nor concluding that he’s the one,” she clarified. “But you’re already of age. You should take relationships seriously. You dream of having kids? At twenty-five, you should already have one. It’s ideal.”

“You’re telling her to have kids in two years, Mom? Wow, that’s unexpected. I’m not even sure if I’m married by then.”

"Yeah, Mom,” Azren said after Grayson. “I want to enjoy my youth. Twenty-five’s still too early for me. I’m even planning to settle at thirty.”

She chuckled and Azren was happy to hear a genuine one. "Az, plans can change."

“Anyway,” Albert spoke this time. “I just want you to know that we’re serious about giving him a chance. We’re still skeptical about your relationship but we’re upholding our promise of supporting you and your siblings with your happiness. Well, as long as it’s good for you. And one way for us to know if this person deserves you is to open up to him. So let him stay here.”

“This is unbelievable but… thank you, Mom. Dad.” And for a moment she was quiet after a realization dawned on her. “Oh no.”

“What’s wrong?” Asked Elvira.

“I’m not sure if I want him to stay here.”

"Why so?"

"He might be utterly shocked that I live in such a huge house."

"Why?" Albert probed.

"I… I didn't tell him about my real status here. What he knows is I'm a daughter of an engineer and a government employee. He thinks that… I'm an average person."

"Wow. How come you were not honest with him?" Grayson was in disbelief.

"I wasn't dishonest. It's just that mysteriously, we never talked about it when we met in CDO. And he only knows that I’m still applying for a job. That’s what all of them know, actually."

"Well, it is important that you're honest to your partner, honey."

"I know, Mom. I would've not minded telling him the truth. I just didn't have the opportunity to correct my previous statement because like I said, it was never brought up again."

"So, let him stay here." Albert reiterated. "It's time for him to know."

“Or tell him before then,” suggested Grayson. “You still have time, Az.”

She considered his suggestion. She told herself that she will wait for Uriah to throw the question and give him an honest answer instead of bringing it up. Unfortunately, that moment didn’t come and he’s now in Manila for that long-awaited visit.

“Cool car. Is it your family’s?” He mused as she opened her white Subaru.

“Uh, no. It’s mine. A gift from Mom and Dad on my graduation day.”

“Whoa. Fancy gift.”

She smiled shyly. “Yeah, I didn’t expect it all.”

They drove out of the airport and a couple of hours later, the car finally rolled into the six-vehicle carport of the Fuentes Residence.

"Huge house." He commented as they got out of the car.

It is fairly huge. It has eight bedrooms—one for each sibling, one master, two guests, one large room for the helpers, and another for the drivers. Each room has an en suite toilet and bath and built-in closet. Additionally, the house comes with an entertainment area, a joint home office, a connected clean and dirty kitchen, a walk-in pantry, a mini gym, and a wide backyard with a pool and gazebo.

To Azren’s relief, if Uriah had questions, he reserved it for some other time. But actually, he was too dumbfounded to deliver even one.

What am I walking into? First the car and now the house. Am I really dating someone from a well-off family? If that’s the case, can I really handle meeting her family?

“Let’s bring out your luggage later. It’s already eight, we have to hurry.” She grabbed his hand and led him to the living room where her family was gathered. After apologizing for running late, she proceeded with the introductions and was delighted to see her family welcoming him congenially.

“Thank you for the opportunity of meeting you. This means a lot to me, Ma’am. Sir.”

“We are as pleased to meet you, Isaac. We also thank you for taking good care of our daughter during her stay in Cagayan de Oro.”

“You’re welcome, Ma’am.”

Unlike him, the Fuenteses did not hold back in asking him questions as the dinner progressed.

"You are also a Business Ad graduate?"

"Yes, Sir. I majored in Finance," Uriah replied politely.

"That's good. You and Az have the same interests. And where do you work now?"

"I'm a Bank Manager, Sir. I had my OJT at the company and went on Management Training six months after I started working."

“Impressive. How long have you been working?” Elvira asked this time.

"Three years, Ma’am. I started a month after graduation."

"Do you plan to work there for a long time?" Grayson queried.

"Hopefully just for five more years and then establish my own business when I have enough savings."

Grayson nodded in approval.

"Same as Grayson here." Shared Albert proudly. "He first practiced his engineering profession before forming his own construction and engineering firm."

Azren saw the awe in his eyes. She swallowed, already expecting that her taking over their business was about to be tackled.

"Hm. We even thought that he was never interested in business," Elvira added. "And then one day he surprised us when he suddenly invited us to the grand opening."

"That's amazing. Congratulations, Sir!"

"Thank you. Please, do call me Grayson."

"And talking about Azren here," Elvira turned to her proudly. "We were so happy to have finally convinced her to take over running our business."

"You have a business?" He asked in obvious innocence. Then he glanced at Azren.

"Ah, yes. We have several commercial buildings around Manila and some nearby provinces. It's what she's been busy with these past weeks," she explained. "Didn't she tell you?"

"Uh, she forgot, I guess."


She chuckled guiltily. "I guess I forgot to mention that."

"Ah. Well, I suggest you take a tour around the main building tomorrow."

She glanced at Uriah and to her father she said, "Sure, Dad."

Two hours later, she walked him to the guestroom that he'll be staying in. It's located at the ground floor, right next to the entertainment area. Inside was a brightly lit and painted room with a king size bed, bedside table and lamp, closet, and en suite toilet and bath.

"You really are rich." He muttered, exploring the space.

"Correction, my parents are."

"And you told me that your parents were employees."

"I’m sorry for not correcting that. But that was an answer from years ago—when we were just beginning. I couldn't fully trust a stranger, could I?"

"You're right." He sat on the foot of the bed. "Anyways, this is cool. I didn't stay in a hotel but I'm still sleeping in a room similar to one."

"Of course." She sat beside him. "And FYI, you're the very first guy permitted by my parents to stay here."

He snaked an arm around her waist and asked, "Are we sleeping together? In the literal sense."

She laughed. "I'll be in my room."

He echoed her laughter and kissed her forehead. "Don't you miss me?"

"Of course, I did!" She tangled her arms around his neck and pulled him down causing him to hover over her. "I can stay here 'til however long but I'll be sleeping in my room."

"I just really missed you," he brought his lips to hers but Azren playfully evaded him. Teasing him further, she neared her face only to back away again. "Tss. You don't tease me, Louiza," he warned and bit her lower lip. It opened her mouthed and gave him full access inside. She giggled and responded to his addictive kisses. Uriah cursed and pushed her further into the mattress. Azren closed her eyes and savored the kisses and touches that she missed and craved for weeks. She dictated herself not to moan but failed miserably, especially when his mouth traced her neck, collarbone, and bare chest while his right hand explored her legs up to her thigh. It was inevitable as she was wearing a red off-shoulder dress.

Her hands remained on his hair for a while but when it travelled under his black polo shirt, exploring his body, he willed himself to break the fiery exchange.

"Baby," he whispered, still out of breath. "I love you and trust me, I don't want to stop. But I respect you. I respect your parents and I don't want to lose the trust and confidence they gave me. This is hard but let’s hold back for now, okay?"

She also hated the limitation but she knew he was right. And she was moved and relieved that they are on the same page when it comes to premarital sex. "I love you," she uttered lovingly. "And thank you for respecting me."

They spent the rest of the night catching up. At some point, Uriah asked about their business. Azren answered his questions vaguely and told him to reserve the rest for tomorrow.

“Okay. Tell me about your dad’s family instead.”

“Sure. What do you wanna know?”

“Have you talked to them? I mean, since when you found out?”

She nodded. “Yeah. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Hadleigh talked to me on Dad’s birthday and apologized about how she treated me before. And she claimed that she only sold me out to him about seeing you years ago because she was concerned about me finding out about my identity. They were scared that you could be the key to the truth. She further told me that she has nothing against us dating,” she paused. “I’m not sure if I should believe her but she sounded genuine. And maybe she was since I didn’t hear her insult you. Even when I looked back to when you first met, she didn’t actually say anything that downgraded you. All she did was remind me about how Dad disliked Mindanao.”

“Hmm. Now that I think of it, I believe your Dad wasn’t stereotyping about Mindanao and its people. I think he just didn’t want you to cross paths with Auntie Melanie.”

Azren smiled. “That’s true. I realized that too. I also confronted him and admitted that I was right.”

“I’m glad to know that. Now back to your cousin. Maybe you should give her a chance. People change, remember?”

She smiled again. “If she wants to then I will.”

“Good,” he kisses her forehead. “So why do they hate you again?”

"Well, aside from the fact that I'm the only illegitimate grandchild, our grandfather often favors me. My other relatives have accepted me but Hadleigh’s mom still dislikes me. Because for my her and grandma, I'm an embarrassment. A troublemaker between my grandparents because there are lots of things that they disagree about me," she smiled bitterly. "As if they're perfect. I stopped minding their businesses a long time ago, though. I got tired of them. What’s important is my family and I are in peace. We're open-minded and we understand each other."

"Tss. Being an illegitimate child wasn't your fault. You are here because of their son's—I'm sorry to say but—infidelity. And it also wasn't your fault that Auntie Melanie chose to keep and love you or that your dad loved and accepted you or that your mom treated you as her own," he replied. Irate.

"It's why I no longer give it a damn. Because I know that there are people who loves me. Mama loved me even if I was a product of a mistake. Even if she struggled for us to survive. Even if she had to sacrifice her Manila dream to raise me. Dad also stood for me. And Mom? She treated me like a princess even if I didn't come from her blood and flesh. From these three people alone, I am already so lucky and grateful. And now you're here. I'm quite contented with what I have, Bee."

"I'm not contented with what we have," he smiled a lopsided one. "I promise to give you more. To give you the love and the life you deserved." He twined their hands and kissed the top of hers. "And I promise, nothing and no one will break us apart. Not even our cruel distance."

She stifled a laugh. I hate you distance. But we are not backing down.


“Twelve storeys of a uniquely designed building.” Uriah observed as they reached the penthouse of their building in Makati. “Are all of your buildings designed similarly?”

“Yup. A uniformed design. It’s kind of a trademark.” She leaned against the wall. “So, yeah. This is our family business. It's not that much but it's doing well since our renters are known businesses.”

"Not that much?" He disagreed. "You’re being modest. I bet you earn millions annually."

“True. But we’re not as big as other businesses out there, you know.”

“Even then. You’re still under the category of wealthy Filipino families,” he paused and gazed at the horizon. Taller skyscrapers surrounded Edificio—probably owned by someone wealthier than Azren’s family—but that didn’t change the fact that she and him had a wide gap between their states. “Why didn’t you tell me that this is how wealthy you are? Why did you lie about your dad?”

Oh, this again? I thought this was settled last night. "Does it really matter?"

"It does, Louiza."


He looked at her intently. "For honesty's sake. My girlfriend's a millionaire—a wealthy heir. And look at me. I am just an employee. My parents are just employees. A nurse and accountant but still are employees. I'm just…" he licked his lips. "I'm pressured."

"Bee…" Azren trailed. "What's wrong with being an employee?" He didn’t answer. "For argument's sake, you have a decent job." Still no response. "Uriah, what is it? Will you please be honest with me?"

He blew out an air from his pursed lips. "I just… feel embarrass… and small compared to you."


“You’re smart. You know why.”

“Well, I wanna hear it.”

He sighed tiredly. “What if I couldn't give you the life that you grew up into? The life you have here is what I want to offer you.”

"I'm not asking you that. Your love is enough."


"Let me finish," she cut off emphatically. "I don't ask you for anything but you offer what you are capable of. And that is enough. So, please don't pressure yourself. And you know what? I saw how sincere you are to me. So, please… let's not make this an issue. I've already fixed this with my parents, so there's no need to worry about this complication."

"I'm a guy, Louiza."

"And the differences of our economical state is making you less of a guy? Uriah, don't look down on yourself. It's as if you're implying that that's how I am seeing you—someone lower than me."

He stilled. "I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. I swear, I’m ready to prove that I could give you all of this but I cannot stop feeling the pressure."

She freed an exasperated sigh. "Did you ever hear me complain? Did I ever make you feel that you're lower than me? Did I ever make you feel that you're not enough? I never did, right? In fact, I encouraged myself to experience the life my other family has. And I appreciated its simplicity. So just forget about your insecurities and continue loving me. Continue being true to me and continue being you. It's all that I'm asking for."

"Is that why you didn't tell me that this was your life? To see if I'm sincere? That I'm not after your wealth?"

She pressed her eyes together. She expected that. She knew that he’d take it that way. "It's not that. I didn't bother telling you because you didn't ask me. We have never discussed it again. I only told you that my father was an employee because you were a stranger then. I know that you were absolutely honest with me and I'm sorry for hiding this. But believe me, this was the only thing I hid from you and my family in CDO."

"Wait. You mean the Burgoses don't know?"

"We never spoke about it. But I think my family knows. Outside? I don't think so."

He sighed again. "Tell me. Do your parents like me for you?"

She saw his anxiety and gave him a reassuring smile. "Whatever makes me happy, they'll support me. And I don't care about what other people say. What I care about is that we love each other. What my parents care about is that I'm happy and in good hands. And they know that you are a good man, Uriah. Trust me."

She wasn’t certain if he was assured or he's only conceding, but with what she said, he held her face and kissed her. "I love you. I promise to prove my worth to you."

Perhaps it was meant that we never brought up talks about the real state of my life. Because by the time that the Fuenteses insult my boyfriend and rub into my face that he is not good for me, I could prove that he's not after any of our riches.

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