Tour Bus

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"Are you sure you have everything you need?" My dad questioned me as he handed me my suitcase from the boot of the car

"Yes dad," I smiled at him

"If you need anything be sure to text your mum or I, ask Brad too, got it?"

"Dad, I've got it," I sighed, embracing my dad into a quick hug before he hopped back into the drivers seat of the car

"I'll see you soon, stay safe, love you." He went on to call out as he drove away, beeping the horn as he left the car park of Genting Arena. Smiling to myself, I walked towards the three tour buses that stood infront of me to find Joe and New Hope Club stood by one of them as they awaited my arrival

"Ah, there you are," Joe mumbled as I approached them

"You took you time," Blake grinned with a wink

"Sorry, dad was holding me back, I swear he made me check my suitcase near enough five times before being certain I had everything I need...He asked me again just now." I giggled, replaying this mornings hectic rush in my head.

"Well at least you're here now," Joe concluded. "The boys will show you round the bus, you can go and see your brother in a bit too, he's working on a song with Connor at the moment so I think it's best not to disturb them."

"Oh, okay."

"Are you ready to have a look at where you'll be staying then?" Reece questioned with a smile. I nodded and followed all three boys onto the large red bus, hauling my suitcase up the stairs with the help of Blake

"What do you have in there?" He questioned me "It's so heavy!"

"Girls will be girls Blake," I laughed

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll figure it out sooner or later," I smirked as we reached the top of the stairs

"Right, you probably want to put your suitcase away for now. Let's take you to your bunk now so you can put your bag away," Reece suggested. I nodded in agreement, and followed him towards the bunks, three of which had already been take up. "Okay, this one's the spare one. I'm on the bunk ontop , Blake is next to you, and George is onto of Blake.

"Okay, sounds good," I smiled as I placed my bags onto the spare bunk.

"I guess we should start the tour from the front of the bus," Reece went onto say

"Sounds good to me," I smiled, following the three boys back to the front of the bus where they began the tour

"And last but not least, this is quite cool. Basically you can sit here and look outside this window, but no one stood outside can see you," George concluded

"Ooo that is quite cool," I smiled. Although, the tour of the bus took about fifteen minutes as the three boys went into depth on the different parts of where I, alongside them would be living for the next few weeks. "Do you come up here often?"

"I'm up here quite a bit, it's nice to get away from those two." George laughed

"Are you saying we annoy you?" Blake questioned


"Ouch, that hurts man," Blake lowered his voice and placed his hand on his heart

"Sorry." George smiled, punching Blake lightly on his arm

"Don't worry, I'll just be extra sure not to talk to you anymore," Blake smiled

"Fine by me." George challenged him

"Gosh, I'm surprised it isn't Reece wanting to get away from the both of you, you're so childish!" I laughed

"As am I Maia, as am I," Reece smiled at me as both George and Blake looked at the two of us with blank expressions on their faces.

"You weren't saying that the other night when we were on our da-"

YOUR WAY OUTSIDE WHILST I ROUND UP EVERYONE ELSE!" The conversation was cut short by the sound of Joe as he shouted through the tour bus. All four of us trudged down she stairs of the bus as made our way onto the lower level before making our way down one last staircase and onto the concrete. We joined The Tide in whom I hadn't yet met whilst we waited for everyone else to gather round.

"So are you the girl Blake's dating?" A member of The Tide in whom had clearly dyed his hair asked me

"Uh-we're just good friends, we went on a date but that's it," I mumbled, not quite sure how to react

"Aw cute, well I'm Nate, that's Drew, Austin and Levi." He individually pointed out the other members of the band in whom all smiled and said 'hi'

"I'm Maia, nice to meet you,"

"Aren't you Brad's sister too?" Nate questioned

"Yeah, that's me," I giggled, and, as if on cue, my older brother turned up alongside Connor, James and Tristan

"What are you doing here?" He questioned once he saw me

"Hi to you too," I muttered

"Sorry, I just didn't expect to see you here," Brad hugged me

"Joe, mum and dad arranged something so that I was allowed to come on tour with you lot. I'm sleeping on the same bus as New Hope Club."

"Did you choose to sleep in there?"

"No, it was the only bus that had a spare bunk left so I was put in there,"

"Right, well no messing around with Blake," Brad winked

"BRAD! Don't say that!" I exclaimed, placing my face into the palms of my hands in embarrassment and his comment. "We're not even together."

"That doesn't mean anything."

"Well I can assure you now that we won't go forth and do what you're implying."

"Mmm, whatever you say," he teased, causing me to hit his arm

"Alright you two, break it out." Brad and I were interrupted by Joe as he came and stood in the circle. "Okay, so our next stop is Newcastle. New Hope Club's bus will pull into the venu first. You boys are free to go and take photos with any fans but will be evacuated after about twenty minutes. Maia, fans may become suspicious if they see you so as soon as the bus pulls up, there will be a security guard standing by the steps of the bus, allowing the boys to pass one way, and you behind him. You'll then be taken inside the venue.

"Okay," I smiled in approval of what I had just been told.

"The next bus will be The Tides, shortly followed by The Vamps' and the stage crews. Like I said beforehand, you are all allowed to go and talk to your fans, but after twenty minutes you'll be taken inside so don't spend too long with one person. We'll be leaving in about half an hour so make sure you have everything you need before we set off." Joe concluded.

"Can we leave now?" Tristan questioned

"Yes, yes you can." Joe sighed as people broke out into quiet giggles.

"I'll see you later, have fun." I looked to my right to see my brother looking down at me, his arms outstretched as I quickly hugged him before scurrying off to join Blake as he waited for me before the two of us climbed onto the bus, making our way to the games room at the very back where we joined Reece and George in whom has already set up a game of FIFA.

Sorry about the wait! I've had so much going on and over the past few days I haven't been feeling myself. Comment, vote, add to your libraries X

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