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“Ramona, don’t you want to visit CDO? You haven’t been there, right?” Azren asked as they shopped together for shoes a week after the family gathering.

“I’m planning to after I graduate. You wanna come?”

“Hmm. I would have to go through some argument with my parents before that. And if I ever make it there in secret, I’ll still be fighting with them when I return.”

“They’re still afraid?” She chuckled. “My father’s relatives are living peacefully there, Az. I can prove that to your parents.”

“I know, Mons. I believe you. But there’s something else other than their prejudice. I think something very personal is causing all of this wariness. And I’m itching to know.”

“And you’ll keep going against them if you push it, right?” She nodded. “Do you think it’s worth it? I mean, I’m saddened about how close-minded they are but maybe they’re doing this for your own good. Remember, Az, you came from a rich family, so they’re probably just being protective.”

She returned the black stilettos she tried on and replied, “Don’t be ridiculous, Mon. We’re rich but we’re not famous. And if there’s danger then why are we freely moving around Manila?” 

She shrugged. “You never know. If I were you, Az, I’ll drop it. I don’t think it’s worth defying your parents for. Besides, what are you fighting for? Unless you’re in a serious relationship with someone from there then I’d understand you. But you’re not, right? You’re not even friends with Uriah anymore.”

She sighed. “Well, yeah. I guess you’re right.”


Fine. I love them and even if I hate their poor judgments, I guess I just have to accept the fact that as long as I’m under their care, I’ll never have the chance to visit anywhere in Mindanao. Someday, though, I’ll fly there and explore. For now, I’ll finish school and work on my career. Besides, I’m quite contented with my life here in Manila. It’s not perfect but I’m definitely content. I mean, it would be greater if all of my paternal relatives made me feel that I belong with them but that void has been easily filled by my maternal relatives, so I try not to dwell on it so much. Their love and acceptance for me is more than enough.

Since I was a kid, I’ve always been close to the Natividads, and growing up, we got used to doing almost everything together. Shopping, watching movies, partying, getting crazy, travelling, playing videogames, working out, and even when our male cousins play basketball, us ladies would always watch and cheer for them. We’re also very protective of each other. In short, we treat each other as siblings and not cousins.

There are thirteen of us in total. A lot to handle but we make sure that when me meet, everybody is present. Thankfully, our ages are close, hence, nobody is left out of place.

They’re one of the best things I have in my life. My treasured family. My beloved relatives that I will never trade for any riches in this world. The people that made me believe that my life is perfect even if it’s actually not.

And that is why, it shattered me when I learned that I don’t have a single drop of their precious blood. When I learned that the perfect life I thought I had was a lie. When I learned of the answer to my frustration about why I, my parents’ only daughter, did not resemble her beautiful mom.

“Is this true?” She asked, scanning the crowd.

A woman stood across her, claiming that she’s her biological mother. That she had to come here and reveal the truth because Albert and Elvira hid it all these years.

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