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Examining herself in front of the full-length mirror for the fifth time, she finally settled with a high-waist denim skinny jeans, white sneakers, and white cropped-top.

Uriah and his family will arrive at 5:00 o'clock today and they agreed to meet at seven. And for someone who doesn't know what to expect, she couldn't stop feeling so nervous.

"Az, don't be a coward. You agreed to this." She muttered before heading downstairs.

Time seemed to pass so slowly but when 5:00 o'clock stroke, she was back to being nervous. Seeing him was only hours away and it’s overwhelming her.

"Azren." Ramona linked her arm with hers as they walked to their 6:00 PM class. "Are you excited?"

"More nervous," she whispered back. "I hope he brings out topics about Olivia."

"Why don't you just drop the question?"

She shook her head. "No. I want him to willingly tell me."

To ditch Gavin and the rest of their friends, Ramona came up with an alibi that they are going shopping and that it may take them long. So she suggested that they go straight home. It was the best lie because Gavin hates shopping, so they were sure that he's not going to insist on coming.

"I'll drop her home." Mona added.

"Just you two?" The others whined.

"Yes," she answered.

"Okay, I'll drive you."

Oh, shit. That was unexpected. He hates shopping, right? Tss. No, Gav! Not tonight! "Thanks, but we don't want to inconvenient you. We'll go ahead. Bye!"

Mona rushed them outside and called for a taxi. Azren dialed Uriah as soon as they arrived at the mall and thankfully, he answered on the second ring.

"Hi! Are you at the mall now?"

His excitement was audible while Louiza felt so embarrassed for keeping him waiting this long. It's already seven-thirty and he's been there for almost an hour.

"Yes, I'm with Ramona." As they neared the restaurant, she felt more anxious than before.

What will happen when we finally see each other in person? What will happen after tonight? Well, I'm firm with my decision about cutting everything between us if he denies, so I hope he tells the truth.

"Hey… where are you seated?"

"I see two women outside," he chuckled. "I'm guessing that's you and Ramona? Are you wearing a white top? And is that Ramona in a pink off-shoulder?"


"I'll fetch you."

"Okay." She hit the end call button when she saw him approaching. Ramona then whispered if that was Uriah. Once confirmed, she commented that he's definitely hot. Azren agreed but she ignored that.

"Hi," Uriah beamed handsomely.

How could a simple hi render me speechless and struggle for a reply? He’s so handsome! And his towering height added to his already oozing sex appeal. Isn’t he gonna hug me? He’s been telling me how much he wanted to. Now that I’m here, why isn’t he folding me into a warm embrace? Oh, my God. Get a grip, Azren!

"Hi. Sorry it took us so long to get here."

"No problem. It's worth it, anyways." She blushed. His eyes lingered on her and realizing that they have company, she quickly introduced him to Ramona. He offered his hand to her and he exclaimed happily, "Our bridge! Nice to meet you, Ramona."

"Nice to meet you too, Uriah." Ramona smiled back before turning to her friend. "Az, I need to go."

"Huh? Why?"

"Phillip's here. He invited me to dinner."

And she didn't explain that I needed her here? Great!

"Uriah, I'm so sorry for this sudden change of plan. Please take care of my friend."

"It's okay. I will," he promised.

"But will you pick me up?" Azren asked her best friend.

"Yes. Text me when you're done. Phil will drive us home."

You treacherous woman! You just wanted me to be alone with him! Ugh! But on the bright side, we can be freely awkward with each other without worrying about any company. "Fine. You guys enjoy."

Until they reached their table, Azren and Uriah were then dominated by silence the moment Ramona left. She tapped her fingers while he just sat there, gazing at her. It made her extremely conscious that she desperately wished she could casually tell him to stop staring.

"Um…" she started, momentarily looking away. "Let's pay and get some food?"

Because Cabalen is an Eat-All-You-Can type of a restaurant, the customers need to first pay the amount before picking up dishes from the buffet.

"No need. I already paid for our meal. We just need to pick our food."

"Oh… I was actually planning to pay for everything. You're my visitor, so this should be on me. Everything about tonight should be on me."

"Izzy, we had a deal. Everything should be on me," he chuckled.

Izzy. I never thought that it will sound this pleasing in person. "Oh… yeah. Okay. I'm not gonna say no to that."

After choosing their food and finally settling down, she started a conversation by asking if they have this restaurant in CDO.

"Yeah, it's my favorite."


"Yep. I eat a lot so this place suites me."

She smiled shyly. "For some eater, it doesn't show in your body. Well, since you're an athlete."

"Psh. Don't make me blush. Dig in, Bee!"

Oh my, God! How can he casually address me like that? I mean, I'm used to him calling me that over the phone but it feels awkward in person! Especially that this was our first time together.

Understanding her reaction, Uriah says, "Am I making you uncomfortable? I’m sorry. It’s just that… we’ll only be together for several hours and I don't want to waste our limited time feeling uncomfortable with each other."

How do I respond to that? He is right but it's also a feeling I can't control just yet. She cleared her throat before answering and willed herself to offer a genuine smile. "Understood."

"You're so cute. Let's eat. By the way, Bee, I'll drop by your school on Monday. You know… before I leave for CDO. And I'll also hand you my pasalubong from Baguio."

"Huh? Well, if it's okay with your schedule. What time's your flight?"

"Five PM. I still have time to see you because we'll be leaving Baguio very early."

"Okay. I'm just a text away," she paused to swallow her food. "By the way, when's your basketball tournament?"

"It will begin this Thursday."

"How about your practices? Is your team okay with you being absent for several days?"

He smiled. "I never missed practices, so I guess that's why Coach considered."

"Or maybe you're just his favorite."

"Favorite player to scold, yes. He's very strict. No matter how good of a player you are."

They stayed in the restaurant for more than an hour and talked about a lot of things before they decided to leave and walk around. They strolled side by side and talked like long time friends. Uriah is tall and because of the simultaneous murmuring of the crowd, they needed to speak near each other's ear for them to clearly hear what they say. Thankfully, it didn’t take them long to crumble the awkwardness between.

"Let's play arcade!" Azren suggested.

"Sure. What game?"

"Hmm. How about basketball?"

"Brag!" He teased and casually put his arm around her. "Izzy, have you forgotten that I'm a basketball varsity?"

"Huh! Cocky much," she laughed and nudged him with her tiny shoulder. In return, he pinched her cheek.

"Alright, let's do hoops."

She waited for him as he lined up for the tokens. There are still five people before him, so she texted Ramona.

Azren: I like his company. He's fun.

Ramona: Ooh. Someone seems happy. What're u doing now?

Azren: We're at the arcade. We'll pay hoops. You?

Ramona: Dinner with Phil. Just tell me when it's time to leave.


She turned and from the shock, she took an involuntary step back. "Uh… hi… how long have you been standing there?"

"I just got in and saw you."

"Oh. Who are you with?" She asked with a fake interest.

"The usual." She nodded, assuming that he’s probably with his high school friends. "About you? Are you here alone?"

“Hm? Um…” she glance towards Uriah and see him counting the change as he headed towards her. She pointed him with her thumb before smiling at Tristan saying, "I'm with my boyfriend."

Shock passed his features. Then he offered a faint smile.

"We're good, Bee. Let's go?" Her supposed boyfriend invited.

"Yeah. Um…" she turned to the completely stunned Tristan. Of course, to be polite, she had to at least excuse themselves. "Bee, this is Tristan. A friend." She gripped Uriah's arm. "Tris, this is Uriah. My boyfriend." She said it so naturally even if she felt Uriah's confusion. And Tristan didn’t notice his reaction as he was fixated on her. "We'll go ahead." Nervously, she entwined her fingers with Uriah's and dragged him to the hoops area. He didn't protest. Instead, he smiled and held her hand tighter.

"Who was that?" He asked, starting to shoot.

"My infamous ex."

"Ah. Boyfriend, huh?"

"Yes. My lone ex-boyfriend."

"That's not what I meant," he paused. "You told him that I'm your boyfriend."

"That was just an alibi," she flushed. "I’m sorry. He won't stop bugging me until he sees me with somebody else."

"But what if we actually do it? Make it real?"

She stared at him for a while before shooting again. "Uriah…"

Their time has ended and now he closed their gap and faced her. "Just for tonight."

She looked into his eyes and saw how ridiculously serious he was. "I don't play with love."

"Me, too. And I wasn't joking when I told you I liked you. Love you," he corrected. "And this may sound very assuming but I know, even if you don't tell me—I know that you have feelings for me, too."

Yes, I like you but I don't want to commit especially with our distance and your secrets.

"Let's just try it."

She shook her head and started to walk away. "What's the point? You're leaving, anyway."

He gently grabbed her wrist and made her face him again. "Then at least just for tonight. Let's be together not as friends but as a couple. I believe that nothing's wrong with that since we have feelings for each other."

How certain is he? Why is he concluding things? And I hate that he's right! Dammit! She turned to the right and saw Tristan watching them. He's curious and certainly won't hesitate to interfere if something happens. Azren sighed and crossed her arms. "Wait. Let me clarify something." She paused to gain some courage. “Don't you have a girlfriend in Cagayan de Oro?”

“What? Izzy, I told you that I’m loyal. Once I’m committed, I am wholly committed. I don’t play with women’s feelings.”

"Okay, fine. You don't have a girlfriend. But how about relationship issues? Unfinished business? Undone closures? Because I no longer have issues with Tristan."

His answer was immediate. "No. You don't need to worry about anything."

Denied it. Face to face. But, fine. I'll give him a chance. Besides, this meeting is meant to make happy memories. "Fine. I trust you. Tonight we're together as a couple." Dammit, we'll be exes after this! But well, I’m confident that we won’t see each other again. So might as well.

"Really? Thank you!" he exclaimed and hugged her. She was taken aback but then she found the guts to return the act. "I love you, Bee."

So fast. This is happening so fast! Even if he lied, I still can't deny my feelings for him! Besides, just this time, I'd like to once again experience the feeling of having a boyfriend. Having someone who would look at you like you're the greatest treasure he's ever had.

She broke from the hug and gazed at him. She gazed like a deeply in love woman and said the words that she knew he longed to hear from her. "I love you too, Bee."


Leaving the arcade, Azren suggested that they loiter inside a quiet café so they can talk better instead of exhaustingly walking around the vast mall. Uriah agreed and they entered the Starbucks nearest to an exit. The mall was about to close anyway so that was the best choice.

They ordered two Frappuccinos and a slice of chocolate cake to share and enjoyed their conversation about random things. They even talked about Carlos and Ramona.

“I’d love to meet Carlos. He sounds like a funny guy.”

“Oh, he is. Funny and intelligent. He’s running for Magna Cum Laude.”

“Cool! How I wish I was the same.” She chuckled. “I mean, my grades are above average but I’m definitely not getting any of those Latin Honors. What about you?”

“Hmm.” He blushed. “My grades are okay.”

She raised a brow. “Why did you hesitate to answer?”

He chuckled. “I’m just shy.”

“Shy? Oh, I see. So you’re running for some Latin Honors too? Which one?”

He chuckled more. “Cum Laude.”

“Wow. Are all of your friends this smart and good-looking?”

“Good-looking? So you’re telling me that I’m handsome, huh?”

She rolled her eyes. “You don’t need to be told. You know that yourself. But I like how humble you are about it. So keep it up.”

He chuckled. “Thank you.”

“Welcome. And I saw your cover photo. Your family is out of this world! You and your siblings could’ve made it to showbiz or modeling, you know.”

“Hmm. Maybe. Actually, our youngest is a teenage model in CDO.”

“Whoa! Really?”

“Yep. He endorse local brands and dreams to model bigger brands someday. He does ramp modelling too.”

“Wow. That’s cool. You must be so proud.”

“Of course. The whole clan is. And we support him because apart from that, he’s also doing well in his studies.”

“Wow. An all-rounder, huh? Handsome and smart. Just like the brother.” She winked flirtatiously.

“You’re really making me giddy. Careful, Bee, I may not break up with you after tonight.” She almost choked. Uriah laughed and handed her a glass of water. “God, you’re adorable.” He muttered and handed her some tissues.

“You’re so annoying.”

He laughed and stared at her adoringly. I’m not even joking. You’ll see, Bee. I’ll date you seriously. I’m not into LDR but with you, I’ll take my chances.


A tall woman approached their table and shock passed through Azren’s eyes. They closely resembled each other but since they were dressed differently at the moment, Azren looked less sophisticated than her. Because opposite from her skinny jeans, sneakers, and crop-top, the woman was wearing an all-pink corporate suite. She’s also carrying a large Louis Vuitton shoulder bag that obviously contained her laptop, some office files, expensive perfume, and make-up. Azren’s also carrying a shoulder bag that kept her iPAD, some make-ups, and mostly school stuff, but it was smaller and less expensive than what the former has. Not that it mattered.

“Hey, Had. I didn’t know you’re here.” She stood up to welcome a kiss on the cheek.

“Yeah. I just came here to relax and finish some reports. I was just about to leave when I saw you.” Turning to Uriah, she stretched her hand to introduced herself. “I’m Hadleigh, Azren’s cousin. You are?”

Uriah stood up and politely shook her hand. “Isaac.”

“And you’re her…”

“Boyfriend, Maam.”

Azren sighed. A part of her didn’t want to reveal that. Not to Hadleigh or any of her family.

“Oh! A boyfriend? But what about Gavin?”

“Hadleigh,” she stared at her sharply. “Please show some respect.”

She chuckled apologetically but Azren knew it wasn’t sincere. “Oh, sorry. Where are you from, by the way?”

Oh shit. If this reaches my parents, I’m dead. And I’m sure Hadleigh’s blabbering gossipy mouth will definitely tell my father about this scoop! Ugh! Why did she have to see us here!?

“I’m from Cagayan de Oro. Born and raised.”

Her smiling bitchy face vanished and was replaced by something unexplainable—a mixture of shock and worry? Azren couldn’t read her clearly.

“Cagayan de Oro? That’s in Mindanao, right?” She turned to her cousin. “Are you sure about this Azren? Does Tito know?”

She shrugged. “Don’t worry, Had. I can handle it.”

She huffed and that beautiful bitchy face resurfaced. “Hope so.” She smiled to both of them. “Well, I gotta go. Nice seeing you here.” She kissed her cousin goodbye before turning to Uriah. “Nice meeting you, Isaac.”

He nodded curtly. “You too.”

She strode sexily and confidently outside and once she’s out of sight, Azren frustratingly raked her hair with her hand.

“What’s wrong?” Uriah asked curiously. “You look annoyed.”

“A little.”


“Because of Hadleigh.” She sipped from her water to calm down. “We’re not really close and she was obviously being fake with you. And I’m sure, she’s already judging us poorly.”

“Huh? Why is that?”

She sighed. “Apart from her dislike of me, she’s also ignorant. She’s one of those people who have prejudice against Mindanao.”


“Yeah. Sorry about that. I can’t help but rant.”

“That’s alright. I like your honesty. But does she really dislike you? Why would she greet you with a kiss then?”

She grimaced. “It’s how we were trained to greet each other. But that doesn’t mean we’re close.”

“I see. So, um, what about you? Are you prejudiced about Mindanao too?”

“No. I’m not ignorant. I made use of our internet and researched about Mindanao when I met you. I mean, yes, I’ve been fed with ugly information but I didn’t wanna judge just by that.”

He smiled. A surge of relief and gratefulness filled his heart. “Thank you. That means a lot.”

“Welcome. I’m not close minded as others out there.”

“Thanks. Who’s Gavin, though?”

“You caught that, huh?” She smirked.

“Can’t help to ask. He seems important.”

She nodded. “He’s a close friend that they’re all expecting me to date. Or they probably think that he’s already my boyfriend.”

“And… is that possible? Do you like him?”

“Are you sure you wanna talk about him?”

He nodded. “I wanna know.”

“Hmm. Okay. Well, I once had a crush on him but that’s it. We never really went beyond the friendzone. And he never really said anything about liking me differently, so…” she shrugged.

“Is he close to your family?” She nodded. “Then he’s probably confident that he’ll get you in the end. That’s probably why he’s not taking action for now.”

She snorted. “We can’t tell. Anyway, let’s not talk about him. Let’s focus on our date. I need to be home soon, you know.”

They acted like a normal couple. Holding hands would’ve been awkward but since Azren already did that earlier, it wasn’t much of a big deal. They were also sweet with each other but, of course, there were limitations. She didn’t say it out loud but she would allow him to kiss anywhere on her face except the lips.

When the clock struck 9:00, they finally gathered their things and walked to the nearest parking area to wait for Ramona and Phil. Apart from that, her father called her too. She nervously swiped her phone to answer and kept some distance from Uriah as she talked to him.

“Dad…” Hadleigh, please tell me you didn’t tell him this early.

“Where are you, Azren?” His cold baritone greeted.

“SM, Dad.”

“Come home right away. You have some explaining to do. I’ll send the driver for you.”

Fuck you, Hadleigh! You already told him, huh? Argh! “No need, Dad. I’m with Ramona. Phil will drop us home.”

“Don’t lie, Azren. Hadleigh saw you.”

Sumbongera! “I’m not lying.” She replied calmly. “Yes, I was with someone but Ramona and Phil will pick me up. I’m already at the parking lot waiting for them.”

“Just make sure of that, Az.”

“Yes, Dad. I’ll be there soon.”

The call ended and turning to Uriah, she said, "You look amused."

He took her right hand and twined it with his. "He's quite protective, huh?"

"Of course. I'm the only girl, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," he made her twirl before hugging her from behind. He then rested his chin between her neck and right shoulder. She caressed his arms and shivered when he breathed her scent in and kissed her nape.

Honestly, I'm getting emotional knowing that being with him won't happen again. He'll be flying back to CDO on Monday and even if he promised, I doubt if he could find a time to drop by my school. I won't get my hopes up. Tonight is what should matter to me. I'll enjoy the remaining minutes of our togetherness and make it count.

"Oh, I have something for you." He broke from the hug and fished something out of his pocket.

"What's that?" She asked upon seeing the beige box he's holding.

"Remember when I asked if you like jewelries?" She nodded. "And you said you dislike bracelets and necklaces because they're what is most attractive to snatchers?"

She chuckled and nodded again. Snatchers are not really a problem because she doesn’t commute. She just said that so he wouldn’t know her true state of life.

“Is that a bracelet?” She was perplexed as the silver content materialized.

“No!” He laughed. “You dislike bracelets so I'm giving you an anklet.” Azren fished the jewelry out of its box and scrutinized it. “It’d be difficult for snatchers to steal this from you.”

Two infinity signs are attached to it. "Oh my gosh. Azren Louiza and Isaac Uriah?" She asked upon noticing the engraved names on the signs. "Was this personalized?"

He smiled guiltily. "Did you forget? Yesterday's our friendship monthsary and this is my present."

"Oh? The personalized cake you had for me was enough." He bought her one and she baked her second cake for him.

"Yeah. But we never got the chance to taste the cakes we had for each other."

She smiled. "Actually, I also have something for you."

"Really? What?" He asked in utter surprise. "But let’s get to that later." He took the anklet from her palm and knelt to wrap it around her right leg. "There. Please take care of it." He stood and kissed her on the cheek.

The cold silver felt foreign against her once bare ankle but her skin welcomed that easily. "Thank you. I’ll keep it. Now it's my turn. Forgive me if this was the only thing I could think of giving you." From her bag, she took the small box containing the present that she bought for him two days ago.

"Thank you, Bee." He hugged her again. "Like I told you before… I'm not asking for anything in return."

She broke the hug but kept her arms around his neck while he returned his around her waist. "Thank you for the anklet. But give and take is normal in every relationship, Bee. Get used to it, okay?"

Oh, how pretentious of you, Azren. You’re telling him to get used to it when you’re surely ending this tonight? Girl, you’re evil.

He smiled and nodded. A car's horn blew from a distance and she let him go saying, "That's Phil and Mona." She sounded so weary. This is finally it. We'll forever be apart.

"Hey." He turned and warmly draped his arm around her. "I will miss you. Please don't forget me."

I don't want to promise anything because the moment he leave will also be the moment that I end everything between us. My decision is final. I tried to bring up small talks about his ex but he shrugged it off. And because of that, he has lost his chance.

"Never will I forget." She met his eyes without trembling.

How could I forget someone who's become part of my life? The past can't be edited. History can't be changed. But what I can't promise is to keep our connection. I'm sorry, Uriah, but I need to protect myself from hurting. I dislike secrets. I dislike being lied to. I dislike uncertainties. I need to do this because I could feel that it won't be long until I totally fall in love with you. I was happy being with you but this is our finish line.

This is goodbye.

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