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Five minutes passed before Jonathan, Trinity, and Uriah got back from the kitchen with bottles of beers in their hands. Azren immediately averted her eyes and entertained herself with her phone.

She was silently drinking the beer that Jonathan handed when Hector told her that his dad requested her to sing once more. But before she could give an answer, the person across her interrupted by saying, "Yeah, Izzy, sing once more."

His unnecessary comment gained suspicious looks from Trinity and Jonathan but she ignored all three of them and gave Hector her commitment. She then immediately went to her siblings to discuss the next two songs to play. They ended up performing Darren Espanto's Stuck and Rivermaya's You'll  Be Safe Here. After their performances, she went to the buffet for a glass of water and some dessert. As she was picking up two brownies, Uriah joined her without invitation.

"Will you please stop bugging me?"

"Not until we talk."

She dismissed him and moved towards the salad dishes. "Just so you know, my cousins are curiously staring at us and probably wondering why you're acting like this around me."

"I don't care. Let them be."

She narrowed her eyes at him but he was not shaken. Instead, he offered to take the plate she was holding.

"Get your own."

"I'm not getting any food. I just want to carry it for you," he reached for it again. This time, Azren let it go.

"Could you please stop bugging me?" She repeated as she added vegetable salad into the plate.

"Could you please stop avoiding me? Let's talk, please. Let's talk about what happened."

This time she glared at him. He's really overreacting! Did I really hurt him that bad? God, he's exaggerated! "Not now."


"Yes, Ice." She tried to take the plate from him but he tightened his grip. "Ice…"

"Don't call me that."


"Stick to calling me Uriah."

"You're so childish."

"Call me Uriah. Not Ice."

How demanding. "It's what everybody calls you."

"Exactly why I want you to call me by a different name."

"Your name is too hard to pronounce, Yu-ra-yah."

He grinned and crouched enough to whisper into her ear. His proximity made her legs tremble but despite that, she didn't show vulnerability. "You stutter?" He bit his lip and she found that really hot. "Then… to make it easier for you… why don't you just call me… baby?"

She could feel the rush of blood into her cheeks. She looked away. Her heart was about to explode. "Whatever," she blurted before heading back to the table. Uriah caught up and took the seat on her left.

"You left this." He casually laid the plateful of food in front of her.

She sighed. He’s making her painfully conscious. Not because of him but because of the people who’re certainly weirded out by how he’s behaving.

Denise is seated beside her. Trinity and Jonathan are across. Gus is seated opposite of Sabina and Benjamin occupied the seat across Uriah.

"Aren't you really going to stop?" She glared as she whispered.

"Stop calling me Ice." He once again demanded before stuffing a spoonful of fruit salad into his mouth… using her spoon!


"Baby, if it's too hard… you can always call me by our endearment. It's easier, anyway."

She glanced at their companions. She’s uncertain if they heard him over the loud music but she caught Trinity, Jonathan, and Benjamin's curious glances.

"Stop or there will be no more talks for us."

He finally backed away. "Tss. Fine, you win. Call me anything but Ice."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed the spoon from his hand. "Do you have any contagious disease?"

"Of course not." Then he smirked. "Are you aware that we're indirectly kissing by using the same utensil?"

"Are you aware that you sound so pitiful?"

He chuckled a little loudly. "You amuse me."

Is he crazy? Is he really not mad at me? After avoiding him for over two years?

"Unblock me."


He moved closer. "Unblock my number from your phone. Unblock me on Facebook and Messenger so I could contact you. I know you're still using the same number," he paused. "I called you two weeks ago with my friend's phone and you hung up when you found out that it was me."

She didn’t need the reminder. For the past couple of years, he calls her at times even without the assurance of her answering. But Azren pretended that none of it happened—convincing herself that he had forgotten about her.

"And I was relieved to know that you didn't change your number hoping that one day we could talk again."

She inhaled and in a more serious but hushed tone, she replied, "Fine. But under one condition. Promise that you'll avoid me until this night is over. You have to respect that I am here for my family. Just in case you didn’t notice, you’re being disrespectful by constantly following me and creating suspicions."

The realization hit him. Avoiding her eyes and looking around guiltily, he says, "I’m sorry."

She took her phone out and when she finished unblocking him, she sent a message.

Azren: Satisfied?

He fished his phone from his pant's front pocket and read her text. And instead of replying, he dialed her number. She showed him her phone to convey that the call went through. He canceled it and started typing his reply.

Uriah: Yes. I miss you, baby. :')

The hell!

Azren: Stop. You got what you wished for.

Uriah: How about msgr? And no I didn't get it all. I still wanna talk. I'll set the time and day. I'll text u when.

Azren: Just do your part of the deal.

Uriah: Unblock me first.

Stubborn! She opened her mobile data and unblocked him.

Azren: Done, SIR.

Uriah: Thanks. I'll add you.

"Guys, picture!"

Azren took advantage of Harmony’s suggestion.

After the groufies, Jeremiah approached Azren for a photo. She eagerly nodded and draped her right arm around his waist while he held her shoulders. His other hand held up his phone.

"Miah, it's too early to make your move!" Alistair teased.

"Shut up," Jeremiah chuckled. "What's your Facebook account?"

She spelled her username to him. After that short conversation, she decided to sit between Sabina and Denise to avoid more interactions with Uriah.

Uriah: I still can't get over about what happened. Good night, Izzy. :)

This was his text as Azren and the De Gracias drove home around eleven. To her relief, though, he really did keep his distance throughout the night.

She ignored his text and checked on Gavin instead. As she waited for his reply, she opened her Facebook and saw Jeremiah, Mason, and Uriah's friend requests. She accepted all of them except Uriah's—aiming to make him feel what she felt when he ignored her request to the point of canceling it.

Moreover, her cousins tagged her some photos.

Denise Mari N. Burgos with Azren Fuentes

The gorg ate Ren! :D

Jonathan Dale N. Burgos with Azren Fuentes

Twenty-two years! Welcome to CDO, Ren! :D

She smiled. Twenty-two years of estrangement but the way they treated me, it's as if I grew up with them.

To return the gesture and also convey her happiness in meeting them, she posted a group photo on Instagram. It was taken inside the house for better lighting.

Standing behind the maroon couch with her were Hector, Jonathan, Benjamin, and Harmony. Trinity, Alistair, Hubert, Sabina, and Gus sat on the couch. It was Mason who took several photos with her phone and later with Hector's DSLR camera.

azrenfuent Thank you for the warmth. :')


Preparing for church the next day, she put on a knee-length black spaghetti strap topped with a denim jacket and paired with a black T-strap flats. As she waited for the family to finish their preparations, she sat on one of the smaller couches in the living room and entertained herself with browsing Facebook until a Messenger chat head popped.

Andre Jeremiah: Hi there!

Wow. Uriah's youngest bro is friendly, huh?

Azren: Hey!

Andre Jeremiah: How are u, ate?

Azren: Tired but doing great. You?

Andre Jeremiah: I just ate. Do u mind if I ask something?

Azren: Nope. What is it?

Andre Jeremiah: Are u and Ice really exes? Haha.

WHAT. THE. HELL. He told him?

Azren: Where did you get that?

Andre Jeremiah: You allowed me to post our picture, ryt? I did just that.

Azren: And?

Andre Jeremiah: He demanded that I delete it. I asked why and that's when he told me. That u were exes and on the process of fixing ur relationship. And just so u know, Ate, this was the first time that he went crazy over a photo! Lol!

Fix our relationship? Is that really his intention or is he just playing with me? It's just so unbelievable that he didn't feel any resentments after what I did to him!

Andre Jeremiah: And I said REALLY? I mean, how could that happen when u're literally living in the opposite ends of the country? So he told me to ask u. Sorry for being gossipy.

She laughed. “Jeremiah’s cute.”

Azren: Let him be.

Andre Jeremiah: Is it true? Coz he also said that u were the one who gave his favorite watch and that he gave the anklet u're wearing.

She bit her lip.

Azren: It's true. Let's keep this between us for now please.

Andre Jeremiah: So that explains last night. :D

See? See what I mean?! He was so obvious!

Azren: Yeah. Coz he didn't know that I came here and I also didn't know that he's Sarah's brother. And he didn't know that Hector and I are cousins.

Andre Jeremiah: What a small world for the two of u! We were all shocked to hear about u.

Azren: Oh it's a long story.

Andre Jeremiah: You don’t need to tell, Ate. That’s personal. But one last question. How long has it been since you broke up?

Azren: Over two years.

Andre Jeremiah: That long? Well I guess my brother got it bad. Thank u, Ate! Take care! :)

As if. I bet he's only after truth and explanation.

Azren: Okay, Miah. Thank you. :D

Why couldn't Uriah wait for us to talk before he spread the news? Tsk!

On their way to church, she received a call from Uriah but she immediately canceled it to avoid being intrigued. A message came in shortly, though.

Uriah: Good morning, Izzy! What's up?

Azren: We're headed to Nazareno Church. Why?

Uriah: Oh? Too bad. We'll be attending mass at high noon.

Azren: Okay. Why were u calling me again?

Uriah: Can we meet later? At around 3:30.

She sighed. I can't see him. I'm here for my family only. But he also deserved my explanation, right? She cleared her throat and called Melanie. "Are we gonna be somewhere at around 3:00 PM?"

"No, dear. Why?"

"Um, is it okay if I go out? Ice invited me." In her periphery, she noticed her siblings' shock and curiosity.

"Really? But you just met him, right?" Gary asked with genuine concern.

"Actually, I met him three years ago. He's a friend of my best friend’s cousin. Besides, he's Sarah's brother. I reckon it’s okay to hang out with him."

"So, you've been friends then? It didn't look like it when we introduced you."

She smiled at Gus. "I didn't recognize him right away, that's why."

"Oh. Okay," Gary said. "You can hang out. Anyway, he's a good kid."

“Thanks, Uncle. Is that okay with you, Ma?”

Getting Melanie’s permission, she texted Uriah right away.

Uriah: Great! How about at Centrio Mall?

Azren: Sure.

Uriah: I'll pick you up. If that's okay.

Azren: No need. I'll commute.

Uriah: Sure? What if you get lost?

Azren: I grew up in a city bigger than this. I can handle it.

Uriah: Okay. I'll meet you outside National Bookstore, then.

Azren: Okay.

Who would’ve thought, huh? I’ve avoided him for over two years but here I  am going to meet him alone. Oh, the works of fate.

It was 1:00 PM when they arrived home from the lunch they had after mass. Azren hung out with her siblings inside the music room before leaving at 3:00 o'clock to meet Uriah. Gus offered to drive her but she decided to take a taxi instead. It took her less than thirty minutes and she headed straight to where he was waiting. He's in a dark blue short-sleeved button down polo shirt, denim pants, and white sneakers. He beamed showing his perfect set of teeth and informed her that they’ll head to a popular tea house which will take a taxi ride to get to.

"Didn't your mom or siblings ask why you went out alone?" He queried as they walked towards the taxi alley.

"Of course they did. But I told them that I knew you since three years ago."

It took them ten minutes to reach InfiniTea. It wasn't crowded, and Azren liked that.

"Sir, what shall I put into the cups?" Asked the staff as they ordered over the counter.

"Louiza on hers and Uriah on mine," he answered without consulting Azren.

While he paid, Azren searched for a table for two. She found one at the corner and headed there for more privacy.

"What do you want to know?" She asked as she stabbed the tea's plastic cover with the straw.

“Why'd you do it? We were fine that night, right?”

"You really don't have a guess?" He shook his head. "Okay. Before I answer you, I want to ask something."

"Throw it."

"Be honest. Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"For over two years."

"Are you sure? Just admit it."

"Louiza, you were my last," he replied with full seriousness.

Azren breathed in deeply. "Okay. I hope you're telling the truth because your lying was the reason why I did it."

His brows met. "What do you mean?"

"Listen. When I asked if you had a girlfriend, you said no. I believed that. But when I followed up how long it has been since you broke up, you answered three months when in fact, you were still okay in August. We met on September, right? Meaning, it's been only a month since you broke-up with your ex-girlfriend—Olivia Skye Cuesta," she paused to give him time to process her revelations. "Yes. Before you asked for my Facebook account, I already discovered these things about you. Can you blame me for being cautious? I didn't want to be fooled, so I researched." She paused again and saw guilt in his eyes. "I should've ended everything there but I didn't because I thought that maybe one day you'd tell. Willingly. But it didn't happen even during that night. And to be frank, I made a promise to myself that if you deny it, I'll end everything because…"


She swallowed. "In all honesty? I was falling for you despite your lies. I had to stop it. So I'm sorry if I left without explanation."

"You fell for me?"

"Unbelievable! Of all the things I'd said that's what you only got?" He grinned. "Focus, Uriah. Explain about Olivia."

"You're luckier because you were FALLING while I…" His smile was laced with pain. "Already fell. So hard and deep and… still so in love."

"Will you please focus?" She demanded, ignoring the effect of his confession.

"So, she's the only reason? You let go just because of that one-sided information?"

"Only reason? You know that I have issues with trust and infidelity. So don't treat it as something that isn't a big deal. It would've been better if you had just admitted it when I asked. But you lied and that strengthened my doubt. Plus, days before we met each other, I saw a photo of you with her at some bar—with your friends. I just didn't want to become a third party, you know."

"Izzy," he sighed. "She's not an issue. That's why I didn't want to tackle her. I lied about the three months, yes. But that was because I considered us to be over for already three months because she's been lying to me for even longer than that." He paused.

"Go on."

"While we were still together, she was secretly meeting her ex-boyfriend. They were high school batch mates and that made it difficult for them to forget each other. Eventually, they got back together.

"And the picture that you're talking about… that was nothing. I didn't know that she was there with her friends. And our mutuals dared us to have a photo together—to prove that we no longer have issues. I did it since aside from the fact that I've moved on, I was no longer bitter because I had you."

"This is confusing." She took out her phone and showed the screenshots she saved. They were actually no longer saved on her phone but she sent them to her email and downloaded again last night. "See that? Why are your stories different?"

He frowned. "You believe this? You know, loving Olivia meant knowing her flaws. She's pretentious and acts to be pitied. Her posts are often made up."

Should I believe him? Are they really over? "How do I know that you're not lying?"

"I'll prove it to you," he replied confidently.

"Aren't you really mad at me? I left you and like you said, we had no closure. It's just so impossible that you aren't mad at me or feel any resentment towards me. Because the fact that you kept on contacting me proved that you wanted the truth. You wanted clarifications."

He shook his head. "I have resented but I chose to just let you go because I know that you didn't cheat on me. You were also busy, so I convinced myself to believe that you don't have the time for relationships."

She raised a brow. "Are you sure that I didn't cheat on you? Or that I hadn't found someone new?"

"It's what Carlos told me when he went to Manila and had the chance to hang out with you." Which happened a year ago. "And it may sound like I'm stalking you, but I also asked him to get some information from Ramona. And that's how I knew that you didn't have someone new."

What? So, he really waited for me? Is that what he's saying?


"Hm?" She sipped from the tea.

"Olivia is nothing now. She's happy with her family. She married the guy. They loved each other so much," he further explained. "Lying was my only mistake, Izzy. Other than that… I have always been honest."

"Should I believe you?"

He inhaled deeply. "I'll prove my worth to you. That is if you give me another chance. "

"If I say no… will you stop?"

"No. I'd still pursue you. Unless I see you happily in love with someone else."

Seeing me happily in love with someone else would be difficult. "What is it in me that's so hard for you to let go?"

He smiled. "I fell for you… for reasons I don't know. One thing's for sure, though. After you, it has become difficult for me to like other women. I admired some but at the end of the day, it's still you."

She’s flattered but to suppress it, she took a long sip from tea.

"So…" he started again. "One more chance?"

She sighed deeply. "Look. I didn't come here to seek romance. I just found out last year that my biological mother wasn't the mother who raised me." She swallowed. "That broke me. So I came here to fix myself. To make me whole again. I came here to meet my maternal relatives and build a relationship with them. I came here to trace my roots. I shouldn't even be here talking to you on a Sunday. I'm supposed to be home bonding with them. I only came because it seemed like you won't hold back in telling the world that I was your girlfriend. I needed to stop you. Now's not the perfect time for whatever it is that you want. I flew for them, not for you." She was apologetic for saying that but it's the truth. "Although, I think meeting you today was forgivable because you also needed my explanation. I was selfish. I know that. But I can’t prioritize my love life."

Uriah gazed at her intently. Empathy and understanding were written in his eyes. "It's okay. I understand why you're here and I respect that. I won't ask for you to prioritize me. I'll be patient and I accept that I am the least of your priorities. To me, what matters is that we finally reconnected and now have the chance to start over."

"Fine. We can be friends. But no more lies." She finally said after a few moments of contemplation.

Uriah smiled widely. "I promise. Um… can I call you Bee again?" She raised a brow. "It's what I'm used to since it's how we addressed each other even when we were just friends."

She shrugged and told him to do whatever he liked.

"By the way, why haven't you accepted my Friend Request?"

"I'd like to ask you the same. Why didn't you accept my request two years ago?"

"Facebook wasn't my thing. Still not," he shrugged. "And, well… I was avoiding that you'd see posts about me and Olivia and then change your mind about me. Especially that I didn't bother deleting them."

"How honest." She teased.

“Of course. I’m trying to win your trust here, Bee.”

"Fine. I'll confirm your request now."
She activated her data and opened Facebook. "There. It's done, Sir."

"Thanks. Hmm… if you don't mind me asking, how are you a sister to Sab and Gus? I’m still in shock. Especially when I grasped how small our world is."

"Yeah. I thought about dashing out of Hector's when I saw you," she laughed. "Um… so I'm my dad's illegitimate child. Mama had me when she wasn't married yet."

"Oh. If you’re not comfortable, then let’s skip that for now."

She smiled. "Thank you for understanding."

"Sure. By the way, what if they ask about us? Is it okay if we just tell them the truth?"

She stuffed a fry into her mouth. "You already told your brother. What's the point of asking me that?"

He laughed and said that he was just jealous that they didn’t have a photo last night.

"You should've posted a throwback."

"Really, huh?" Azren nodded. "I'd rather we take a new photo now."
Changing her mind, she said, "Ah, really. Now's not the time to post. I don't want the people in Manila to intrigue me."


Isaac Uriah Martinez. Dashing as ever. God, I’m swooning again. Well, I’m not here for him but it’s nice to know someone apart from my relatives.

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