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Uriah: I don't. I'm a one woman man. :)

And so he denied it. Well, it could also be that they've broken up last month. Oh, Azren. Why are you justifying it?

Azren: Really? So, when was the last one and how long were you together?

Tell me the truth, Isaac Uriah! You're getting me pissed!

Uriah: Over a year. But it's been three months since we broke up.

Three months, huh? Liar! The truth is quite transparent through Olivia's posts on Facebook! It was just right that I stalked him prior to my asking because if I hadn't, he would've succeeded in making me believe his lies! Why does he have to invent stories? Why won't he just tell that they've broken up a month ago and because he's still hurting, he's looking for some diversion to ease the pain? I could accept that! At least, it's honest. But this?

Azren: Just recently, then. Why'd you break up?

Uriah: Recent? Three months is already a long time. She cheated.

A long time? Is he trying to convince me that he's moved on in that span of time? Just, wow! Keep pushing it, Martinez, and I might believe you. Ugh. And she did what? Cheat? That's not what I know. That's not what I read.

Azren: You sure? I don't wanna be involved into complications, okay?

Bear that in your mind. If you're having a relationship crisis, don't get me involved!

Uriah: There's really no one, Louiza. Trust me. :)

Trust? I've heard that word several times before and what did it bring me? Heartache. Heartbreak. I am now more cautious and I won't easily fall for that word again. Hurting is not a pleasant feeling. Also, I'm not a masochist nor a martyr.

Azren: Okay. At least you know my sentiments. Tell me if you're with someone because again, I don't like complications.

Uriah: I will. How about you? Do you have a boyfriend?

Azren: Nope. And wow, you only thought of asking me that when I asked you about having a girlfriend, huh?

Uriah: I didn't ask because you didn't turn me down in the first place. So I assumed that there were no complications. :)

Point taken. Yes, in his part there are no complications. I'm not in a relationship nor flings. Oh, wait. What about Gavin then? Nope! He’s not a complication. I’m sure about that. We may look like a couple but we’re definitely not. He never said anything about having feelings for me, so that means we’re just friends. So, yeah, Uriah, you’re safe. But how about in my part? I find it unfair that he still have issues with that girl Olivia. Even if he doesn't tell, I can sense that there's still something unfinished between the two of them.

Uriah: When was the last time you had one?

Azren: Over a year ago. How many exes do you have?

Uriah: That's quite a long time. Don't you miss being committed? I had four exes. You?

Of course, I miss the feeling of being committed. The feeling of being cared and being loved by someone. But I must admit that I enjoyed the freedom of being single because when I was with Tristan, I felt suffocated. I felt caged that I craved for freedom. Besides, Gavin takes care of me, so that’s filled.

Azren: I know. Well, I can fend for myself. I don't need to be always in a relationship to keep living. I only had one ex. :)

Uriah: Really?

Azren: Yes. I focused in school when my grades lowered because of what happened with my relationship.

Uriah: You were that affected? If you don't mind, what happened?

Azren: He cheated. He slept with one of his friends. And he never did it with other girls. Only her. And worse? The girl and I knew each other. He actually asked me to do it with him but I declined. I maybe in love but I wasn't naive. And still not.

Uriah: You mean… no offense, but you've never been touched?

She chuckled. Why would I be offended? We're grown, matured people and talking about these things are normal.

Azren: Is it really that shocking? Lol. Proudly yes. How about you?

I guess he's already experienced. I won't judge. He's a guy. But he'd be more admirable if he hadn't tried it yet. Because such men are rare nowadays. And I dream of a man like that. A man who would wait until marriage before doing the act. Because I consider it sacred.

Uriah: Believe it or not I haven't done it yet. :)

Azren: Oh? Admit it. I won't judge. Haha. You're a guy and you have needs.

Uriah: See? I knew you wouldn't believe me. But it's true. I haven't. There were times that I wanted to but I gathered all of my courage not to be tempted. I don't wanna be a young dad, you know.

She smiled a little. If what he's saying is true then I admire him. With his looks, I'm sure that a number of women desires to be laid by him. But if he was able to resist the temptation, then, wow! He's a one in a million man.

Azren: Well. Whatever. But here's one thing I can tell you. If you haven't done it yet, then I admire you. :)

Uriah: I guess I deserved that. :)

Azren: Lol. So why haven't you done it?

Yes, I'm interested. It's just so difficult to believe when he'd been in a relationship four times.

Uriah: Reserved for my future wife. :)

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